This is turniptree’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Yokohama, Japan
  2. Electronic
  1. collection 41
  2. wishlist 2100
  3. followers 7
  4. following 681
  1. Hz
    by The Microgram
  2. Inside at Night
    by Sangam
  3. 現象 Phenomenon
    by Iacon
  4. 穏​や​か​な​心​の​中​で
  5. As We Watch the Sky
    by Illusionary ドリーミング
  6. Hz
    by The Microgram
  7. You Forget This (Deep Dreampunk Edition)
    by Sangam
  8. Dreaming Machines
    by Kuroi Ame x Eulalie
  9. Water Science
    by d o w n s t a t e
  10. An Image of You Below
    by Kagami Smile
  11. Virtual Essentials, Vol. V
    by Various Artists
  12. Waves of Inner Peace
    by Project Vainiolla
  13. FLOOR—122
    by 沙漠里的沙子晚上很温暖
  14. Intrusion Countermeasures Electronics
    by phazma
  15. Since You Came Into My Life
    by Lounge 2 Function, Monolithic
  16. New Twilight Music Vol. 1
    by Midwest Collective
  17. Here And Now EP
    by Monolithic
  18. More Than Existence
    by Sangam
  19. Allstars☆ VI
    by Various Artists
  20. Allstars☆ V
    by Various Artists