Regal furniture: Redefining home décor in Bangladesh:
আমাদের সম্পর্কে
Regal is a sister concern of RFL under BBML. Among a lot of products, BBML has added REGAL Furniture in its product category. Regal as a brand already attracted the customer's attention. Regal is a very sophisticated brand at present. We face huge demand every month. But Regal brand was established in 2012, in this short period of time Regal has been a popular brand to the mass.
- ওয়েবসাইট
এর জন্য বহিঃসংযোগ Regal Furniture
- ইন্ডাস্ট্রি
- Furniture and Home Furnishings Manufacturing
- কোম্পানির আকার
- 10,001+ কর্মচারী
- সদর দপ্তর
- Dhaka, Dhaka
Proud to announce the release of our 12 new OVCs featuring our exquisite sofa range. Discover comfort, style, and innovation in every piece. Check out our campaign on digital platforms, TV, and media! Youtube Playlist: #SofaCollection #NewLaunch #InnovationInComfort #Comfy #Sylish #Divine
Proud to announce the release of our 12 new OVCs featuring our exquisite sofa range. Discover comfort, style, and innovation in every piece. Check out our campaign on digital platforms, TV, and media! Youtube Playlist: #SofaCollection #NewLaunch #InnovationInComfort #Comfy #Sylish #Divine
We are proud to export Camp Chair to Japan. The world believes in Japan's quality and Japan believes in Regal. #regal #export #campchair #bangladeshtojapan #proudbangladesh