Dear Vincent Verbeke, CEO of Engie, is this serious ? The same day Luminus / EDF announces that they are ready to take over the existing Belgian nuclear reactors, your company doesn’t anymore exclude to continue to be a Belgian nuclear operator. 100TWh doesn’t trust this sudden change in the Engie’s strategy and asks the minister of energy to look for an alternative nuclear operator.
Research Services
Bruxelles, Région de Bruxelles-Capitale 941 followers
Group of Belgian citizens for the revaluation and the development of nuclear energy in Belgium and in Europe
About us
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External link for 100TWh
- Industry
- Research Services
- Company size
- 11-50 employees
- Headquarters
- Bruxelles, Région de Bruxelles-Capitale
- Type
- Nonprofit
- Founded
- 2017
- Specialties
- renewable, nuclear, and energy
Bruxelles, Région de Bruxelles-Capitale 1000, BE
Employees at 100TWh
ENGIE CAN BE REPLACED AS NUCLEAR OPÉRATOR. Luminus/ EDF Belgium announces to be ready to build new reactors in Belgium, AND to operate all the existing reactors which are still compétitive.
The French High Commissioner for Atomic Energy, Vincent Berger, believes that France's decarbonisation target is unattainable. In his view, the target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 (‘Fit for 55’), which is a legal obligation for European Union countries, is ‘too ambitious’ for France and ‘will not be achieved’. Are we continuing to head straight for the wall, or are we drawing up a serious, realistic plan?
This is another evidence of the amateurism of the government Van Der Straeten - Decroo. They publish a law to solve one problem while neglecting its effect on the whole sector.
How can we explain that Belgian media give so much attention to a small group of anti nuclear activists, while neglecting hundreds of citizens demonstrating 4 weeks ago to support this technology ? Moreover, we have several times demonstrated that the arguments of this tiny group of activists are totally inconsistent.
100TWh's reaction to Engie CEO's statements <NL versie onderaan> De nombreux citoyens contestent les déclarations de Vincent Verbeke, CEO d’Engie, dans le Trends du 14 février dernier. NON, les renouvelables n’offrent pas une énergie abordable et fiable aux clients belges. Par contre, elles permettent opportunément au groupe gazier français de vendre beaucoup de gaz, et de rentabiliser rapidement sa centrale au gaz des Awirs. Les citoyens représentés par l’association 100TWh se mobilisent donc pour qu’un opérateur national reprenne rapidement le parc nucléaire belge, et leur fournisse une électricité bon marché et décarbonée. <voir article ci-joint => -------------- <NL versie> Heel wat burgers betwisten de uitspraken van Vincent Verbeke, CEO van Engie, in Trends op 14 februari. NEE, hernieuwbare energie biedt geen betaalbare en betrouwbare energie aan Belgische klanten. Maar ze stellen de Franse gasgroep wel in staat om veel gas te verkopen en zijn gascentrale van Awirs snel rendabel te maken. De burgers die vertegenwoordigd worden door de vereniging 100TWh voeren daarom campagne voor de spoedige overname van de Belgische nucleaire vloot door een nationale operator die hen goedkope en koolstofarme elektriciteit kan leveren. <zie bijgevoegd artikel =>
A great day for 100TWh ! The conservation of our nuclear reactors, that we have been asking in our legal action, and which has been refused by the judge, is now ready to become a law !
EU Electricity Production in 2024 - nuclear = 618 TWh (25%) - Variable Renewables = 696 TWh (28%) - Dispatchable Renewables = 429 TWh (18%) - Fossil fuels = 696 TWh (29%) Source =
EU electricity production in january 2025. Can be found on
EU-27 in January 2025. Also, consider that the EU-27 subsidizes renewables by 80 - 90 bn euros per year while nuclear receives 4-5 bn euros per year, and renewables has a lifespan of 20-30 years (to be kind) while nuclear has 60 - 80 years (achieved, pushing towards 100 years). Renewables uses approximately 20 times more materials than nuclear per TWh produced, and uses several hundred times more area than nuclear. Nuclear offers almost the double amount of thermal rest heat (compared to the electric component shown below) that can be used while renewables offer none. Nuclear does not depend on the weather while most renewables in the figure are driven by the weather. This seems like a fairly obvious choice to me.
Thanks to our new Minister of Energy, Mathieu Bihet, Belgium is now a full member of the EU Nuclear Alliance. We look forward for the next logical step to recover from the dark years of nuclear energy : the abrogation of the nuclear phaseout law !
Sous mon impulsion, la Belgique quitte son statut de simple observateur pour devenir membre à part entière de l’Alliance du nucléaire. 🇧🇪🤝🇪🇺 En tournant la page de décennies d’hésitations, notre pays fait aujourd’hui le choix de se positionner comme un acteur de premier plan du nucléaire européen !