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D2E proudly announces its third investment since the launch of D2E III last summer. D2E completes the acquisition of Nestor - hét uitzendkantoor voor gepensioneerden en 60+, the leading temporary employment agency for 60-plus and retirees in both Belgium and the Netherlands. Active in a niche with a unique digital-first-approach, Nestor smartly capitalizes on the aging population and the growing demand for flexible work. More and more retirees continue working after retirement, a trend that is gaining momentum across Europe and significantly driving growth in Nestor's market. We would like to thank Mathieu Vandenhende, Nicolas Moerman, and Integra Partners for their trust in D2E. We look forward to further expanding the Nestor model across Europe together. VDP was advisor on the transaction, and D2E was advised by Argo Law (legal) and LDS Advisory (finance/tax).