Meet Markus Sommer, one of the speakers at the EDA Annual Convention in Venice, and his presentation: 'The Chromium (VI) regulatory paradox – colorful into the lungs'. Can't wait to hear it! 👁️ Learn more about the program and the rest of presentations here:
Chromate expert | Innovator of Kavarmat® – Cleansulation® technology | Holistic solutions for the analysis, decontamination and substitution of chromate-contaminated equipment in power generation
Chromium (VI) formation not only in high-temperature insulation, but also in paints and coatings - the scandal is growing, the regulatory paradox is dangerous. Before starting any work where there is a risk of hazardous substances being released, a risk assessment must be carried out. This can be stressful, but ultimately you want to keep your employees. If you were asked where your risk assessment papers are, would you have them available? Carcinogenic chromium (VI) compounds (chromates) are not only formed when working with common insulation materials and systems, chromium (VI) is also found in many older paints and coatings. In both cases, due to a lack of knowledge and in some cases deliberate disinformation, incorrect and fatal decisions are being made. I will be speaking about these issues at the Association EDA annual meeting in Venice in June and hopefully bring light into the dark - to prevent colorful Cr6-dust being inhaled into the lungs 🫁