

Medical Equipment Manufacturing

Strombeek-Bever, Flemish Region 7,299 followers

Belgian federation of medical technologies | Adding value to healthcare through medical technology

About us

beMedTech unites the manufacturers and distributors of medical devices in Belgium. By using medical technology, we help improve the quality of care for patients and support healthcare providers in their work. That's how we add value to healthcare.

Medical Equipment Manufacturing
Company size
2-10 employees
Strombeek-Bever, Flemish Region


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    Romeinsesteenweg 468

    Strombeek-Bever, Flemish Region 1853, BE

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    Het hybride zorgpad voor diabetes type 2 bij VRT NWS! Het is een erkenning voor het vele en harde werk van iedereen die bij dit project betrokken is 👏. In het artikel legt dokter Joris Rötgens van AZ Maria Middelares mooi uit hoe hybride zorg eruitziet voor de betrokken patiënten: 1️⃣ Met behulp van medische technologie meten patiënten hun bloedsuikerspiegel en bloeddruk 4 maal per dag. 2️⃣ De data worden automatisch doorgestuurd naar een zorgcentrale, waar zorgmedewerkers de gegevens monitoren. 3️⃣ Blijkt uit de gegevens dat er iets niet klopt, dan schiet een medewerker van de centrale in actie en zorgt hij of zij voor de juiste opvolging met de patiënt. "Patiënten kunnen de data ook zelf voortdurend consulteren en worden zo meer betrokken bij het eigen ziekteverloop. Zo zijn ze meer gemotiveerd", vertelt dokter Rötgens bij VRT NWS. En de patiënt? "Vroeger zag ik enkel of ik te hoog of te laag stond en moest ik gokken wat ik moest doen. Nu bellen ze me zelf op en krijg ik deskundige raad. Dat geeft toch een veiliger gevoel", getuigt diabetespatiënt Ronny. 🧐 Wil je meer weten over de nieuwe aanpak voor diabetes type 2 die momenteel wordt getest in verschillende ziekenhuizen? Lees dan zeker ook dit artikel op onze website, met Dorien Vandormael en Stef Schots: #hybridezorg #diabetes #medtechmatters Lieselotte Sandra i-mens FOD Volksgezondheid, Veiligheid van de Voedselketen en Leefmilieu Z-plus

    Opgebeld worden met tips wanneer je bloedsuikerspiegel te hoog is? Ziekenhuizen testen nieuwe aanpak voor diabetes type 2

    Opgebeld worden met tips wanneer je bloedsuikerspiegel te hoog is? Ziekenhuizen testen nieuwe aanpak voor diabetes type 2

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    What better day than European Laboratory Day to highlight the invaluable work of all professionals involved in medical laboratories? Each day, more than 190 certified medical labs in Belgium process hundreds of thousands of in-vitro diagnostic tests. While this work often goes unnoticed by most, it delivers critical insights that guide clinical decisions and plays a crucial role in ensuring the best care for every patient. 🧭 To quote Julie HOTTON, head of clinical biology at Europa Ziekenhuizen: "IVDs are like a GPS for healthcare teams—steering them toward the best possible care paths for their patients." Thank you to everyone involved in this essential work! 🙏 Want to learn more about the role of medical laboratories and IVDs as a compass for appropriate care? Check out the full interview with Julie Hotton on our website: 👉 in French: 👉 in Dutch: #diagnostics #europeanlaboratoryday #medtechmatters #invitrodiagnostics

    • Quote from Julie Hotton, head of clinical biology at Europa Hospitals, on the importance of IVDs for clinical decision making.
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    ✋ To everyone in the medtech sector seeking greater insight into hospital financing in Belgium: register now for our beMedTech Academy session on 18 December! On that day, Professor Katrien Kesteloot will deliver a masterclass on hospital financing tailored for medical devices professionals. 🎓 Professor Kesteloot is a true authority on the subject. She serves as Chief Financial Officer at UZ Leuven and lectures on financial management in healthcare and health financing systems at KU Leuven. She is also a visiting professor at the Healthcare Management Centre of the Vlerick Business School. Additionally, she is a member of the advisory board of the Federal Council for Hospital Facilities and the chair of Emmaus. 👉 You can register for the masterclass here: #beMedTechAcademy #hospitalfinancing #medicaldevices

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    Het hybride zorgpad voor diabetes type 2 bij VRT NWS! Het is een erkenning voor het vele en harde werk van iedereen die bij dit project betrokken is 👏. In het artikel legt dokter Joris Rötgens van AZ Maria Middelares mooi uit hoe hybride zorg eruitziet voor de betrokken patiënten: 1️⃣ Met behulp van medische technologie meten patiënten hun bloedsuikerspiegel en bloeddruk 4 maal per dag. 2️⃣ De data worden automatisch doorgestuurd naar een zorgcentrale, waar zorgmedewerkers de gegevens monitoren. 3️⃣ Blijkt uit de gegevens dat er iets niet klopt, dan schiet een medewerker van de centrale in actie en zorgt hij of zij voor de juiste opvolging met de patiënt. "Patiënten kunnen de data ook zelf voortdurend consulteren en worden zo meer betrokken bij het eigen ziekteverloop. Zo zijn ze meer gemotiveerd", vertelt dokter Rötgens bij VRT NWS. En de patiënt? "Vroeger zag ik enkel of ik te hoog of te laag stond en moest ik gokken wat ik moest doen. Nu bellen ze me zelf op en krijg ik deskundige raad. Dat geeft toch een veiliger gevoel", getuigt diabetespatiënt Ronny. 🧐 Wil je meer weten over de nieuwe aanpak voor diabetes type 2 die momenteel wordt getest in verschillende ziekenhuizen? Lees dan zeker ook dit artikel op onze website, met Dorien Vandormael en Stef Schots: #hybridezorg #diabetes #medtechmatters Lieselotte Sandra i-mens FOD Volksgezondheid, Veiligheid van de Voedselketen en Leefmilieu Z-plus

    Opgebeld worden met tips wanneer je bloedsuikerspiegel te hoog is? Ziekenhuizen testen nieuwe aanpak voor diabetes type 2

    Opgebeld worden met tips wanneer je bloedsuikerspiegel te hoog is? Ziekenhuizen testen nieuwe aanpak voor diabetes type 2

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    Who said #patientempowerment? We've been talking about empowering patients for years in healthcare, but how do we actually put this into practice? Simple, by literally putting the patient in co-control (*). That's exactly what Professor Guy HANS has been doing for months now at the pain center of UZA. After registering, patients stop at the self-parameterisation kiosk from BeWell Innovations. There, they measure certain parameters themselves, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation. The data automatically land in the electronic patient record, where the doctor can access them. But that's only part of the process. Patients also receive a printout to take with them to their consultation. The biggest advantage of these printouts? By seeing the results themselves and receiving them on paper, patients experience a more direct relationship between their behaviour and its impact. "It feels completely different from when your healthcare provider tells you that your blood pressure is too high," says Prof. Hans. "And when you see that the values are going in the wrong direction, you're more likely to feel responsible and take action." Empowering patients doesn't need to be complex. It starts with small steps: taking patients seriously and really involving them in their own care. You can read the interview with Prof. Guy Hans on our website: 👉 in Dutch: 👉 in French: (*) "In control together" ("Samen aan het stuur") is also the name of a campaign currently run by Patient Empowerment VZW. #medtechmatters #medicaltechnology Vlaams Patiëntenplatform vzw Ligue des Usagers des Services de Santé - LUSS asbl Patient Expert Center

    In UZA meten patiënten hun vitale parameters zelf

    In UZA meten patiënten hun vitale parameters zelf

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    📢 Call for innovation projects    Are you looking for funding to contribute to the secondary use of health data in an innovative way? The Health Data Agency is actively seeking innovative projects that:   • Are in line with the vision of the Health Data Agency  • Facilitate the development and management of data in the health(care) sector  • Have potential to be deployed in a broader scope ⏰ Applications must be submitted via email using the funding request form (see link below) before the 15th of November. 💡 For further information on the general context, the evaluation criteria and the request form, visit the HDA website:   We look forward to receiving your innovative proposals to advance healthcare data management and utilization.    #HealthInnovation, #InnovationProject, #InnovationFunding  

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    📽 Throwback Tuesday. Our event "Rethinking Diabetes Care: From Innovation to New Care Models," co-organised with E-Health Venture earlier this month, brought together a vibrant mix of expertise, skills, and vision. The main takeaway? 💡 From prevention and diagnosis to treatment and follow-up, medical technologies offer great potential for diabetes care. However, integrating these solutions into new care models is key to making a real impact. By organising multistakeholder events like this, we aim to foster that process, helping to move "from pilots to practice"—in diabetes care and the management of other chronic diseases. 👀 Stay tuned for a more in-depth recap of the event, where we will highlight the key discussions. P.S. Kudos to Jenne Cattoor for the nice video! 🙏 #medtechmatters #diabetescare #chroniccare Ann Broché Steven Vandeput, PhD. Erlend Debast Sabrina Suetens

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    "Lukas Hoort Erbij" or in English "Lukas' Magical Ears" is the title of this new children's book. It tells the story of Lukas, a young football player, who was born deaf and wears bilateral cochlear implants. Lukas is convinced that even with a hearing problem, you can play with friends, play sports and have fun. 💡 Today, 460 million people worldwide have a hearing problem. By 2050, the World Health Organization expects that number to rise to 711 million, or almost 1 in 4 people globally. Luckily, medical technologies like hearing aids and cochlear implants can help people with hearing challenges to live a full life. Young Lukas is a great example. 📣 Through their book, Hilde, Olga, and Rob want to share a clear message: let's all work together to ensure that hearing problems are no longer an obstacle to hobbies, work, playing with friends, and much more. Therefore:  👉  Let's address hearing problems earlier 👉  Let's end the taboo surrounding hearing solutions 👉  Let's never stigmatise anyone for having a hearing problem (or any other characteristic that makes someone ‘different’) Are you already looking for gifts for Santa-Claus or Christmas? The book is available at Standaard Boekhandel, or you can order it through this link:  ❣ Part of the proceeds will go to G-sport Vlaanderen, the Flemish sports federation for people with disabilities, psychological vulnerabilities, or chronic conditions. #medtechmatters #qualityoflife #inclusion

    • The children's book "Lukas' Magical Ears" tells the story of young Lukas, a football player wearing cochlear implants.
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    Annoying arm pain after that (flu) vaccine? The Antwerp-based start-up IDEVAX aims to eliminate this with a new medical device: a special adapter that allows vaccines to be administered into the skin instead of the muscle. 💡 Vaccinologist Isabel Leroux-Roels explained to VRT how it works. In summary, vaccinating through the skin is technically more challenging, which is why many vaccines are administered into the muscle. With its adapter that simplifies "skin vaccinations", Idevax aims to change that. And avoiding muscle pain is just one advantage. 🤏 With skin vaccinations, a smaller vaccine dose is required to achieve an immune response compared to muscle vaccinations. To put it in numbers: only one-tenth of the dose needed for muscle injection. The adapter thus helps conserve vaccine supplies, which is important, for example, during vaccine shortages. The solution cannot be applied for all vaccinations though, as skin administration is not the best option for every vaccine. ⏱ What about timing? Idevax hopes to receive the CE mark by the end of this year and bring its solution to the market soon after. 👏 It’s fantastic to see the winner of the 2024 Galenus Prize for the most innovative medical device continue to make progress. Kudos! #medtechmatters #GalenusPrize #healthcareinnovation

    • Antwerp company is working on an adapter for vaccine syringes, VRT NWS
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    What does the future of #cancercare in Belgium look like? That’s the theme of All.Can Belgium’s conference, “Cancer Care: The Future is Now”, on 6 November. 🎙 Our advisor, Steven Vandeput, PhD., will deliver the keynote for the expert panel on digital technologies as a “compagnon de route” for patients, healthcare professionals, and healthcare organisations. But that’s only one facet of medtech in cancer care. Various medical technologies play a role at every stage of the journey, from prevention, screening, and diagnosis to treatment, monitoring, and aftercare. Think of infection prevention devices, in-vitro diagnostics, medical imaging equipment, robotic surgery tools, and more. 🙌 We’re looking forward to sharing our insights during this multistakeholder event on cancer care and learning from others. 👉 You can register HERE: #cancercare #medtechmatters MedTech Europe

    • Keynote speaker announcement for the event "Cancer Care: the Future is Now" on 6 November 2024

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