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Public Policy

The united voice of EU farmers and agri-cooperatives, advocating for a strong farming sector in the EU.

About us

Copa-Cogeca is the united voice of farmers and their cooperatives in the European Union Copa-Cogeca’s mission: - Defending the general interests of agriculture - Maintaining and developing relations with EU-institutions as well as with representative organisations at EU level - Finding solutions that are in the common interest More than 50 years of experience: Copa - over 23 million farmers and their families Cogeca - 22 000 agri-cooperatives Speaking with the same voice through a common Secretariat in Brussels Over 70 member organisations from the EU MS and 30 partner organisations

Public Policy
Company size
11-50 employees
Agriculture policies, European Union, Farmers representation, Farming, Agriculture, and EU law


Employees at COPA COGECA


  • OPINION PIECE - Today marks exactly one month since Christophe Hansen presented the European Commission's Vision for the Future of Agriculture. Among the many measures announced was the renewed ambition to create a European Protein Plan. Stephan Arens, Chair of COPA COGECA Oilseeds & Protein Crops Working Party, highlights why this long-awaited plan—previously envisioned by Agri. Commissioners Phil Hogan and Janusz Wojciechowski—is more crucial than ever and outlines the key measures the sector expects. Read the full piece on our website>>>

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  • 🌟 Celebrating Cooperative Leadership! Yesterday, at the Cooperative Leadership Forum “The Cooperative Model 2030: Challenges and Solutions” organised by Cooperatives Europe, our first Vice-President of #COGECA, Agnieszka Maliszewska, was honored with an award for her leadership in promoting the cooperative model. This award recognises her many years of dedication to developing, promoting, and supporting the cooperative sector in Poland and across Europe. Agnieszka Maliszewska is deeply involved in initiatives that strengthen the role of cooperatives in the economy and actively supports educational and legislative efforts to foster their growth. 👏 Congratulations, Agnieszka Maliszewska ! 🎉

    View profile for Agnieszka Maliszewska

    Dairy sector expert in Poland - Director Polish Chamber of Milk; 1st vice President COGECA; CEO First Communications (International dairy consulting)

    COOP Cooperatives Europe zorganizowało Forum Liderów Spółdzielczości #Bruksela podczas którego miałam przyjemność reprezentować COPA COGECA jako wiceprezydent COGECA. Dyskusja o roli europejskich spółdzielni, rosnących wyzwaniach, potrzebie edukacji i kształcenia kadr oraz korzystania z nowoczesnych rozwiązań. A przy okazji miła niespodzianka - rzeczywiście nie spodziewałam się, że na takim poziomie zostanie dostrzeżona moja praca na rzecz promocji modelu spółdzielczości. Polska Izba Mleka International Dairy Community Forum

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  • ⚠️ The EU Council's position on fertiliser tariffs disregards farmers' concerns Today, in COREPER, the Council adopted its position in preparation for negotiations with the European Parliament on the European Commission's proposal to impose gradual tariffs on fertiliser imports from Russia and Belarus. Since the release of the Commission’s proposal, Copa and Cogeca have consistently warned European co-legislators about the significant risks this presents to European agriculture and food security. However, this proposal—introduced without a proper impact assessment—offers neither short-term solutions nor a clear medium-to-long-term strategy for sourcing alternatives. As a result, Copa and Cogeca are dismayed and deeply concerned by the Council’s position, which fails to make substantial progress beyond the Commission’s original proposal. Fertilisers are critical for crop and pasture growth and represent a major cost for European farmers. This issue is crucial for food security and sovereignty. The EU cannot afford to take risks with its agricultural input supply. 📢 As the European Parliament prepares to vote, we urge policymakers to take the sector’s concerns seriously.

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  • 🪴 NGTs – Copa and Cogeca welcome a landmark decision by the Council ! Today, Member States in COREPER agreed on a negotiation mandate for the future regulation of #NGTs in the EU. This long-awaited move could revitalise seed production and provide farmers & cooperatives with access to more resilient crop varieties, improving yields & reducing input use. However, sustainability assessment must remain within PRM legislation to ensure real benefits. Concluding the first reading on PRM before the end of the Polish presidency of the Council of the European Union is crucial for progress. Now, the Council & Parliament must reach a final agreement. Expectations on the ground remain high – swift progress is needed! Full Statement >>>

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  • Copa and Cogeca are alarmed by the escalation in #trade tensions between the 🇪🇺 and the 🇺🇸 and the potentially destructive impacts this can have on EU's agri-food sector. ❌Agri-food sector should not be a bargaining chip in disputes that don't concern it. The trade success story of EU's agri-food sector built over decades with important investments and efforts, should not been taken for granted.🧑🌾 📞We call for the EU and the US administrations to engage in a constructive dialogue that would avoid further escalation and retaliation. As two of the world's largest agricultural producers, consumers, and exporters, there are many synergies to be found in trade between the EU and the US and that should be the focus of further engagement. Next week a Copa and Cogeca delegation will be visiting Washington DC in an effort to build bridges, foster understanding and further strengthen the long-standing collaboration with our American colleagues.🤝

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  • In line with the vision for the future of agriculture, numerous issues affecting European agriculture were discussed this morning in the European Parliament’s plenary session in the presence of Commissioner Christophe Hansen. The European Commission’s shift in approach with its Vision—aiming to better reflect on-the-ground realities—was evident in the Parliament, where we saw a richer and more constructive debate. Like many MEPs, we agree that the vision presented by Christophe Hansen is a positive starting point, correctly identifying key challenges related to the internal market and geopolitics. However, as highlighted in many interventions, several critical questions remain unanswered—particularly around two major issues discussed this morning: ❓ The balance between our agricultural ambitions and the financial means to support them, especially in the context of the future EU budget. ❓ EU trade policy, starting with the EU-Mercosur agreement. On these two points, @COPACOGECA is clear: ✔️ We need an increased CAP budget that accounts for inflation, with a firm #NoToAnySingleFund approach (as supported by 28 agri-food chain organisations). ❌ We strongly oppose the EU-Mercosur agreement. #StopMercosur We call for real simplification on the ground for farmers and a coherent trade policy that aligns with Europe’s agricultural goals.

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  • 🚨Fertiliser imports – Copa-Cogeca calls on Member States to urgently vote for corrective measures to the Commission’s proposal 🚨 Ahead of the COREPER vote on 14 March, Copa and Cogeca reaffirm their concerns over the European Commission’s trade defense proposal on fertiliser imports. While acknowledging the geopolitical context behind these measures, European farmers will be once again on the frontline for the economic consequences, with rising costs already impacting the market. The proposal lacks an impact assessment and a clear medium and long-term strategy to ensure farmers’ access to affordable fertilisers. Without targeted amendments, these measures risk harming European agriculture and affecting food security and inflation. In a letter sent today to Member states, COPA COGECA urges the Council Presidency and Member States to support key and necessary adjustments, including a one-year deferral, a reliable safeguard mechanism, higher quota rates, and an annual review clause. Additionally, the scope of the measures should exclude essential fertiliser components (N, P, K and N, P). Beyond these amendments, a broader diversification strategy is essential. This should include removing anti-dumping duties on key fertilisers, suspending conventional tariffs, and granting derogations under the Nitrates Directive (ReNure, digestate and grassland) to support alternative nutrient sources. 📢 EU policymakers should make sure that any trade measures safeguard the competitiveness and resilience of European agriculture ! Full Statement and the related letter are available on our website >>>

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  • 🌱European agriculture anticipates progress on NGTs at COREPER level this week! This week is crucial for European farmers as the EU takes steps toward its first regulation on New Genomic Techniques (#NGTs). A clear legal framework is essential to drive innovation in seed breeding, equipping farmers with climate-resilient crops that offer drought resistance, pest tolerance, and higher yields—all vital for food security. COPA COGECA welcome the Polish presidency of the Council of the European Union’s leadership in moving this file forward and bringing Member States closer to agreement. The Council Presidency’s text is a step in the right direction, exempting Category 1 NGT plants from outdated GMO legislation while preserving a harmonised EU approach. Any opt-out clauses or unnecessary traceability rules would disrupt the single market and weaken farmers’ access to innovation. 🔎 What’s next? Ensuring that the sustainability assessment remains within Plant Reproductive Material (PRM) legislation will be key to delivering tangible benefits for farmers. Advancing both the NGT and PRM files in parallel will strengthen Europe’s agricultural competitiveness. 📢 It is high time to support a science-based, pragmatic approach that empowers European farmers with the tools they need for a sustainable and resilient future. Read ouf full statement >>>

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  • 🗳️ A Moment of Internal Democracy at COPA COGECA Today, the Sheep and Goat Working Group elected its new representatives. Raúl Muñiz (ES, Spanish Cooperatives) has been re-elected as Chair and will be supported by two newly elected Vice-Chairs: Marina Marciuš (HR, HPK) and Lisa Sbitnew (DE, DBV). The sector faces multiple challenges, and over the next two years, the presidency will focus on key priorities, including: ✅ International trade and the cumulative impact of FTAs ✅ Wool valorization ✅ Animal protection during transport ✅ Production support to restore sector competitiveness

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    Happy #InternationalWomensDay 2025 🌸 For this year´s International Women’s Day, in line with the aims and objectives of the day outlined by UN Women, we will celebrate the strength and resilience of women (and girls) around the globe. But we also recognise that true equality remains elusive. 👉 The European Commission’s roadmap on women’s rights is a welcome step, but words must be followed by meaningful change. We need policies that address the specific challenges faced by women, particularly in rural areas. 🍀 GRASS CEILING Project key findings: - The gender gap persists in land ownership - Women are establishing sustainable businesses with short supply chains - Women need more access to micro-finance, training and mentoring - Rural depopulation impacts on women as well as men - The resources and support networks for women are inadequate - More gender data is essential - Social and cultural norms are more influential than legal frameworks ☝ Now, more than ever, with social rights under threat in a volatile international climate, we must protect and strengthen equality policies, and commit to driving their progress. 🙌 Join us in demanding a world where equality is not just a dream, but a reality for all women.

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