Embedding citizens in decision-making means different things to different people. For us, it's a commitment to engaging citizens continually, and not just through a citizens assembly every five years. How much effort and resources are wasted when citizens don't adopt or even reject new policies?
What does embedding of citizens in the institutional decision-making-processes entail, and why is it important? Embedding means different things to different people. For me Saha Balaganesh says, it is a commitment to engaging citizens continually, and not just through a Citizens Assembly every five years. We need to listen more to what citizens say and the democratic process needs to be more open in that way. Anant Jani adds that the biggest barrier to citizen-centered change is the conditioned mental model of citizens. Disempowerment and decoupling have led to citizens accepting a expropriation of their capacity to enact change. To counter it, we need to get together, we need to talk to each other, to communicate with our neighbors and our peers. We need to come together to experience that we can actually enact change. We need to test, test, test, and test. We need to iterate. The first solution will never be the perfect solution. Test test test test test …. And iterate. The citizens are taking the power, they are not waiting for politicians to listen! We have power to shortcut and help citizens, policymakers and administrations to shortcut to find solutions together Claude A. Garcia adds and points out how this is happening in Colombia. Theresa Scavenius rounds of with the key take away: We are so powerful in the European Union; we have the means we have the resources. Maybe we should be more honest about the power structures and technocracy and not leave this tearing down of the bureaucracy to the right wings. Thank you to all the panelists for sharing your insights and viewpoints and thank you Niels-Kristian T. for doing a great job as moderator. And on the behalf of the I-CHANGE project Thank you MAIA Resilience EU team for creating this event with us 🙌 #democracy #citizenparticipation