Vietnam is the world's second largest coffee producer after Brazil. 95% of Vietnam’s coffee farmers are smallholders, most of whom are in the Central Highlands region. Tropenbos Vietnam's briefing outlines how the EU Deforestation Regulation (#EUDR) may impact small producers. It suggests ways forward to support small producers with meeting traceability requirements and legality criteria, including when it comes to land tenure. European Coffee Federation (ECF); Global Coffee Platform; International Coffee Organization; VOCAL (Voice of Organisations in Coffee Alliance); Georgina Barker; Antoine Haouchine; Hannelore Beerlandt
The EUDR & Small Coffee Farmers in Vietnam: What’s at Stake? ☕🌱 The new EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) poses challenges for around 10% of small coffee farms in Vietnam, especially those on designated forest land. ❓What are the risks? What solutions can help farmers comply? This policy brief explores the impacts, challenges, and strategies to support smallholders in sustainable coffee production. 📌Click here to dig into the full briefing: Tropenbos International -------- Trung tâm Nghiên cứu Lâm nghiệp Nhiệt đới - TROPENBOS Việt Nam 📍149 Trần Phú, Phước Vĩnh, Thành phố Huế ☎️+84 234 3886 211 📧 🌐 Facebook: LinkedIn: Youtube: #tropenbos #tropenbosvietnam #agroforestry #nongnghiep #livelihood #lamnghiep #forest #baoverung #coffee #EUDR #người_trồng_cà_phê