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Invest in Wallonia

Invest in Wallonia

International Trade and Development

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About us

The one stop shop for all prospective investors planning to locate in Wallonia. The Wallonia Export and Investment Agency is the body of the Wallonia Region of Belgium in charge of promoting foreign trade and investment. The Agency runs a network of 105 economic and commercial representatives throughout the world. The Agency has a global competence of promoting, prospecting and informing potential investors. Towards foreign companies, the Agency can : - demonstrate why Wallonia is the perfect location - provide assistance and solutions made-to-measure deepen relations between companies and public administrations - explain the setting-up policy as well as the legal framework - give advice with regards to the terms for obtaining financial support, social and labour incentives as well as investment subsidies granted by the Region - highlight the attractiveness of Wallonias tax system - develop made-to-measure projections (financial, human resources, buildings,) - set up contacts with public and private players useful for business expansion - organise visits and seminars - participate in business development in the Wallonia - provide support towards expansion projects

International Trade and Development
Company size
201-500 employees
Government Agency


Employees at Invest in Wallonia

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