Média Animation (NPO)

Média Animation (NPO)

Civic and Social Organizations

About us

Média Animation has the vocation to develop responsible citizenship through the education of the citizen’s critical faculty towards a mass communication society. Our association is actively supporting associative, social, educative or cultural institutions, projects and initiatives within the French-speaking Community of Belgium as well as at the European or international level ; we provide communication professional actions and services for citizen projects in order to favour a critical use of communication tools and methods. Média Animation ASBL is the media and multimedia education resource centre for the Belgium French-speaking Community’s private education. It is recognized and subsidized by the Minsitry of Education and Ministry of Culture. It is also a centre for vocational training. Média Animation was founded in 1972. It was granted crucial funding to implement research, information, training and educational publication. Média Animation’s mission is to support operators in the field of education along two complementary action lines: 1/ Consultancy, audiovisual and multimedia production : professional production support to operators in the cultural and educational fields. 2/ Media and multimedia education : raising awareness with political authorities and education authorities, training teachers and educational mediators (social workers, educators,...), publishing educational works, setting up research actions.

Civic and Social Organizations
Company size
11-50 employees
Education aux médias, Media Literacy, Communication associative, Education permanente, Ateliers et formations pour adultes, Formations pour enseignants, Projets européens, Recherche, Animations citoyennes et associatives, and Agence de communication


Employees at Média Animation (NPO)


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