Industrial Machinery Manufacturing

MAterials solutions for cost Reduction and Extended service life on WIND off-shore facilities

About us

The MAREWIND project received €7 953 783 from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme to enhance materials durability, recyclability, and reduce maintenance in offshore structures. During the next 4 years, the project will work towards achieving 5 ambitious targets focused on: 1. enhancing corrosion protection systems and durability, 2. effective and durable antifouling solutions without using biocides, 3. erosion protection and mechanical reinforcement in wind blades, 4. predictive modelling and monitoring and 5. increasing recyclability. MAREWIND technologies will pave the way for the next generation offshore wind generators and facilities that will aim to solve the technological, economical, business, and societal challenges we are now facing. In addition, it will strengthen the Europe leading role in the global offshore wind market with current 22,072 MW of installed cumulative capacity, followed by Asian and North America markets. The project methodology is expected to highly impact the EU offshore wind industry, which is projected to have the largest contribution to the renewable energy targets for 2030: • maintaining/improving performance properties. • optimized material costs and improve durability • significant reduction of life cycle costs. • cost reduction for offshore energy production of about 40% levelized cost of energy. • reduction on environmental impact by 35%. • Creating growth and jobs in Europe by strengthening the European industrial technology base. • Reducing CO2 emission and fuel dependency: 3,5 ktoe in short term and 13,6 at mid-long term. The project is run by a consortium of 16 partners from 7 European countries, representing leading business, technological and research organizations, and institutions across Europe.

Industrial Machinery Manufacturing
Company size
11-50 employees



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