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🚀 Project proposal in the spotlight #10: I-Challenge - Belgium 💡 We are looking for partners & investors! With Value4Pack, we offer opportunities for strategic connections, expert guidance, and access to a network of collaborators and investors to help scale innovative packaging solutions. In order to reach this goal, we gradually present you our 30 selected Project Cooperation Proposals #Value4Pack30 😉 We’re excited to showcase I-Challenge, a ready-to-use testkit designed to assess the impact of eco-friendly packaging materials on the shelf-life of food products. With 30+ years of expertise in food microbiology and microbial shelf-life, I-Challenge addresses a critical need for food producers: a reliable tool to evaluate the shelf-life performance of novel, sustainable packaging materials quickly and effectively. This pioneering solution removes a major barrier to sustainable packaging adoption, minimizing food waste and supporting the transition to mono-material, recyclable packaging. I-Challenge’s unique testkit offers a simple and accurate method for food companies to ensure their eco-friendly packaging choices won’t compromise product quality or shelf-life. Want to know more? Register here and attend our online free pitch event or schedule a meeting with I-Challenge 👉 Join us in revolutionizing sustainable food packaging and reducing food waste through science-backed shelf-life solutions! 🌍 #Value4PackCooperationProposals #lookingforpartners #lookingforinvestors #Value4Pack #SustainableFoodPackaging #CollaborationForChange #I3Instrument #EISMEA #Value4PackCall4ProjectIdeas NATUREEF Association| Pack4Food|Flanders' FOOD|Packaging Cluster I Lithuanian food exporters association (LitMEA)|Valorial, le réseau innovation agri-agro| Agrifood Clust-ER| Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna | DBH Group| Omnipack Packaging Technology Cluster| Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije| CLIC Innovation Oy| Packbridge| Galicia Food Cluster |POLYMERIS|Latvian Food Cluster