Interest is growing, and demand is on the rise. At #BlueSummits, like the Global Blue Finance Summit of World Ocean Council, Téthys Naval is pioneering the integration of #Security, #HumanRights, and #Governance, into ocean ventures of finance, investment and sustainability. here's the "how": #BlueEconomy #BlueFinance #BlueInvest #BlueSecurity #BluePartnership
Is it any surprise that a week focused on ocean sustainability and maritime leadership kicks off with a climate-impacted journey from Brussels to Barcelona? #SOS2024 and the Global Blue Finance Summit provided invaluable insights into the current Challenges, Opportunities and Solutions of #OceanHealth - yet the #BlueSecurity perspective in #SustainableInvestment is new. It is time to change this and integrate in the investment decision-making cycle the trend of #Predictability, #Reliability, #Operability, #Safety, #Security, within the framework of human rights and governance. Kudos to the World Ocean Council for doing an incredible job bringing together experts from across the field. Be reminded that we had only glimpsed a fraction of #OceanStewardship in Barcelona - there’s much more. #CSR #SDG14 #SDG16 #BlueFinance #BlueEconomy #ESG #ClimateAction #OceanConservation #PolicyImpact #JusticeatSea #DestinationTrend