Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Submit nominations for the Unicode Bulldog Award

The Unicode Consortium sponsors an annual award for outstanding personal contributions to the philosophy and dissemination of the Unicode Standard. Known as the “Bulldog Award,” it is presented at the Unicode conference to recognize “those tenacious champions of Unicode who have produced solid achievements in promoting its use around the globe”.


The Consortium invites the Unicode community to nominate up to two people they believe are most deserving of this award. Nominations should include a brief rationale why the candidate would be a good choice. Please check to see a list of past winners. Executive officers and staff of the Unicode Consortium are not eligible for the award.  Send nominations to with “Bulldog Award nomination” in the subject line by August 22, 2010.


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Unicode 5.0 now in Chinese

Pearson Education Asia Ltd. and Tsinghua University Press just published a translation of the Unicode Standard 5.0 in Simplified Chinese, available at

Monday, July 12, 2010

New ways to follow Unicode

Follow us now on Facebook and Twitter, or read our blog. New icons below the menu on our home page give convenient links to these sites.
What's new?
1. The Unicode Blog:
Our blog automatically receives the same announcements sent to our official e-mail list making it another convenient way to follow what's new. The blog is also available as an RSS or Atom newsfeed, so you can get the blog posts directly in your reader or e-mail client.
2. Twitter:
We are tweeting announcements as well as other interesting information for the Unicode community.
3. Facebook:
If you like Unicode and use Facebook, please consider becoming a Friend of Unicode.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Unicode welcomes Government of Bangladesh

The Unicode Consortium is pleased to welcome the Government of
Bangladesh as a new instutitional member. Their website is at:
