Showing posts with label UAX. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UAX. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Proposed Update UAXes for Unicode 8.0

Proposed updates for several of the Unicode Standard Annexes for Version 8.0 of the Unicode Standard have been posted for public review. See for details and links to the various documents.

UTS #10, Unicode Collation Algorithm has also been posted for public review. In this update, Cyrillic contractions have been removed. See the Modifications section of the draft document for further information.

Review periods for provision of feedback on these proposed updates close on October 20, 2014 for the November UTC meeting, but there will be further opportunities for feedback on the annexes after that November meeting.

To supply feedback on these issues, please see

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Feedback requested for Unicode 7.0

Unicode 7.0 is slated to be released early in 2014Q3. Now is your opportunity to comment on the contents of this release.

The text of the Unicode Standard Annexes (segmentation, normalization, line breaking, identifiers, etc.) is open for comments and feedback, with proposed update versions for many of the documents posted at UAX Proposed Updates. Changes for the text of the annexes is relatively minor for Unicode 7.0, but the documents could still benefit from careful review. For some of the annexes, no proposed update version is posted, because there is no planned change to the content other than a nominal change to the version numbering. In such cases, feedback provided on the existing, published Unicode Standard Annex is still welcome, and will be taken into consideration by the Unicode Technical Committee before the release of Unicode 7.0.

Feedback on the Unicode Standard Annexes for Unicode 7.0 should be submitted by April 28, 2014, for review at the Unicode Technical Committee meeting in May.

Other planned changes for Unicode 7.0 include a large number of additions to the character repertoire and corresponding updates to the Unicode character properties. An announcement will be sent soon, when the beta version of the Unicode Character Database for Unicode 7.0 is available for comment.