Serviços ambientais

Rio de Janeiro, RJ 4.740 seguidores

Sobre nós

A BVRio é uma bolsa de valores ambientais nacional com o objetivo de prover soluções de mercado para auxiliar no cumprimento de leis ambientais. Mecanismos de mercado constituem uma importante ferramenta para a implementação de políticas ambientais de modo mais eficiente, tanto para o setor público como para o setor empresarial, gerando benefícios para o meio ambiente, para a sociedade e para a economia em geral.

Serviços ambientais
Tamanho da empresa
11-50 funcionários
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Sem fins lucrativos
Fundada em
Crédito de Carbono, Madeira Legal, Cotas de Reserva Ambiental, Logística Reversa, Certificado de Reserva Ambiental, Reverse Logistics, legal timber, design and sustainable wood e circular economy


Funcionários da BVRio


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    Our team is excited to be at the One Planet network - 10YFP Forum, which kicked off today in Rio de Janeiro! We're ready to showcase our work and initiatives at our stand. 📅 Tomorrow at 4:20 PM (local time), BVRio Circular Economy Specialist PEDRO SUCCAR will be presenting in the Agora space, discussing BVRio's market mechanisms for environmental compliance with social inclusion. Join us to discover how we're turning sustainable practices into reality and driving progress on SDG 12! #SDG12 #CircularEconomy #GreenEconomy #OnePlanetNetwork #SustainableDevelopment #Environment #SDGs

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    No Dia Nacional do Cerrado, é essencial lembrar que a preservação desse bioma e a implementação do Código Florestal dependem de soluções que valorizem a vegetação nativa além da área mínima exigida por lei. Enquanto na Amazônia o desmatamento ocorre, em grande parte, em terras públicas, muitas vezes associado à invasão ilegal e grilagem, no Cerrado a situação é mais complexa, pois grande parte do desmatamento acontece em propriedades privadas, o que dificulta a regulamentação. Nesse contexto, o Responsible Commodities Facility (RCF) surge como uma iniciativa inovadora, oferecendo suporte financeiro para colaborar diretamente com proprietários rurais e evitar o desmatamento no Cerrado, gerando impactos imediatos na conservação do bioma. Para saber mais sobre o RCF, acesse 🌳🌾 #CodigoFlorestal #DiaNacionalDoCerrado #DesmatamentoZero

    While illegal deforestation persists in the Amazon, in the Cerrado, most deforestation occurs under authorisation from the state governments. The Brazilian Forest Code mandates preserving 80% of private forest in the Amazon, compared to only 20-35% in the Cerrado. "A significant distinction between deforestation in the Amazon and the Cerrado lies in the nature of land ownership. While a substantial portion of deforestation in the Amazon occurs on public lands, often linked to illegal invasions and land grabbing, in the Cerrado, it frequently occurs on private properties, adding a layer of complexity to regulation. The smaller area required for Legal Reserves in the Cerrado, coupled with greater flexibility on the part of state governments, contributes to the high deforestation rates." Beto Mesquita, SIM Associate, Environmental Advisory Board Secretariat. The Responsible Commodities Facility (RCF) recognises the simple necessity of collaborating with private landowners in the Cerrado to preserve the biome. Created to encourage the production and trade of responsible soy on already deforested and degraded lands, it forbids further agricultural expansion in areas of native vegetation. The RCF now operates as a financial framework incentivising farmers to join a growing group of deforestation-free suppliers, tackling deforestation in the Cerrado with immediate impacts. #cerrado #sdg15 #greenfinance #DCFsoy

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    We are looking forward to the start of the One Planet network - 10YFP Forum in Rio tomorrow. If you are attending, you can find us in the Exhibition space in the Museum of Art, where colleagues will be on hand both days to talk about our current initiatives which are helping to accelerate the implementation of the Global Strategy on Sustainable Consumption and Production and SDG12. We will be showcasing; Our work supporting a circular economy including our successful Fishing for Litter programme, support and professionalisation of waste cooperatives and the development of tools such as our Circular Credits Mechanism and the KOLEKT Waste Management app. Our work in forest protection including information about international initiatives supporting the production of deforestation-free soy in Brazil our efforts to support the full implement the Brazilian Forest Code and details of a new mechanism - The Tropical Forests Mechanism - aimed at protecting tropical forests in the Amazon region, the Congo Basin, and Southeast Asia. #SDG12 #circulareconomy #sustainableagriculture #forestprotection #wastmanagement

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    The Fishing for Litter project, run by BVRio & Ogyre, is tackling tyre pollution in Rio’s Guanabara Bay. Over the next two months, 2,000 tyres will be collected and recycled for energy generation, helping restore the environment and support local communities. This initiative is a call to action for companies to join the fight against ocean pollution and make a positive impact. Want to be part of the solution? Join us in turning ocean waste into valuable resources! Learn more #circulareconomy #wastemanagement #recycling #oceancleanup #CSR

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    The KOLEKT waste management app is revolutionising waste collection, having helped waste pickers around the world transform over 10 million kgs of waste into income! Since its launch in January 2022, KOLEKT has facilitated 40,000+ transactions and built a community of 8,500+ users in 48 countries, with a significant impact in Mozambique and Brazil. What's truly remarkable? 80% of the 7,000 waste pickers earning through KOLEKT don’t even have a phone. This inclusive design ensures that no one is left behind, highlighting the app’s incredible reach and impact. ♻️ Developed by Circular Action, a BVRio group company, KOLEKT is creating new opportunities and driving change in the recycling industry. Read more on our website #circulareconomy #wastemanagement #recycling

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    Congratulations to the team The World Bank who created this excellent publication, 'Unlocking Financing to Combat Plastic Crisis: Opportunities, Risks, and Recommendations for Plastic Credits'. This comprehensive analysis gives a range of stakeholders, including policymakers, plastic crediting programmes, multilateral organisations, private sector, and civil society organisations the information they need to contribute to the global efforts to address plastic pollution and promote the responsible use of plastic crediting as a tool for positive change. BVRio is proud to have contributed our insights to it, having created the world's first reverse logistics credits and developed our crediting mechanism for global use for over a decade. Download the publication: #plasticpollution #plasticcredits #recycling #wastemanagement

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    Ontem, Beto Mesquita, Diretor de Florestas e Políticas Públicas da BVRio, teve a honra de participar do seminário Floresta Viva Amazonas, realizado no Bosque da Ciência, no Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia / MCTI. O evento, promovido por Idesam, IPÊ - Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas, Alliance for Restoration in Amazon e diversos parceiros, foi uma ocasião valiosa para discutir as oportunidades e desafios na ampliação da restauração florestal e na implementação do Código Florestal e da Política Nacional de Recuperação da Vegetação Nativa. Participar de eventos como este reforça nossa missão e nos permite colaborar com importantes organizações para o avanço da restauração florestal no Brasil. Agradecemos aos organizadores pelo convite e a todos os participantes pelas ricas trocas de conhecimento. #CodigoFlorestal #EconomiaVerde #Florestas #Amazonia

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    We are pleased to share the results of our recent waste collection initiative on Raimundo Island in Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro! As part of the Fishing for Litter project, we removed 5.3 tonnes of waste in just five days with the help of 22 artisanal fishers and our circular economy team. The waste was sorted and recorded in the KOLEKT waste management app, then disposed of appropriately, demonstrating the project's immense potential to transform the region and provide valuable data for future actions. To date, Fishing for Litter has facilitated the collection of over 900 tonnes of waste in Brazil and Mozambique. We're now looking to expand our efforts and make an even greater impact. Long-term funding can help us continue this important work of achieving a cleaner environment and promoting social inclusion in communities impacted by waste pollution. Read more on our website #circulareconomy #wastemanagement #fishingforlitter #oceanplastic

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    Today, together with the Amazônia 2030 initiative and Instituto Igarapé, we are proud to announce the publication of the concept note on a Tropical Forests Mechanism (TFM) to provide a framework to attract and deploy conservation finance for the world’s tropical forests. The mechanism is expected to complement the Brazilian government's Tropical Forests Forever Fund (TFFF), announced at COP28 UAE, to secure funding to protect rainforests in the Amazon region, Congo Basin, and Southeast Asia. View the full concept note via this link: “Tropical forests provide ecosystem services of inestimable value to humanity and are at the same time victims and heroes of climate change. We need an agile and simple global mechanism that mobilises large amounts of resources to protect and restore tropical forests. This is the core of the Tropical Forest Mechanism proposal” – Tasso Azevedo, Former General Director of the Brazilian Forest Service, collaborator of Amazônia 2030. “We know that the ecosystem services the planet provides, on which more than half of the world's GDP depends, are invaluable. Yet, to avoid the tipping point of tropical forests, we need to create financial instruments to promote conservation and restoration. The Mechanism presented here is another tool that, like the TFFF, advances by offering a financial solution that, to cover the opportunity cost of land uses resulting in forest degradation, incentivises the conservation of standing forests and more effectively rewards those who protect them." – Ilona Szabó de Carvalho, Instituto Igarapé Co-founder and President. "At a moment when most financial mechanisms for the protection and maintenance of forests are proving to have limited potential for sourcing and deploying capital at scale, the Global Pledge for Tropical Forests provides an alternative approach that could be pursued to avert catastrophic losses of tropical forests worldwide." – Pedro Moura Costa, BVRio Director and Co-founder. #greenfinance #tropicalforests #conservation

    New mechanism proposed to fund the protection of tropical forests | BVRIO

    New mechanism proposed to fund the protection of tropical forests | BVRIO

  • BVRio compartilhou isso

    If you missed it, you can rewatch The Collaborative Soy Initiative and IDH webinar, where, SIM's Steven Ripley joined IFACC Initiative for a discussion on the importance of finance and financial incentives in the transition to sustainable soy farming. They discussed the work being done by IFACC to boost private sector investment in this transition, outlining the needs across the Cerrado in Brazil and the Gran Chaco in Argentina and Paraguay. #sustainablesupplychains #sustainableagriculture #greenfinance

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