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SOLINTEC | Leading Laboratory & Storage Facility for E&P in Brazil

SOLINTEC | Leading Laboratory & Storage Facility for E&P in Brazil

Extração de petróleo e gás natural

Rio de Janeiro, RJ 1.841 seguidores

One-stop shop for rock and fluid sample analysis and management in Brazil

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Established in 1993, SOLINTEC has pioneered the provision of integrated geological services to the upstream Oil & Gas Industry in Brazil, servicing most national and international companies operating in the country. From its new Laboratory & Storage and Facility in Rio de Janeiro the Company provides an unparalleled combination of in-house and strategic network services, all performed to the highest quality standards, and with a certified Local Content of 100 %. The service portfolio spans from wellsite geology, to the execution of R&D studies, and covers the following areas: • operational wellsite support • wellsite, shorebase, and import / export logistics (subsurface samples) • subsurface sample storage, handling & curation • core handling & preparation (slabbing, plugging, tomography, core gamma, etc.) • cuttings preparation and cleaning • digital photography • macroscopic descriptions & sedimentological assessments • routine core analysis / special core analysis • digital rock physics • thin section production • petrographic services (siliciclastics, carbonates) • SEM, XRD and other analytical services • biostratigraphic services • organic petrography plus palynofacies • organic geochemistry of rock and fluid samples • chemostratigraphy • geochronology • geomechanics • basin and petroleum system modelling • fluid characterization (oil, water) • reservoir caracterization and modelling In addition to well-equipped laboratories, technicians with decades of hands-on experience, and a team of renown research scientists, SOLINTEC boast a unique collection of proprietary subsurface samples (300+ wells, comprising core, cuttings, fluid samples, etc.), which allow for the performance of proprietary and spec studies, as well as customized R&D projects to the highest standards. As an ANP-registered company, access to legacy samples through the official channels is also granted. Contacts: | |

Extração de petróleo e gás natural
Tamanho da empresa
11-50 funcionários
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Empresa privada
Fundada em
Integrated Geological Services for the Oil & Gas Industry, Sample Storage, Logistics & Curation, Rock & Fluid Characterization, Integrated geological studies and R&D Projects e Consulting


  • Principal

    Rua Maria Rodrigues, 50


    Rio de Janeiro, RJ 21.031-490, BR

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  • Rua Pacheco Leão 566 C8

    Jardim Botânico

    Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22.460-030, BR

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Funcionários da SOLINTEC | Leading Laboratory & Storage Facility for E&P in Brazil


  • SOLINTEC is now the largest private repository of oil well samples in Brazil SOLINTEC has recently completed a large operation, relocating approx. 22.300 boxes of cores, SWCs, cuttings, and fluid samples from numerous wells of fields from the Potiguar Basin. These samples, previously housed in Petrobras' warehouses in northeastern Brazil, have now found a new home in Solintec's state-of-the-art Storage Facility in Rio de Janeiro. This is one of a series of sample transfer operations executed over the past four years, resulting from Petrobras' production assets divestment process, with SOLINTEC as the trusted final destination. During the process, SOLINTEC has received well over 50.000 boxes of samples from dozens of mature oil and gas fields acquired by small and medium-sized Brazilian and international oil companies. The execution of the massive sample transfer projects was made possible only by substantial investments in expanding the company's storage capacities and infrastructure. As a result, SOLINTEC now boasts a total of four warehouses, with an overall capacity of over 125.000 standard sample containers, making it the country's second-largest repository of oil well samples, surpassed only by Petrobras. The new storage area, integrated with the existing modern laboratory infrastructure, sample management, and analytical services portfolios, further consolidates Solintec's position as Brazil's Leading Laboratory & Sample Storage Facility for petroleum geological services. #oilandgas #geoscience #wellsamples

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  • SOLINTEC starts R&D project on pre-salt reservoirs in the Santos and Campos basins After several years of providing various specialized technical services in numerous R&D projects conducted by the most renowned Brazilian universities, SOLINTEC is pleased to announce the start of its first project financed by the O&G RD&I levy fund. With the support and partnership with PETRONAS Brazil, SOLINTEC designed and structured a stratigraphy, facies, and diagenesis characterization project in the pre-salt section of the Campos and Santos basins. This regional project is based on laboratory and digital analyses of cores, side well cores, and thin sections from key wells in the main producing fields and the integration with an extensive seismic and wells database from the selected basins. Executed by an experienced and diverse team of specialists covering various disciplines, such as stratigraphy, petrography, petrophysics, tectonics, geophysics, etc., the project will benefit from SOLINTEC's state-of-the-art laboratory, office, and IT infrastructure. Solintec is grateful for PETRONAS Brazil's trust and support in performing this project, and hopes to contribute to deepening the knowledge of the pre-salt play by disseminating the results in events, articles, etc. in the coming years. #presalt #reservoircharacterization #geoscience #oilandgas

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  • PRE-SALT DIGITAL ROCK CATALOG   Access, describe, and study pre-salt cores and thin sections without requiring microscopes or physical access to samples, eliminating the time-consuming processes through ANP channels.   Digital data products are now available to purchase along with subscriptions to data visualization. This first phase of data release includes thin sections (3000+) and cores (1000+m) from 14 wells in the Santos Basin and comprises: • Linescan core images (white light + UV) • Quantified mineralogy from hyperspectral imaging for carbonates and clays Petrophysics with multi-element geochemistry from a Multi-Sensor Core Logger (MSCL) • Scan data files (bright field + polarization layers) from 3000+ thin sections obtained with a state-of-the-art Zeiss Axio Scan Z1 system.

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    The Pre-Salt reservoirs in Brazil are home to some of the world’s largest oil and gas reserves and one of the most exciting exploration frontiers. However, exceptional depths have caused significant challenges to de-risk locations for drilling exploration wells. The industry therefore needs to capitalize on any data that already exists from these reservoirs. Here, James Shreeve and Lucas Rocha Frascaroli from Geotek Limited and Félix Gonçalves from SOLINTEC | Leading Laboratory & Storage Facility for E&P in Brazil describe how digital core data forms a key part of the solution, providing a continuous dataset along cored intervals in addition to the traditional plug measurements. * sponsored content #brazil #coredata #subsurface #technology

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