HYTE - Horizons Youth Tech Entrepreneurship

HYTE - Horizons Youth Tech Entrepreneurship


Expand your Horizons | Tech Entrepreneurship Program for High School Students | Compete for a $1000 Scholarship

About us

HYTE is a tech entrepreneurship program, founded by Yasmin Dibai and funded by the BC Scholarship Society, where students will learn the pillars of initiating their own tech venture, and compete for a $1000 scholarship. In HYTE, students will learn about the basics of technology, entrepreneurship and how to combine the two. Students will learn the pillars of initiating their own start-up, from industry professionals who are leading the industry today, and then compete for a $1000 scholarship with their team. Students will also participate in workshops, seminars, interactive activities, group work and more. Students will work with university professors and industry professionals throughout their project, which is an opportunity that not many high school students get. Since the pandemic, students' university applications struggle to stand out to admissions, as they have become repetitive and expectations have increases. Through HYTE, students are demonstrating key traits such as leadership, initiative, the starting and completing of a technical project, as well as the chance to win a scholarship and other awards for our exceptional students. These are all characteristics that universities look for when assessing personal portfolios. In all, this program will allow students to experience the inside scoop of the tech industry and business/entrepreneurship, before graduating high school. The HYTE Spring Set is now full, but the application for the Sustainability Stream of HYTE is now open (starting end of March): https://forms.gle/AFph1pDkMmHn5RbdA

Company size
1 employee



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