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Workplace Health Without Borders (WHWB)

Workplace Health Without Borders (WHWB)

Public Health

Imagine a world where workers do not get sick because of their work.

About us

Imagine a world where workers do not get sick because of their work.

Public Health
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2-10 employees


Employees at Workplace Health Without Borders (WHWB)


  • Netflix’s new series Toxic Town is now streaming. The four part miniseries follows three mothers as they uncover the cause of their children’s birth defects in a small British town, but is it based on a true story? Read on to learn about the U.K.’s largest child poisoning case since thalidomide and what happened to the families involved. Yes, Netflix’s new series Toxic Town is based on the true story of the Corby poisonings in the U.K. during the 1980s and 1990s. After the closure of the 680-acre steelworks in 1980, its buildings were gradually demolished, and the waste was transported to a nearby quarry by the local council. However, the improper disposal of the toxic waste that contained cadmium led to dozens of children being born with limb deformities. Corby, a small town about two hours northwest of London, thrived as a steel-making hub from the 1930s to the 1960s, becoming one of the most industrialized areas in the Midlands. However, by the early 1980s, the industry faced declining profits, leading British Steel to shut down the site and put the local council in charge of the cleanup. Joy Shatford, a mother involved in one of the lead legal cases, told The Independent that the air was thick with pungent fumes when council engineers began reopening some of Corby’s estimated eight to sixteen toxic pits. Large lorries transported the waste (mainly lead and zinc by-products from the steel industry) to two sealed containers northeast of the town, the publication reported. "You could taste it in the air; it was sour, gassy and acidic. Then it was common knowledge that this was because they were digging up the pits," Shatford told the site. She added that a few months later, after giving birth to her first son, Daniel, the nurses wrapped him up but said nothing about his hand. It wasn’t until she unwrapped the blanket that she discovered he had been born without fingers on his left hand. The class action lawsuit started when four families became aware of each other’s similar stories. According to The Guardian, they connected after media coverage of the steelworks’ redevelopment and later testified in the High Court that they had lived in or frequently visited Corby while pregnant. For more than 10 years, civil litigator Des Collins helped the families of the children affected get justice from the local town council, which was accused of “environmental negligence on a grand scale." In June 2009, a judge at the High Court in London ruled that the work carried out by Corby Borough Council on the town’s steelworks between 1985 and 1997 was negligent. During the trial, one scientist described the particles hanging over the town at the time as an 'atmospheric soup of toxic materials,'" according to The Independent. Ref:

  • Industrial hygienists and occupational health professionals are scientists and engineers committed to protecting people's health and safety both in the workplace and the community. Whether you're a fresh graduate from school entering the industrial hygiene profession or a seasoned, certified professional, it takes time to secure the next position on your career ladder. Career opportunities in this field are endless. Let's explore the IH/OEHS profession, steps toward a rewarding career ladder, making a postive career change, or getting a head start landing your next dream job that helps protect workers, public and the environment. Learn more from the American Industrial Hygiene Association ( and Workplace Health Without Borders (

  • The WHWB Nail Salon Working Group formed in 2022 in response to the need for a larger international networking effort to improve the health and safety of nail salon workers worldwide.  Many disparate resources about the health and safety of nail salon workers are available – from academic research to information brochures designed for workers, to tools for OHS education in nail salons. The Nail Salon WG has embarked on a project to create a resource inventory tool of this work and needs your help to both share widely and avoid duplication in new material/research.  With leadership from advocates in the Nail Salon Workers Project team at Parkdale Queen West Community Health Centre in Toronto, Canada, the WG has met by Zoom on 3 occasions and plans to hold another meeting later this year.  The California Healthy Nail Salon Collaborative, as well as other groups in North America, have worked closely with the WHWB Nail Salon WG sharing valuable insights and guidance.  The Nail Salon WG is seeking new members/groups, especially from areas of the world outside North America, and welcomes everyone including researchers, front-line health workers, nail salon workers, nail salon owners, customers, and advocates for healthy workplaces.  Several resources that are already available include: An overview of the Working Group and OHS issues faced by nail salon workers: A recent summary: nail salon health and resources: Please help us build the resource inventory tool by contacting us through this link:  Hope to hear from you soon!

  • It is with great sadness that we inform everyone of the death of our friend and comrade Éric Jonckheere, a courageous activist for justice for asbestos victims and for a global ban on asbestos. He was a charismatic, bigger than life figure who won people over with charm and humour (often dark) as much as by statistics and policy arguments.    Éric and his family endured an unimaginable degree of suffering caused by asbestos. Their story began in a small company town in Belgium, where Éric’s father was the manager of an Eternit asbestos cement factory. A significant proportion of the asbestos used there came from Canada. Eventually, Éric’s father, mother and two of his brothers died from mesothelioma. Tragically, Éric himself joined them on December 13 after a tenacious struggle against the relentless cancer that began four years ago.   Éric contributed greatly to our asbestos struggle in Canada, as he did in many parts of the world. I was privileged to host him in 2012, when he stood in solidarity with the hundreds of wonderful activists of Sarnia, Ontario; this was a major moment of progress on our journey to ban asbestos in Canada in 2018.   Éric visited Canada again with his friend Daniel Lambo, in 2019, when the Canadian Mesothelioma Foundation sponsored the Canadian launch of Daniel’s film “Breathless”, which portrayed the global reach of the asbestos industry, grounded in the story of the Jonckheere family.   Then, after Éric’s mesothelioma diagnosis, he told me that he would like to visit Canada while he was still able. So in November 2023, he came to Toronto and made a powerful intervention at the Canadian Mesothelioma Foundation’s conference. Following that, I was privileged to accompany him on a visit to the closed down asbestos mines in Quebec – in the town formerly called Asbestos and now called Val des Sources. He was in great discomfort at times but courageously and in good humour confronted once again the place where the asbestos in his lungs came from.    We are proud that WHWB was able to support Éric, especially our financial support for distributing his book around the world. And he supported our own efforts, by making the closing presentation in our global webinar on asbestos in June 2023.  

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  • Occupational health and safety standards are critical components in a rapidly industrializing nation like China. Historically, the development of health and safety regulations in China has evolved in response to a growing workforce and the recognition of the complexities associated with diverse industrial sectors. The immense economic transformation that China has experienced over the past few decades has significantly impacted alignment and implementation of these standards. As the country has transitioned to a market-oriented economy, the emphasis on worker welfare is more pronounced, highlighting the necessity for robust occupational health and safety frameworks. In recent years, the Chinese government has prioritized the establishment of comprehensive standards aimed at safeguarding the health and safety of workers across various industries. This surge in regulatory commitment is a response to the historical context of occupational hazards and the prevalent risks associated with manufacturing, construction, and mining sectors, which are susceptible to unsafe working conditions. By implementing legislation such as the Production Safety Law and the Work Safety Law, the government aims to address these issues effectively. Maintaining occupational health and safety (OHS) standards transcends legal compliance. A strong focus on OHS not only protects workers from hazards but also fosters a positive organizational culture that values well-being. Enhanced OHS practices leads to reduced workplace injuries and illnesses, resulting in higher productivity levels and decreased economic burdens on the healthcare system. The importance of integrating OHS standards into the fabric of workplace operations in China cannot be overstated, as it plays a pivotal role in promoting a sustainable workplace for all employees. The General Principles of Occupational Health serve as a crucial regulatory foundation that requires organizations to create a healthy work environment, mandating that employers conduct risk assessments and implement controls to mitigate the hazard. This regulation emphasizes a systematic approach to managing occupational health risks, requiring employers to prioritize the well-being of their employees as part of their operational strategy. Specific regulations are tailored to construction, manufacturing, and mining. For example, the Special Regulations on the Protection of Occupational Health in the Construction Industry focus on reducing risks associated with exposure to hazardous materials and physical dangers inherent in the industry. Each sector-specific regulations sets forth meticulous guidelines that industries must adhere to, ensuring a healthier and safer workplace environment for all employees. Together, these laws and regulations create a comprehensive framework for occupational health and safety in China.

  • Timo Kauppinen, Sanni Uuksulainen, Anja Saalo, and Ilpo Mäkinen conducted a study to quantitatively estimate the long-term trends of occupational exposure to chemical agents in Finland for surveillance, prevention, and risk assessment purposes. They studied trends by utilizing the Finnish job-exposure matrix (FINJEM), which includes occupation-specific estimates of the prevalence P (percent of employed) and average level L (agent-specific units) of inhalation exposure to chemical agents at different time periods. The authors used FINJEM data to calculate national estimates of the numbers of exposed workers (Nexp), and the prevalence of and level of exposure to 41 chemical agents in 1950, 1970, 1990, and 2008. They also estimated the prevalence of employees exposed to levels exceeding 50% of the Finnish occupational exposure limit (OEL) (Phigh) and national occupational inhalation exposure (NOIE = Nexp × L). Future exposures in 2020 were estimated according to the predicted change of the occupational structure of the labor force and the observed agent-specific exposure trends in 1990–2008. Finally, they estimated dermal exposure indirectly from the statistics of occupational skin diseases in 1975–2009. Inhalation exposure to most chemical agents had decreased. Using 1990 as the reference (100), the median values of P for 1950, 1970, 1990, 2008, and 2020 were 91, 149, 100, 58, and 41, respectively. The corresponding values were 218, 224, 100, 30, and 14 for Phigh, 151, 121, 100, 78, and 66 for L, and 119, 176, 100, 38, and 20 for NOIE. The trends varied considerably according to the agent. Exposure of, for example, asbestos, benzene, and benzo(a)pyrene substantially decreased. The annual incidence of occupational skin diseases due to chemical factors decreased from 6.9 per 10,000 employed in 1975–1979 to 4.6 per 10,000 in 2000–2009, suggesting a decrease in dermal exposure. Inhalation exposure to most chemical agents has decreased in Finland since 1970. High exposures and the average level of exposure started to decrease already in the 1950s. The declining incidence of occupational skin diseases suggests that dermal exposure has also diminished. However, high exposures still exist and cause a substantial amount of occupational diseases and symptoms. Chemical exposures and the related disease burden are expected to continue decreasing in the future. These results cannot be generalized to other countries, particularly if the development phase of technology and the occupational structure of the labor force differ significantly from those in Finland. Learn more by watching the video presentation.

  • Cadmium metal (Cd) is a silver-white solid, tinged with blue. Cadmium is found in cadmium fumes (CdO) and cadmium compounds. Workers may be harmed from exposure to cadmium. It is a highly toxic carcinogenic that is harmful to most of the body’s systems, especially to the lungs, bones, and kidneys. The level of exposure depends upon the dose, duration, and work being done. Cadmium is used in many industries. It’s used in the manufacturing Ni-Cd batteries and solar cells, electroplating, and silver soldering. Construction workers involved in demolition can be exposed to dust or fumes containing cadmium-containing pigments and coatings. Electronic recycling workers are exposed to cadmium in telephone and electric cables. The following training presentation highlights the hazards and controls to protect worker health. Feel free to use this training video for your workers.

  • BAKU, Azerbaijan (AP) — World leaders converged Tuesday at the United Nations (UN) annual climate conference with plenty of big names and powerful countries noticeably absent. Top leaders of the 13 largest carbon dioxide-polluting countries — a group responsible for more than 70% of the heat-trapping gases emitted last year will not be present. The world’s biggest polluters and strongest economies — China and the United States — aren’t sending anyone. Neither are India and Indonesia. That’s the world’s four most populous nations, with more than 42% of all the world’s people. “It’s symptomatic of the lack of political will to act. There’s no sense of urgency,” said climate scientist Bill Hare, CEO of Climate Analytics. He said this explains “the absolute mess we’re finding ourselves in.” UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told world leaders who did show up that the world is seeing “a master class in climate destruction” in a year virtually certain to be hottest on record. But he held out hope, saying in a veiled reference to the notion that the “clean energy revolution is here. No group, no business, no government can stop it.” Host Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev kicked off two scheduled days of world leaders’ speeches by lambasting Armenia, western news media, climate activists and critics of his country’s rich oil and gas history and trade, calling them hypocritical since the United States is the world’s biggest oil producer. He said it was “not fair” to call Azerbaijan a “petrostate” because it produces less than 1% of the world’s oil and gas. Oil and gas are “a gift of the God” just like the sun, wind and minerals, Aliyev said. “Countries should not be blamed for having them. And should not be blamed for bringing these resources to the market because the world needs them.” Rev. Fletcher Harper of GreenFaith, a faith-focused environmental activism group, responded by calling fossil fuels “literally the highway to hell for billions of people and the planet.” One of the most notable leaders to make the talks is U.K. Prime Minister Keir Starmer. He announced an 81% emissions reduction target on 1990 levels by 2035, in line with the Paris Agreement goal to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial times. That’s up from the 78% the U.K. had already pledged. U.K. greenhouse gas emissions have fallen by almost half from 1990 levels, mainly because of the almost complete removal of coal from electricity generation. Many climate analysts welcomed the announcement. “It sets a strong bar for other countries,” said Debbie Hillier, the global climate policy lead of Mercy Corps. Nick Mabey from the climate think-tank E3G said “other nations should follow suit with high-ambition targets.” Read more at:

  • The 2025 edition of Prince Edward Island’s Workers Compensation Board’s (WCB) Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Leadership Program recently kicked off with a record number of high school participants. The program introduces Grade 11 and 12 students to OHS principles and how these principles can contribute to their health and safety and the health and safety of their peers and coworkers, in the workplace. This year, 25 students will take part in the program, which runs from February through May. With the support of the WCB’s youth education consultant, students are tasked with organizing and promoting three activities to introduce and raise awareness about OHS to their peers. The program wraps up with students taking part in the WCB’s annual Workplace Health and Safety Conference on May 6 in Charlottetown. “The goal of the program is to support young workers as they enter the workforce, to share the importance of health and safety at work and demonstrate how they can be a role model at any age,” said Danny Miller, the WCB’s director of occupational health and safety. “What they learn and share while taking part in this program will serve them and their peers now, and well into the future.” Many high school students work summer jobs or work throughout the school year. The WCB encourages them to: -- Bring their voice to work, to become comfortable speaking up. -- Learn about the hazards in their workplace and what to do about them. -- Get the training they need and ask for training if it isn’t provided. -- Know that their employer is there to help. WCB has also prepared materials for young workers and their employers, available at Ref:

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