Titelbild von ClariantClariant


Chemische Produktion

Pratteln, Basel-Country 360.232 Follower:innen

Through sustainability and innovation, our specialty chemicals create value to help address the megatrends of our time.


As one of the world’s leading specialty chemical companies and led by its purpose "Greater chemistry - between people and planet", Clariant contributes to value creation with innovative and sustainable solutions for customers from many industries. Our portfolio is designed to meet very specific needs with as much precision as possible. At the same time, our research and development is focused on addressing the key trends of our time. These include energy efficiency, renewable raw materials, emission-free mobility, and conserving finite resources. Whether in the lab, working in communications, recruiting new co-workers, or working on business strategy, we welcome all innovators and self-starters who like being challenged, who think out-of-the-box, who like working in an international environment, and who constantly strive to excel in his or her field. At Clariant you'll have the freedom to make a global impact -- with 10'481 colleagues and a vast global network. Join the conversation on Facebook.com/ClariantInternational/ Follow us on Twitter.com/Clariant Learn more about us on YouTube.com/Clariantcom Check us out on Instagram.com/clariant_international/

Chemische Produktion
10.001+ Beschäftigte
Pratteln, Basel-Country
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Specialty Chemicals, Additives, Catalysts, Functional Minerals, Personal Care , Home Care, Functional Minerals , Oil and Mining , Biofuels, Aviation, Agriculture, Automotive, Construction , Coatings, Paints, Inks, Consumer Goods, Digital Printing, Electronics, Industrial Manufacturing, Mining, Oil, Polymers, Refinery, Petrochemicals und Waste Management


Beschäftigte von Clariant


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Clariant Insgesamt 2 Finanzierungsrunden

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Fremdkapital nach Börsengang

301.033.397,00 $

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