D ONE – Data Driven Value Creation

D ONE – Data Driven Value Creation

IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung

Zurich, ZH 6.670 Follower:innen

We make sense.


D ONE is the leading Swiss consultancy for data driven value creation. Hands-on business practitioners with academic excellence provide corporate transformation towards information enterprise. Our clients recommend us because we make success happen in an easy-to-do-business-with way.

IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung
51–200 Beschäftigte
Zurich, ZH


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    Profil von Alexandra Studer anzeigen, Grafik

    Consultant at D ONE | Data Driven Value Creation

    This week, Charlotte Cabane and I had the pleasure of teaching Data Visualization and Storytelling to an exceptionally motivated group of students in the Data Analytics & Management Master's program at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management. Congrats to the winner of the challenge. You did a fantastic job, Raya Al-Halaseh, Elisa Sauer, Ines Schittenhelm, Luca Kroschke, CFA, Christopher Henneken!

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    Rapid advancement of AI in pharma R&D – Why? With AI technologies evolving at breakneck speed, it's more important than ever for pharma companies to stay ahead of the curve. Here’s why adopting the latest AI solutions is critical: 💡 Leading in innovation: AI is reshaping drug discovery and development, offering new ways to accelerate research and bring innovative treatments to market. By staying at the forefront of AI advancements, companies can lead in bringing groundbreaking therapies to market, securing a competitive edge in an industry where innovation is the key to success. 👥 Empowering teams: Advanced AI tools enhance the capabilities of scientists and engineers, enabling them to solve complex problems more efficiently and make more informed decisions. By equipping people with the latest AI technologies, we maximize team potential, which in turn drives the company’s overall success and competitiveness. 🤖 Keeping pace with AI breakthroughs: The AI landscape is constantly evolving, with new breakthroughs regularly transforming what’s possible in pharma. To remain competitive, companies must stay on the cutting edge by continuously integrating the most recent AI developments. By staying engaged with the latest developments, we can ensure that we’re leveraging the most powerful tools to drive our R&D forward. As we prepare for the BioTechX 2024, the takeaway is clear: embracing and deploying state-of-the-art AI is essential to staying competitive in the fast-paced world of pharma. We are happy to share our experience on the matter, so come see the talk by Andrei Dmitrenko and Moritz Haag – October 9, 15:30, Data Management, Storage and Architecture. Let’s make sure our teams are equipped with the best tools to lead the next wave of innovation! Talk to us at BioTechX: https://lnkd.in/dGcQqSQd #AI #Pharma #RnD #Innovation #DrugDiscovery #Biotech2024

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    Do you care about becoming more data driven? The Common Sense is our forum for data understanding, where we invite interesting guests to discuss strategy, analytics, AI, and data-driven decision making. The speakers will be: Julinda Gllavata, Head of Analytics & AI at SIX “Enhancing Decision Intelligence and Client Empowerment with Data&AI" Jan A. Jensen, Head of InfoTech Data & Analytics at Swiss Re “Harnessing Advanced Analytics and Strategic Worksforce Planning in the Insurance Industry" If you’re curious, feel free to sign up here for September 19: https://d-one.ai/ Seats are limited. #CommonSense #Ai #Analytics #datadriven #doneai

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    Hey team, we enjoy our time with you. To celebrate this, we organize the Summer Party. Thank you for being here - your presence and hard work make everything possible. Really. Another thanks for the great live music goes to Simon Hefti, Zimmermann Jürg, Markus Roth, Nelson Briceño Peraza, Lukas Hefti, Andrej Vckovski! And a final big thanks goes to the presenters at the Team Meeting, George Verouchis, Marco Petrella, and Spyros Cavadias. To another year, just as good 🥂 #summerparty #team #doneai

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    Tolle Arbeit, Benedikt Wiggli und Kantonsspital Baden AG! Mit Hilfe des KI Chatbots “Isolde”, den wir zusammen mit Benedikt Wiggli und dem KSB-Team um Ralph Schmid entwickelt haben, wird die Infektionsprävention am Kantonsspital Baden verbessert. Standardisierte Fragen wie “Wie kann ich Affenpocken isolieren?” können neu zuverlässig und reproduzierbar abgerufen werden, ohne Wartezeit für die Spitalmitarbeitenden und ohne die wertvolle Zeit der Fachärzte in Anspruch zu nehmen. Damit ist das Kantonsspital Baden ganz klar ein Vorreiter und verdient den 1. Preis in der Kategorie «Innovation in der Infektionsprävention» der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Spitalhygiene!  Wir sind stolz, das Team vom Kantonsspital Baden unterstützen zu dürfen. #ChatGPT #Spital #Prävention #Spitalhygiene #Innovation #doneai

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    Innovationspreis in der Infektionsprävention: Glückwunsch, Benedikt Wiggli! «Wie kann ich Affenpocken isolieren?» - Mit solchen und ähnlichen Fragen der Spitalmitarbeitenden sind unsere Infektiologen ständig konfrontiert. Das Beantworten ist zeitaufwändig und mühsam – vor allem dann, wenn immer wieder die gleiche Frage gestellt wird. Da es mit einem Verweis auf die Dokumentenablage im Intranet nicht getan ist, suchten unsere Infektiologen nach einer neuen Lösung. Mit «Isolde» sind sie fündig geworden. «Isolde» ist ein auf Basis von generativer KI basierender Chatbot, der in der Lage ist, effizient standardisierte Fragen zu Isolationsmassnahmen zu beantworten. «Unser Hauptziel ist es, ein Modell zu schaffen, das konsistent präzise und reproduzierbare Antworten liefert, die jeweils auf das ursprüngliche Dokument zurückgeführt werden können», sagt Benedikt Wiggli, Leitender Arzt Infektiologie und Infektionsprävention am KSB. Für die Machbarkeitsstudie ist er an der Jahresversammlung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Spitalhygiene in Bern mit dem 1. Preis in der Kategorie «Innovation in der Infektionsprävention» ausgezeichnet worden. Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Die Jury teilte seine Einschätzung, dass generative KI im klinischen Alltag ein enormes Potenzial aufweist: «Die meisten Spitäler verfügen über interne Richtlinien zu verschiedenen Themen, und da Infektionspräventionsmassnahmen hochstandardisiert und konsistent sind, eignen sie sich ideal, um die Fähigkeiten solcher künstlichen Unterstützungssysteme zu testen», so das Fazit von Wiggli. Übrigens: «Für die Isolation von Affenpocken sind sowohl Kontakt-Isolation als auch Aerogeneisolation erforderlich. Die Isolation sollte andauern, bis alle Läsionen verkrustet sind. Zusätzliche Massnahmen umfassen das Tragen einer Schutzbrille oder eines Schutzschilds, Handschuhe und eine FFP-2-Maske. Eine Kohortierung ist möglich und die Spitalhygiene sollte sofort benachrichtigt werden.» - Für diese Antwort inklusive Quellenverweis benötigte Isolde keine drei Sekunden! #KSB #KI #Innovation #BenediktWiggli #Auszeichnung #ChatGPT

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    Do you agree? Data integration is critical in advancing R&D, drug discovery, and clinical development. In the biotech industry, the sheer volume and complexity of data generated is staggering. From genomics to clinical trials, integrating these diverse data sources is no longer just a challenge – it's a necessity. Effective data integration ensures that our AI applications can truly deliver on their promise, driving innovation across the board. Why is data integration so important? 💊 Accelerating R&D and drug discovery: Integrated data platforms enable seamless access to both internal and external data, breaking down silos and providing a holistic view that’s essential for discovering new targets and optimizing experimental designs. ⏳ Enhancing clinical development: Standardizing data across clinical trials and unifying protocols not only streamlines operations but also improves the accuracy and reliability of trial outcomes. This is crucial for reducing costs and bringing new medicines to market faster. 🤖 Empowering AI and machine learning: AI thrives on high-quality, well-integrated data. For AI models to be effective (whether in predicting outcomes, personalizing treatments, or discovering new drugs) robust data integration is the foundation that enables these technologies to work at their best. BioTechX 2024 is approaching, and it's clear that data integration will continue to be a key driver of innovation in the pharma industry. Looking forward to Moritz Haag and Andrei Dmitrenko sharing our experience integrating external and internal data at scale in world-class companies! Check out the Data Management, Storage and Architecture track at 15:30 of October, 9!  #biotech #dataintegration #AI #R&D #drugdiscovery #clinicaldevelopment #innovation #doneai Simon Hefti Jacqueline Stählin Philipp Warmer Maks Shah Aman Thukral Marco Giannitrapani

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    A recommendation system in Power BI? In this blog, Konstantinos Ninas and Elena Pateraki demonstrate how users can provide feedback and dynamically interact with their data inputs, transforming Power BI into a robust application for real-time decision-making and engagement. Value added: 📊 Facilitation of decision making - easy access to insightful analysis 🛠 Easy-to-maintain - compatible with multiple environments ⏳ Enhanced speed - updates in 5-7 seconds, almost as fast as a dedicated application 🔎 Versatile reporting - functions as report and application 👕 Keep it simple: Straightforward solution on common technology You can find the full article here: https://lnkd.in/dSPvrGEc #application #PowerBI #realtime #datadriven #doneai

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    What is on top of mind for leading pharma companies shaping the future of the industry? Join us at BioTechX 2024! Sign-up link below. 1. Data quality matters: High-quality data is the backbone of pharma's digital transformation. Strong data governance and FAIR practices are essential for driving innovation. 2. Generative AI (GenAI) and LLMs are the future: We're just scratching the surface with GenAI in drug discovery. While the potential is massive, we need to be mindful of data privacy and model transparency. 3. Collaboration is crucial: Breaking down silos and standardizing processes, especially in clinical trials, will be key to accelerating R&D and driving better outcomes. 4. AI for sustainability: AI isn't just for innovation – it's also making drug discovery more sustainable, from green chemistry to efficient experimental designs. 5. Knowledge graphs in precision medicine: KGs are unlocking new possibilities in precision oncology and biomarker discovery, making predictive models more explainable and actionable. 6. Upskilling for digital transformation: Investing in our teams’ data skills is critical. A strong learning culture ensures we stay ahead in this rapidly changing landscape. 7. Real-world AI applications: From optimizing supply chains to enhancing customer experiences, AI is already making a real impact, driving efficiency and smarter decisions. Looking forward to participating in the BioTechX 2024 and continuing to work together to tackle the challenges of today. D ONE will be represented by the A-team of Simon Hefti, Jacqueline Stählin, Philipp Warmer, Moritz Haag and Andrei Dmitrenko. Come visit us at booth 900 and check out the talk at the Data Management, Storage and Architecture track (15:30, October, 9). Let’s push the boundaries together! BioTechX sign-up: https://lnkd.in/dGcQqSQd Swiss Biotech Association #biotech2024 #AI #digitaltransformation #collaboration #sustainability #innovation Dina Bedier Thirupathi Pattipaka Patrick Loerch Christophe Dufour

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    We’re doing a Microsoft Fabric workshop in St. Gallen! (And other places) 🔦 Experience Microsoft's brand new all-in-one analytics solution and learn how fast it can get you insights in this hands-on workshop. This hands-on experience will guide you through the entire data-driven value chain from data ingestion and data engineering over to data science, data modeling and data visualization. In the end you will know how to approach a new project with Fabric and have an overview over what options you have to generate data insights on this platform. No prior knowledge necessary. Sign up here: https://lnkd.in/eCNUjfZ4 Cool workshop by Kristian Bubalo, Patrik Borosch, Patrick Buck, Nicola Hefti, Sebastian Baumhauer and Timo Welti. #microsoftfabric #fabric #msfabric #workshop #doneai

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    How to distribute terabytes of data worldwide in real-time? Samuel von Baußnern will be presenting how his team developed, maintained and operated a real-time data distribution platform that distributes terabytes of data in the milliseconds latency range and sends it out to users worldwide. Come and find out how we integrated Flink into this system and what we learned in our three-year-long journey. Time: October 24th, 13:00 Place: Berlin, Apache Flink Conference Details: https://lnkd.in/gSzmKT4a If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask us outside of the conference as well. #flinkforward Ververica | Original creators of Apache Flink® #realtime #datadistribution #doneai

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