Still one of my most favourite team building moments of the event... full body rock paper scissors, tournament style! Paul Shepherd was the winner! #teambuilding #conference #newzealand
GAIA’s beginnings can be traced back to the founding of the Asset Class Investors Association (ACIG) in 2004. Seven firms from Australia and New Zealand ran six monthly study group meetings – with each firm taking it in turns to host in their city. By 2007, the number of firms had grown to eight, and ACIG members took part in a five day study tour of the USA. In 2014, GAIA was officially formed, with five firms from outside Australasia joining the ACIG members. In the years since, more firms have been accepted into GAIA, giving us a current total of 19 members around the world – including one provisional member. Member firms communicate regularly, share information and insights, and collaborate on key issues such as cybersecurity. GAIA has traditionally held a much-anticipated annual conference, which includes celebrated guest speakers and upskilling opportunities for attendees. With Covid-19 impacting global travel in recent times, GAIA has hosted several virtual conferences, and our members continue to work collaboratively towards our shared vision of providing the best financial and investment advice to our clients.
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15 Rue Rodolphe
Geneva, Toepffer 1206, CH
Still one of my most favourite team building moments of the event... full body rock paper scissors, tournament style! Paul Shepherd was the winner! #teambuilding #conference #newzealand
A week has gone by since our annual conference in New Zealand and although the group are no longer together the memories from the deep connections we are building are still prevalent. Here are a few photos from the networking side of the event. Enjoy! Pippa Miller, Paul Shepherd, Gregory P Keady, Robert MacIsaac, Simon Brown CFP, Fiona Davis, James Howard, Dominic Sheehan, Andrew Nuttall, CFP, Richard Austin, Jacob Wolt, Jack Craig, Anja Clarkson, Rodrigo Alamos, Marcos Garcia Muñoz, David Andrew, John Ryan, Yasmin Weston, Jason Fowler, Paul Fowler, Victoria Wiadrowski, JD Bruce, Lisa Walters, Brendon Vade, Rick Walker, Sara Clason, Ulrika Öström, Michael Aitken, Peter Mancell, Chris Kerckhoff Jr., Brenda Bartlett, ICD.D, Matthew Gour CFP, CIM, Lukas Fleck, CFA, CIM®, Rory O'Neill, Taraia Robin, Nick Stewart, Laura Tarbox, CFP® #networking #bond #deepeningconnections #belonging
Day three of the conference did not disappoint. We had the privilege of having Angus and Colin from the Crusaders talk to the membership on high performing teams. What a fantastic organisation it is. Hearing about how they've developed a culture of belonging and values was incredible. #leadership #belonging #team #culture
Day two of our annual conference focused on succession planning. This subject is not new to the group, it is an ongoing journey for everyone in the room. But today, our guest Bill Withers challenged not only our thinking, and our plans, but also our leadership, our culture, our organisational structure. Actually, he challenged absolutely everything we thought about our business! Mind blowing and thought provoking. Thank you Bill! #successionplanning #leadership #culture #sme
Global Association of Independent Advisors hat dies direkt geteilt
Looks like a great Global Association of Independent Advisors conference is under way in the beautiful city of Christchurch, New Zealand. The topics covered and the conversations had are the catalysts for positive change that echo far beyond the gathering itself. It's about better client outcomes. Day one is complete, with our very own Pippa Miller discussing how to unlock efficiency with AI. Bloomsbury Wealth, BpH Wealth | Certified B Corp®, Lyra Financial Wealth, Magus Wealth , Capital Advisors Chile, Plancorp Wealth Management, PWL Capital Inc, Tarbox Family Office, Inc., Alman Partners True Wealth, APW Partners | Australian Private Wealth | Your trusted wealth advisers, Capital Partners Private Wealth Advisers, Fowler's Group, Lorica Partners, Mancell Financial Group, Stewart Group | Your Financial Stewards. Thank you for hosting, Cambridge Partners.
Today was the first day of the conference and what a day it was. We were humbled by the traditional welcome from Nuk Korako. Taken down memory lane by Jacob Wolt and reminded to reflect to realise what we've achieved. Entertained by our host James Howard. Led on a path of AI discovery by Hannah Hardy-Jones and her extraordinary platform at Contented AI. Then to cap the day off, Pippa Miller , Yasmin Weston and Jack Craig shared their AI journeys with the group. And that's only day one... bring on tomorrow! #aijourney #ai #discovery #financialplanning #wealthmanagement #fiduciary #conference #nz
Global Association of Independent Advisors hat dies direkt geteilt
What a fab day we had!
Day two of the GAIA gathering focussed on deepening connections within our community by putting us outside of our comfort zone with a healthy dose of competition! Thank you to Alpine Jet Thrills for a fabulous morning jet boating and laser clay shooting. The weather may have dampened our clothes but not our spirits!!! Congratulations to James Howard for winning the shoot out! Afterwards, we warmed up at the Melton Estate with a fabulous lunch accompanied by some lovely wine. Tomorrow, the learning starts! #newzealand #fun #thrill #wine #wealthmanagement #conference #fiduciary
Day two of the GAIA gathering focussed on deepening connections within our community by putting us outside of our comfort zone with a healthy dose of competition! Thank you to Alpine Jet Thrills for a fabulous morning jet boating and laser clay shooting. The weather may have dampened our clothes but not our spirits!!! Congratulations to James Howard for winning the shoot out! Afterwards, we warmed up at the Melton Estate with a fabulous lunch accompanied by some lovely wine. Tomorrow, the learning starts! #newzealand #fun #thrill #wine #wealthmanagement #conference #fiduciary
And so it begins... GAIA members gather together for our annual conference. This year we are in Christchurch, NZ hosted by Cambridge Partners. As James Howard said in his welcome speech, GAIA is about connection, being put outside of our comfort zones and learning. Tonight is about connection, tomorrow our connecting activity will definitely put us outside of our comfort zone and the learning starts Monday. #newzealand #connection #conference #fiduciary #financialplanning #wealthmanagement
One week to go! This time next week, GAIA members will be back together at this year's annual conference. This time members are being hosted by Cambridge Partners in Christchurch, NZ. Read more about what this extraordinary group of people will be discussing... #financialadvice #wealthmanagement #fiduciary #conference #newzealand