International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes (IAGP)

International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes (IAGP)

Psychische Gesundheitsfürsorge


The International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes, IAGP is a worldwide network of professionals involved in the development and study of group psychotherapy and group process as applied to clinical practice, consultancy, education, scientific studies and socio-cultural settings. Our network provides opportunities for meeting the others: professions, theories and cultures - who are exploring the applications of small, median and large group processes in clinical, organizational and political settings.

Psychische Gesundheitsfürsorge
201–500 Beschäftigte
Group Psychotherapy, Group Processes, Psychodrama, Group Analysis, Art Therapy und Trauma and Disaster Recovery


  • Primär

    c/o Kate Bradshaw Tauvon, Secretary & Information Manager

    Nationalstrasse, 17

    Kreuzlingen, 8280, CH


Beschäftigte von International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes (IAGP)


  • Impact of Climate Change on Human Groups #IAGP #Workshop 20th September, 2024, at 5 p.m. CEST In this workshop, we will present research based facts concerning ecological change on our planet and the human reactions to it – especially from the perspective of groups. We will discuss the impacts, and how to cope with those with the participants. Presenters: Marjut Partanen-Hertell Finland M.S. (Env Tech), Information Scientist, Psychodrama and sociodrama trainer TEP , Tele ’Drama Practitioner (CTP – L3) Reijo Kauppila Finland Master of Adult education, Psychodrama trainer TEP Time: Friday 20th Sept. 2024, at 5 p.m. CEST Modality: Workshop by Zoom #Free of charge for #IAGP members REGISTRATION FORM:

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  • 👋NUEVO FORO 2024 ✨️ 👉🏽 Disponible en 💻 Editado por Roberta Mineo & María Inés Gandolfo 🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸 👋 NUEVO FORO 2024 👉🏽 Disponible en 💻 Editado por Roberta Mineo & Maria Inés Gandolfo #IAGP #forum #psicotherapy #grouppsychotherapy #groupprocessesVer original

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  • #OPENNOW! IAGP WEBINAR: Changing Those who are a Drain into a Gain By Dr. Carlos Raimundo Relationships are the source of satisfaction, joy, as well as pain and suffering. Learning how to change those who are a pain into a gain is an “art that can be learned.” In this workshop, you’ll be able to use a crafted Sociometric Demand and Frequency Graph, designed by the presenter, to: ● Map a social atom, family, work, etc., evaluating which relationships are of gain and which ones are draining. ● Identify the effect of those relationships through the lens of active role theory. ● Develop practical action plans to enhance positive connections and explore creative strategies to navigate relationships that are of pain and better enjoy those that are a gain. The instructional segment of the workshop will be recorded, while the experiential sharing aspect will not be captured. SEPTEMBER 28th – 2 to 4 pm CET REGISTRATION LINK: #IAGP #FAMILYTHERAPY #COUPLETHERAPY #RELATIONSHIPS

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  • #LIVE #FREE #PSYCHODRAMA 👇 📢 EN: On August 27th, at 8:00 pm (Brasilia time), we will hold the live event “Legados de Moreno”. The event is another warm-up activity for our Congress and does not require registration. It will be broadcast on our profile and on the instagram profiles of FEBRAP and IAGP Participation by Heloisa Fleury (IAGP president), Andréa Claudia de Souza (Febrap president), Ana Cristina Caldeira and Graça Carvalho Campos - presidents of the Online and In-Person Congress, respectively. We’re waiting for you! 📢 ES: El día 27 de agosto, a las 20 horas (hora de Brasilia), realizaremos la transmisión en vivo “Legados de Moreno”. El evento es otra actividad de preparación para nuestro Congreso y no requiere inscripción. Se transmitirá a través de nuestro perfil y a través de los perfiles de FEBRAP e IAGP. Participaciones de Heloísa Fleury (pres. IAGP), Andrea Claudia Souza (pres. Febrap), Ana Cristina Caldeira y Graça Campos - presidentas del Congreso Online y Presencial, respectivamente. ¡Te esperamos! #LATINAMERICANCONGRESS #PSYCHODRAMA #MORENO #BELOHORIZONTE #BRASIL

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  • #Ready to go? Time to prepare for the next international meeting! We are very happy to share that we are only 1 year away from the next IAGP International Congress, which will be held in the city of Sapporo - Japan, August 20-23, 2025. We are entering the most exciting stage of creativity and collective creation, our general and local organization teams and the scientific committee are moving forward with great enthusiasm to organize the best experience in recent times for our community.  1 year to prepare your trip, research the destination, start writing your presentation, workshop or paper, register, get your ticket, research about the wonders that Japan has to visit, pack your suitcase and go to the meeting. “Groups and Global Crises: Challenges for People, Organizations, and Societies” will be the starting point. Start dreaming about your trip, visit our website to learn more about Sapporo & the venue. ---------- ¡Es hora de prepararse para la próxima reunión internacional! Estamos muy contentos de compartir que estamos a sólo 1 año del próximo Congreso Internacional de la IAGP, que se celebrará en la ciudad de Sapporo - Japón, del 20 al 23 de agosto de 2025. Estamos entrando en la etapa más emocionante de creatividad y creación colectiva, nuestros equipos de organización general y local y el comité científico están avanzando con gran entusiasmo para organizar la mejor experiencia de los últimos tiempos para nuestra comunidad. 1 año para preparar tu viaje, investigar el destino, empezar a escribir tu presentación, taller o ponencia, inscribirte, sacar tu billete, investigar sobre las maravillas que Japón tiene para visitar, hacer la maleta y al encuentro. "Grupos y crisis globales: Desafíos para las personas, las organizaciones y las sociedades" será el punto de partida. Empieza a soñar con tu viaje, visita nuestra página web para saber más sobre Sapporo y la sede.

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  • #ÚLTIMOSDÍAS! #LASTDAYS! #LatinAmericanCongress!! ES: *El plazo de inscripción para la modalidad PRESENCIAL de nuestro Congreso finaliza este miércoles 14 de agosto a las 23:59 horas*. Después de la fecha, sólo será posible participar ONLINE. ¡Regístrate en el sitio web (link abajo) y garantiza tu lugar! ¡No pierdas esta oportunidad EN: *The deadline for registration for the IN-PERSON mode of our Congress ends this Wednesday, August 14th, at 11:59 p.m.* After that date, it will only be possible to participate through the ONLINE mode. Register on the website (link below) and guarantee your spot! Don't miss this opportunity PT: *Termina nesta quarta-feira, 14 de agosto, às 23h59, o prazo de inscrições para a modalidade PRESENCIAL do nosso Congresso*. Após a data, só será possível participar pela modalidade ONLINE. Inscreva-se no site (link abaixo) e garanta sua vaga! Não perca esta oportunidade 🔗 #Psichodrama #Psicodrama #Congreso #Internacional

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  • We are excited to announce the launch of our newly redesigned website! It is the new public face of IAGP!! This significant update reflects our ongoing commitment to enhancing communication, engagement, and accessibility within our global community. The new website features a user-friendly interface, streamlined navigation, and a wealth of resources to support your professional growth and collaboration. Whether you’re seeking in-depth information on our services or the latest updates in group psychotherapy and group processes, our website is your go-to resource for members. Explore the fresh design, intuitive layout, and enriched content that makes accessing valuable information easier than ever. Visit us today at and experience the future of group psychotherapy and group processes online! Thank you for your continued support and dedication to the IAGP. Warm regards, Heloisa Fleury, IAGP President, and Simon McLellan, IAGP Information Manager

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  • CONTINUA ABIERTA LA INSCRIPCIÓN para APERTURAS AL CUERPO, LA MÁSCARA Y LA ESCENA IMPLICANCIAS PERSONALES🎭 Clínica, supervisión, reflexión y lectura de textos. Participación libre, gratuita, todo el año!  Con Mario Buchbinder del Instituto de la Máscara 🎭Las máscaras, el cuerpo y las escenas de cada integrante en situación Individual y grupal.  🛜 Encuentro vivencial y de reflexión con trabajo escénico, corporal, psicodramático y de máscaras. Este grupo no está desvinculado de las intensidades que vivimos en cada país y en el mundo. Coordinador: Mario J. Buchbinder Director del Instituto de la Máscara Co-coordinación: Cristina Pausa INSCRIPCIÓN o Días y horarios: 1° y 3° jueves de cada mes, de 12 hs a 13hs de Buenos Aires (5 a 6 pm CEST) No arancelado para socios y no socios de la IAGP #psicodrama #máscara #teatro #creatividad #cuerpo

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  • #American #Friends of the International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes (IAGP)   IN 1973, after decades of networking and presenting psychodrama in many countries, J.L. and Zerka Moreno founded IAGP, in collaboration with many leaders in the field of group psychotherapy. This was the culmination of a life-long mission to reach people globally. Fifty years later, together with Matti Shalev, we co-created the American Friends of IAGP, a tax-exempt 501(C)(3) corporation, wishing to continue the work and legacy of our founding parents world-wide. The primary tasks of American Friends are to solicit donations which will help IAGP expand the reach of its many projects in various countries. If you know anyone or any corporation who could benefit from this tax exemption, please forward this plea to them. For more information, and to donate, please visit:    

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  • #Greetings once again from the IAGP Sapporo Conference Scientific Team.   We are developing a program for the conference to positively impact the global challenges we face. We’d like to introduce ourselves so you can get to know us better. We are experienced group scholars but newbies in this challenging endeavour: so we welcome everyone in our community, members or not, to contribute ideas and support! This is an opportunity for seasoned practitioners and presenters to share their latest work, for young and junior professionals to get involved in making the world a better place, and for those on the fringe to move from being observers to active participants.   A conference is an opportunity to discuss, share questions, and propose solutions to common and specific issues of interest. The conference topic affects us all and future generations. So, let’s think together about how we can all contribute by sharing our ideas, starting before the congress, inviting colleagues, attending, and enjoying camaraderie with our peers.   #Visit the 22nd IAGP International Congress website IAGP-2025 and check some essential information, such as welcome messages from the IAGP president, the SPC co-chairs, and the LOC chair, that already begin to transport us into the atmosphere of the event. Start preparing now for how you’d like to contribute to the conference program; the call for papers will come soon. Stay tuned. You may also want to contact colleagues or students to think about co-presenting. Conferences are a good opportunity for newcomers to learn the ropes of presenting with their trainers and develop their roles as presenters.   Don’t forget to share this conference with your colleagues!! #SAPPORO #IAGPCONFERENCE #psychodrama #grouptheraphy #groupprocesses

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