

Fluggesellschaften und Luftfahrt

MySky is the only AI-powered Spend Management Platform designed for the private aviation industry.


MySky is an independent expert in private aviation that empowers jet owners and operators across the globe by providing them with a revolutionary financial controlling and benchmarking tool that brings transparency and order to the industry. Using artificial intelligence, optical character recognition, and machine learning, MySky’s innovative IT platform is able to collect, digitize, verify, analyse and store all financial information and offers instant access to the information that matters. This ensures that financial management of a private jet becomes more timely and cost effective. MySky offers Swiss standards in terms of efficiency, system security and data confidentiality. It is privately owned and totally independent, which prevents it from being influenced by any market player and allows total commitment to its mission: to revolutionize jet ownership through technology and expertise.

Fluggesellschaften und Luftfahrt
51–200 Beschäftigte
Business Aviation, Finance, Audit & Analysis, Accounting, Benchmarking, IT, Private Jet Management und Aircraft financial management


Beschäftigte von MySky


  • Unternehmensseite von MySky anzeigen, Grafik

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    Last week, a company’s misconfigured security update caused vast disruption, bringing global air travel, banks, health services and broadcast channels to a standstill. Now understood to be the largest worldwide workstation outage in history, this crash demonstrates the critical nature of software integrity, open communication with your providers, and most importantly, the vigorous testing of product updates before mass rollout. At MySky, we have spent years perfecting our software, and conduct thorough reviews on all products to ensure the highest levels of technological stability for our business aviation clients. Explore our AI solutions: #SoftwareUpdate #BusinessAviation #MySkyAdvantage

    Timeline: How the CrowdStrike outage unfolded | CNN Business

    Timeline: How the CrowdStrike outage unfolded | CNN Business

  • Unternehmensseite von MySky anzeigen, Grafik

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    Today we’re highlighting client success analyst, Kristi Anderson!   While new to the MySky team, Kristi is an experienced tech professional, having worked in software quality assurance for a variety of sectors, from the beverage and alcohol industry to gift card payment processing software, commercial airline reservation systems and more!   In this Q&A we asked Kristi about her day-to-day, hobbies, and what advice she would give to those interested in a similar career…   ✈️ What does a day-in-the-life of a client success analyst look like?    Most days are spent supporting client needs, demo-ing or training clients on our products. The rest is more account management, or (my favorite), visiting clients or talking to them at the trade shows. I really enjoy getting to know my clients and learning how I can help them be successful. ✈️ What inspired you to pursue a career in this area?    I’m fascinated by the link between technology and human interaction. I enjoy learning new technical ways to accomplish tasks, and how I can make our products work best to suit each of our client’s needs. ✈️ What do you think sets MySky apart from other companies in the same industry?    We have knowledgeable industry experts from all over the world. The more you get out and meet people and listen to their needs, the better the technical solutions become. MySky values its customers and I think it shows in every call, handshake and communication. We are always here to help! ✈️ What advice would you give to someone who wants to pursue a career similar to yours?    Well, I don't think anyone grows up wanting to be a client success analyst! But, I do believe you have to keep an open mind. Having a well-rounded knowledge of tools and ideas to bring to the table always is well received by peers. Also, get involved in non-profit organizations and learn about their needs. Working with volunteers has taught me a lot about myself, and I have been able to assist them in their growth. ✈️ Aviation and technology aside, how do you enjoy spending your free time?    My husband and I are outdoor enthusiasts. We’re often sailing, kayaking, camping, fishing, or enjoying the landscape, traveling the world and meeting new people! I also spend a lot of time volunteering in various ways and spending time with family, friends and our cats.   #MySky #MeetTheTeam #BusinessAviation #ClientSuccessAnalyst

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  • Unternehmensseite von MySky anzeigen, Grafik

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    “Complex areas of tax law, which are prone to errors, are major points of contention for IRS auditors. Experts believe that acquiring automated tax reporting software could reduce the potential for human error, lessen the administrative load and provide a secure repository for this heavily scrutinized information.” MySky co-founder and CEO Christopher Marich, and aviation tax manager Letwan Sutton, shared their insights into the ongoing IRS audits of private jet taxation, lessons to be learned for the wider industry, and how advanced AI software could resolve time consuming reporting issues. Read the full article, “IRS Private Jet Audits may Provide Lessons For Europe” in Aviation Week Network: #IRSAudit #PrivateJet #AviationTax #BusinessAviation

    Viewpoint: IRS Private Jet Audits May Provide Lessons For Europe

    Viewpoint: IRS Private Jet Audits May Provide Lessons For Europe

  • Unternehmensseite von MySky anzeigen, Grafik

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    “Today, data is the new ‘gold.’ So don’t ever give the control of your data away to anyone.” Head of MySky Tax, Ryan DeMoor, shares his shopping tips for business aviation software and the importance of cybersecurity in the National Business Aviation Association’s latest #BusinessAviationInsider issue. “(At MySky) we believe that your data is your data, but some firms don’t share that belief. They think if you use their software, they ‘own’ that data. So, make sure you read the contract very carefully.” Read the full article here: #BusinessAviation #CyberSecurity #DataProtection

    Avoiding Mistakes When Buying Business Aviation Software

    Avoiding Mistakes When Buying Business Aviation Software

  • Unternehmensseite von MySky anzeigen, Grafik

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    Instead of dealing with an inbox full of unanswered requests, charter operators can use automative AI to instantly answer each one with a precise quote.      MySky’s AI-powered Smart Quoting engine not only improves efficiency and accuracy, but also helps meet the high demand of the summer travel season.    Our auto-quote feature enables operators to focus on driving sales and building relationships, rather than manually processing an overwhelming number of quotes.    The new Smart Quoting engine also includes a smart trip builder, empowering operators to maximize revenue at fleet level, while gaining visibility on individual trip profitability before take-off.      To find out how MySky could help optimize your quoting process, visit:

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  • Unternehmensseite von MySky anzeigen, Grafik

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    The UK urban air mobility (UAM) and regional air mobility (RAM) sectors could bring some £2.87 billion ($3.66 billion) and £2.46 billion ($3.12 billion) respectively to aircraft and air/vertiport operators, as reported in Aviation Week Network. MySky's head of Americas, Jean-Sebastien de Looz, recently shared valuable insights on an ‘Embracing Technology and Changes’ panel, envisioning the future of advanced air mobility (AAM). As these new markets emerge, establishing a stable financial ecosystem is crucial for sustainable growth. MySky’s AI-powered solutions provide complete transparency over financial back-office processes, improving efficiency and accuracy in times of unparalleled progress. Interested in hearing how? Visit #eVTOL #UrbanAirMobility #FinancialTransparency #BusinessAviation

    More Money, More Problems For Emerging UK RAM/UAM Sector

    More Money, More Problems For Emerging UK RAM/UAM Sector

  • Unternehmensseite von MySky anzeigen, Grafik

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    June was a busy month for MySky! Let’s take a look back at the team’s activity… Jean-Sebastien de Looz and Kristi Anderson met with owners, operators and industry peers at the @NBAA White Plains Regional Forum. The team had a great time discussing the future of the business aviation, financial transparency and AI applications. Jean-Sebastien de Looz also attended the Summer Aviation Summit, hosted by OOAK AGENCY in Chicago. Jean-Sebastien shared his insights on improving efficiency and atomization in business aviation financial processes, during his panel ‘Business Optimization: Game Changer in the Biz Av world.’ Manager of aviation tax, Letwan Sutton, MBA, headed to Washington DC for a National Business Aviation Association DC Fly-In, with over 70 Young Professionals in Business Aviation (YoPro). Letwan spoke with Congressman Maxwell F.'s staff about our industry’s ‘Climbing Fast’ initiative, and the FAA Reauthorization bill passed earlier this year, including proactive next steps. Stayed tuned to keep up with MySky activities throughout July! #ClimbingFast #BusinessAviation #GeneralAviation #AIApplications

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  • Unternehmensseite von MySky anzeigen, Grafik

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    Welcome to the MySky team, Tamara Rains! Tamara joined MySky in April as a software solutions manager. Having shown an interest in technology from a young age, Tamara brings efficiency to customer experience management. In the Q&A below, we asked Tamara about her role at MySky, previous work experience, and hobbies outside of work. ✈️ Can you share details of your education/career experience to date? I have a bachelor’s degree in communications from Salisbury University, Maryland, US. I began building computers with my father as a young child and started helping him with his computer networking consulting business. My career in software began after college at a non-profit, followed by seven years at Satcom Direct (SD). I evolved at SD across various roles within the software and product divisions and moved over to MySky a few months ago. ✈️ What does a day-in-the-life of a Software Solutions Manager look like? I assist the client success team with customer onboarding, tracking, support, contracts and training, handling complex aspects such as custom reports, itineraries, and data migrations. My day-to-day is spent communicating between the product management and engineering teams on requirements and requests, with customers for support and training, with partner vendors on integrations, and various other internal teams to coordinate success across the platforms! ✈️ What do you think sets MySky apart from other companies in the same industry? MySky is set apart by its personalized customer service, the technical integrity of the overall platform, as well as innovation and efficiency of building customer needs into our products. ✈️ What advice would you give to someone who wants to pursue a career similar to yours? Make connections and attend conferences! There is an amazing amount of information out there in the industry – you will never stop learning or get bored! ✈️ Aviation and technology aside, how do you enjoy spending your free time? I enjoy spending time with my two teenage boys. We like to spend time outdoors, at the beach, visiting family, and going on adventures 😊 #MySky #WomenInAviation #MeetTheTeam

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  • Unternehmensseite von MySky anzeigen, Grafik

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    The Euros are causing major bizav tourism in Europe! As reported in BlueSky News, European bizjet activity has increased over the last few weeks as football fans race to the Euros. For charter operators, this means a spike in requests, more quotes to generate and admin to do. This summer, MySky introduced its AI-powered Smart Quoting engine, offering full automation to provide charter operators with new levels of efficiency. The new auto-quote feature ensures operators can adapt to fluctuating demand seamlessly, optimizing resources and maximizing revenue potential. Visit to find out how MySky quote can help you through the summer season. #Euro2024 #BusinessAviation #AIPowered #BlueSkyNews

    Euros sparking bizjet tourism into Europe : WINGX Report.

    Euros sparking bizjet tourism into Europe : WINGX Report.

  • Unternehmensseite von MySky anzeigen, Grafik

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    MySky's conditional Smart Quoting engine revolutionizes the booking process. It delivers instantaneous, precise quotes, provides insight into overall fleet profitability and boosts efficiency and accuracy by enabling employees to focus on driving sales, without the burden of manual quoting.” – Jean-Sebastien de Looz, head of Americas, MySky. Read more about MySky Quote:  MySky — AI Spend Management system #BusinessAviation #AI 

    MySky reveals smart quoting engine for operators

    MySky reveals smart quoting engine for operators

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