Uster Technologies

Uster Technologies


The standard from fiber to fabric


Uster is the world’s leading provider of quality management solutions from fiber to fabric. Uster Technologies provides high-technology instruments, systems and services for quality control, prediction, certification and optimization in the textile industry. This includes systems for quality management, laboratory testing and in-line process control for fibers, staple and filament yarns, fabric inspection as well as value-added services. Uster provides the globally-acknowledged Uster Statistics benchmarks for trading, textile know-how training, consulting and worldwide after-sales services – always aspiring to fulfill the textile market’s needs, to drive innovation forward with ‘quality in mind’. Uster Technologies AG is headquartered in Uster, Switzerland and operates worldwide. It has sales and service subsidiaries in the major textile markets and Technology Centers in Uster (Switzerland), Knoxville (USA), Suzhou (China) and Caesarea (Israel).

501–1.000 Beschäftigte
Yarn Testing, Fiber Cleaning, Yarn Clearing, Fiber Testing, Fabric Quality Assurance, Fabric Inspection, Mill Management, Sensor Technology, High-tech Electronics, Nonwovens, Cotton Classing, In-line Process Control, Laboratory Systems und Textile


Beschäftigte von Uster Technologies


  • Unternehmensseite von Uster Technologies anzeigen, Grafik

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    Tashkent in Uzbekistan is the place to be – at least for textile professionals between September 11 and 14, 2024. CAITME, the Central Asian International Textile Machinery Exhibition, attracts industry players and provides Uster with an ideal opportunity to present the must-haves for efficient quality management in spinning mills. “Uster Quantum 4.0, considered by customers to be the best performing yarn clearer in the market, and Uster Jossi Vision Shield, highly appreciated for improving contamination control, are the most discussed products at this year’s CAITME,” explains Giacomo Fratesi, General Manager Sales & OEM, Uster Technologies. Laboratory equipment, particularly Uster Tester 6, Uster Tensorapid 5 and AFIS Pro 2, has been attracting significant interest in the context of enhanced quality and process control in spinning mills.    The Uster team looks forward to welcoming you to the ART-TEXTILE booth. In the picture: left to right: Andreas Tanner, Executive Vice President Sales & Service, Uster Technologies; Davide Maccabruni, CEO, Uster Technologies; Bahtiyor Pulatov, Sales Manager, ART-TEXTILE; Giacomo Fratesi, General Manager Sales & OEM, Uster Technologies; Mehmet Yüksel, Area Manager After Sales, Uster Technologies. #UsterTechnologies #Uster #ThinkQuality #textile #CAITME #Tashkent #Uzbekistan

    • A group of five men standing – posing with thumbs up – at the booth.
  • Unternehmensseite von Uster Technologies anzeigen, Grafik

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    A healthy life is vital to us, and the well-being of employees is particularly important to Uster Technologies. As such, the company supports various initiatives and is a sponsor of the Greifenseelauf! Lake Greifensee is located in the immediate vicinity of the company’s headquarters in Uster, Switzerland, and is a beautiful recreational area where our employees enjoy picnicking, swimming and jogging. An approximately 20-kilometer-long walking trail leads around the lake. The Greifenseelauf, a half marathon that attracts international participants, is held on this route, along with various other running competitions across different categories within the same event. A number of Uster employees – including the CEO Davide Maccabruni – have registered for the Greifenseelauf on September 21, 2024. We will of course report on how well they did. For bikers, Uster participates every year in the Swiss national initiative ‘Bike to Work’. Four-person teams cycle to work instead of driving or taking public transport. The goal of this initiative is to bike to work at least 50 percent of the time over a two-month period. Of course, our team members are more ambitious than that. The initiative is seen as Uster’s contribution to reducing carbon emissions while promoting fitness and enjoyment. #UsterTechnologies #Uster #ThinkQuality #textile #Switzerland #Greifenseelauf #running #biking #health #fun

    • logo of Greifenseelauf
  • Unternehmensseite von Uster Technologies anzeigen, Grafik

    18.265 Follower:innen

    Ready to clean!    This is not a post about the Uster fiber cleaning system! 😉    A motivated group of 15 volunteers from the Uster subsidiary in Knoxville, TN (USA), took action! On August 22, they organized a clean-up day, partnering up with the local organization `Keep Knoxville Beautiful´ (     Cleaning the area around their office, they collected over 20 bags of trash – mainly discarded food wrappers and packages, including empty soda bottles. But they also picked up various car parts, like a bumper. “It is important for us to make a contribution to the life of our community and to help keep our city clean,” says Alyshia Jeffrey, Human Resources Specialist, Uster Technologies, Inc. in Knoxville. Uster’s US subsidiary runs several CSR activities throughout the year.    #UsterTechnologies #Uster #ThinkQuality #textile #Knoxville #USA #CSR #clean-up #volunteers Keep Knoxville Beautiful In the picture: Volunteers from Uster’s US subsidiary during the clean-up day in Knoxville

    • 15 team members from Uster’s subsidiary in Knoxville, TN (USA) are ready and equipped to clean up their city.))
  • Unternehmensseite von Uster Technologies anzeigen, Grafik

    18.265 Follower:innen

    It feels like family. This is what Gregory Winiger, Uster Area Sales Manager and host of our booth at Febratex 2024, tells us about his impressions of the show. Febratex has started really well and will be a successful show for Uster in Gregory’s opinion. He is delighted about the interest in Uster products. Visitors have been asking about various laboratory and online monitoring systems, as well as the latest solutions. “I really feel the Brazilian market is willing to improve overall quality,” says Gregory. Big local retailers are also looking to boost quality. At Uster, we are driving improvements in fiber and yarn quality forward, and this joint effort could have a significant impact. Key customers are happy to see the “whole Uster Team” at Febratex, meaning that they are pleased to meet their contacts from the Uster sales and service team as well as the agent at the booth. “Brazilians are very nice and hearty. It feels like a big family reunion,” says Gregory. #UsterTechnologies #Uster #ThinkQuality #textile #Febratex #Brazil In the picture: The "whole Uster Team", left to right: Mehmet Yüksel (Uster), Giancarlo Goldoni (Cotextil), Jean-Luc Chanselme (Cotextil), Mari Chanselme (Cotextil), Marcos Quintanilha (Uster), Valmir Soares (Uster), Gregory Winiger (Uster) and Vitor Facio (Uster).

    • Uster team at Febratex showing seven male and one female team member in dark suit and red tie.
  • Unternehmensseite von Uster Technologies anzeigen, Grafik

    18.265 Follower:innen

    Quicker and easier! The introduction of Uster Quality Expert at Shandong Zhink transformed both quality management in yarn production and the various related work processes – ultimately leading to increased customer satisfaction. Shandong Zhink New Material Co., based in Zaozhuang City, China, operates a total of 150,000 spindles, including 46,800 at its Unit 3 spinning mill. Unit 3 alone has a workforce of 160 people and exports about 30% of its total output. The product range includes polyester blends as well as cotton/flax yarns spun with compact and Siro spinning systems. Installation of Uster Quality Expert, along with its related components (Quantum Expert and Sentinel), enabled the integration of all production and quality data into a single system. “Previously, we had to adjust settings for each winder individually. Now, we simply open Quantum Expert and sync the settings across all machines producing the same article. The Alarm Center quickly notifies any exceptions in production, so there is no need to check reports one by one. Quality Expert and its Value Modules help make tasks quicker and easier, while providing a complete mill analysis,” says Changjin Ding, General Manager at Shandong Zhink. Read the full customer case study, including an interview, here: English version: Turkish version: Russian version: #UsterTechnologies #ThinkQuality #QualityManagement #textile #spinning #QualityExpert #UQX #UQE #Sentinel #China

    • Mill of Shandong Zhink New Material Co. in Zaozhuang City, China
  • Unternehmensseite von Uster Technologies anzeigen, Grafik

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    It’s only human!     You like to control your yarn production from fiber to yarn. You want to be informed of any potential quality issues and have immediate insight into how to address them. You imagine being able to predict how the spun yarn will perform in the desired fabric. And you would really appreciate a little help from an expert with your daily tasks.    Uster Quality Expert meets spinner’s human needs! Discuss all these things and more at the upcoming Febratex show in Brazil and discover what Uster Quality Expert can do for you, or contact either your local Uster team or us at      Gregory Winiger, Area Sales Manager at Uster Technologies, will be more than happy to meet you at Febratex 2024, which will take place at Parque Vila Germânica in Blumenau, SC, from August 20 to 23. Come along and find out about Uster Quality Expert, Uster Tester 6, Uster AFIS Pro 2, and much more at booth no. 77 in sector 03.    For instant answers to your human needs, check out the value modules `Mill analysis´, `Alarm center´, and `Yarn prognosis´ of Uster Quality Expert in this document (Portuguese version: Turkish version:       #UsterTechnologies #Uster #ThinkQuality #textile #QualityExpert #UQX #Febratex #Brazil  

    • Female staff at spinning mill: quality manager at the laboratory and in the production hall, sales representative.
  • Unternehmensseite von Uster Technologies anzeigen, Grafik

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    Let’s dive deeper into the topic of yarn twist! After presenting twist measurement of Uster Tester 6 in our previous post, we’d now like to look into twist in relation to recycled yarn. Generally, yarn twist significantly influences the density and hairiness of the yarn. These characteristics are very closely related. For example, if more twist is applied to the yarn, density increases and hairiness decreases, and vice versa. The twist is responsible for the touch and feel of a fabric. It is noticeable that, regardless of the yarn count, more twist is applied to yarns spun of blends of virgin cotton with recycled cotton than to yarns spun of virgin cotton. Uster analized blends of 70% to 75% virgin cotton mixed with 25% to 30% recycled cotton. Using the Uster Statistics 2023 as a guide, the following observations were made: Compared to the 5% USP level, 20% more twist is applied to the yarn. With the 50% USP level/line, 10% more twist is required, and only with the 95% line is it possible to apply 5% less twist compared to virgin cotton. Based on these facts, a spinner can see that saving margins with recycled yarn is challenging due to lower production efficiency. #UsterTechnologies #Uster #ThinkQuality #textile #UsterStatistics #yarn #twist 

    • Cone of recycled yarn hold in hand
  • Unternehmensseite von Uster Technologies anzeigen, Grafik

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    The hidden champion! Twist measurement can truly be called the hidden champion among the many great features of Uster Tester 6 (UT6). Users know the reasons why. Twist measurements impact the appearance and performance of the final product, making them a crucial parameter in yarn specifications to ensure successful cooperation between yarn producers and users. The unique twist and twist variation (Tu) measurements are integral to the yarn testing routine – requiring no additional effort! The twist level is elaborated as an algorithm based on measured results from the CS, OH and OM sensors. The twist results are based on 400 meters or more with Uster Tester 6. In contrast, a manual twist tester only measures 0.5 meters. Twist values are available for 100% CO (carded and combed), CO blends, and 100% synthetics, including their blends spun with ring and compact spinning machines, and OE-Rotor yarns of 100% CO, CO blends, and 100% synthetics, including their blends. What makes the UT6 twist measurement the real hidden champion for users? ✅ Quick and easy measurement of yarn twist levels and outlier identification  ✅ Elimination or significant reduction of labor-intensive manual yarn twist testing  ✅ Higher reproducibility with UT6 twist measurements compared to a manual twist tester ✅ Measurements irrespective of the operator ✅ Twist measurements available for cotton, synthetics, and blended yarns ✅ Can be used for ring and compact yarns as well as for OE-Rotor yarns Discover more information about Uster Tester 6 and its many great features here: 📣 Keep following our company news on LinkedIn, where we will soon announce our new Uster Tester webinar. #UsterTechnologies #Uster #ThinkQuality #textile #UT6 #UsterTester #yarn #twist In the picture: Uster Technologies has a pioneering position in yarn quality measurement innovations

    • Overview of yarn quality measurement innovations incorporated in the Uster Tester
  • Unternehmensseite von Uster Technologies anzeigen, Grafik

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    At the Uster headquarters, apprentices come and go over the years. We offer three or four-year vocational training programs for computer scientists, logistics technicians, production mechanics, electronics technicians, design engineers, and commercial clerks. As a training company, Uster has deservedly earned the “Great Start!” certification. David Huerlimann (3), Emre Aslan (1), Nils Hindermann (5), Julian Conrad (2), and Sakuna Kaewsupa (4) have all completed their training at Uster and are now launching their professional careers. Some of them are continuing their journey with Uster Technologies, and this makes us very happy. We congratulate them all on their successful graduation and wish them the very best for the future. Uster has a long-standing tradition of vocational training, offering around 18 young people the opportunity to qualify in a range of professions. This August, we will welcome six new trainees, who will attend vocational college, learn skills from our experts, and support the various Uster departments. “Every summer, we experience the mixed emotions of saying goodbye to the young people who have been valued members of our team and hello to those who are excited to kick off a new chapter of their lives,” says Sarah Schwery, Vocational Training Manager at Uster. Interested in vocational trainings at the Uster Technologies headquarters? #UsterTechnologies #ThinkQuality #QualityManagement #training #apprenticeship #congratualtions #WeAreProud #Welcome In the picture: Bring-a-friend farewell party for our graduating apprentices

    • Group picture of 12 young people - former Uster apprentices and their friends - taken a the farewell party.
  • Unternehmensseite von Uster Technologies anzeigen, Grafik

    18.265 Follower:innen

    Customers demand a greater variety of yarns, leading to frequent production changes. Quality must remain consistent while production costs must be kept under control. This scenario is likely familiar to everyone working in a spinning mill. However, there is a solution to overcome these challenges. Free of charge! You know that the way fibers are treated during production influences quality and production costs. Therefore, measuring and understanding the fiber properties is essential for process control – and Uster Statistics assists in analyzing the results. Uster’s globally established quality standards, which are applicable to both fibers and yarns, are based on varying yarn end-use applications. Benchmarking with Uster Statistics is ideal for comparing achieved quality levels and putting them into the context of what to spin and what to achieve with given materials, machinery, components, and settings. Uster Statistics 2023 supports spinning mill operations with global benchmarks, making data comparison easy with the use of charts, (interactive) tables, and throughout the preparation process. In our latest practical case, we explain how a spinner in Turkey was able to increase profits using Uster Statistics and only investing in new card clothing. Read the complete case under Application Literature and Practical Cases in the Uster Insights app. If you are not yet familiar with Uster apps, go to this link: #UsterTechnologies #Uster #ThinkQuality #textile #UsterStatistics #fiber #yarn #quality #benchmarking In the picture: Comparison of cotton card sliver quality for various yarn applications.

    • Table showing cotton sliver quality data for rotor, ring and compact spinning

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