Varda - Field Data Exchange

Varda - Field Data Exchange


Our mission is to break the silos of farm & field data to transform the way information is gathered, analyzed and shared


Varda is an Ag tech start up developing software solutions for agriculture, founded by Yara International. Varda’s mission is to enable the use of field-level data to accelerate the transition towards a nature-positive food system by tackling the challenge of data fragmentation and lack of standards of data produced on farms every day. Varda operates a digital platform that operates two products, Global FieldID and SoilHive. Global FieldID through the ingestion of field boundaries assigns a unique identifier that allows for the identification of fields, globally. Having a common geospatial reference for fields will enable industry stakeholders to ‘speak the same language’, improving the interoperability of digital farming tools and data exchange across the whole food value chain. Through the widespread adoption of Global FieldID, Varda’s goal is to bring together leaders from the agri-food industry to collaborate to transition to a more sustainable, resilient, and transparent food system. SoilHive, is an open data platform aiming to make soil data easily discoverable, accessible, and interoperable. It can be compared to a soil data 'library' where one can explore multiple data sources, download them with a click, compare data, and collaborate to bridge critical soil information gaps. Thanks to SoilHive, soil gaps can be identified across geographies, data insights can be formed and others can contribute to soil sampling campaigns and overall soil health. Check out the SoilHive platform:

11–50 Beschäftigte


Beschäftigte von Varda - Field Data Exchange


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    “You can imagine soil health’s role in human health in two ways—what it does to us and what it does for us.”💡 Check out this week’s sustainability stories in the latest edition of Field News of the Week. This week’s stories include: Forbes emphasizes the overlooked importance of soil health in human well-being, highlighting how soil quality directly impacts the nutritional value of our food and overall health. Healthy soil, rich in organic matter, supports better nutrient cycling, water retention, and resilience, enhancing the quality of what we eat. edie covers Google’s partnership with Arable to improve water management in agriculture. By deploying Arable’s crop intelligence technology across 25,000 acres, the collaboration aims to enhance irrigation precision and resilience in farming amidst climate change challenges. PYMNTS discusses how AI is revolutionizing agriculture, highlighting the role of AgTech, finance, and robotics in transforming farming practices. AI’s predictive capabilities help optimize yields and farming efficiency, while also aiding financial institutions in managing portfolios and reducing risks. Earth.Org reports on a new analysis by the Save Soil movement. Backed by major global organizations, Save Soil is advocating for dedicated soil policies worldwide, urging governments to prioritize soil regeneration as a public health issue. Have a great weekend! #FieldNewsOfTheWeek #soilhealth #sustainableagriculture #climatechange #AgTech

  • Unternehmensseite von Varda - Field Data Exchange anzeigen, Grafik

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    🌾 Aggregate Soil Data for a Sustainable Future Comprehensive soil data is essential for sustainable farming, environmental conservation, and climate resilience. However, this data is often fragmented and scattered, making it challenging to access a complete view. SoilHive unifies dispersed soil data into one platform, offering a clearer picture of soil data availability. More on SoilHive 👉 #Varda #SoilHive #SoilHealth #Sustainability #DataDriven

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  • Unternehmensseite von Varda - Field Data Exchange anzeigen, Grafik

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    Our Head of Business Development, Inês Rocha Ferreira, is attending the Regenerative Agriculture Summit Europe! 🌱   The Regenerative Agriculture Summit Europe, in Amsterdam, brings together over 550 key players across the food value chain from grower, through to brand, and retailer to explore the challenges and opportunities in the transition to regenerative practices.   If you’re interested in hearing more about Varda at the event, let us know.   You can find more information here:

    Regenerative Agriculture Summit Europe 2024

    Regenerative Agriculture Summit Europe 2024

  • Unternehmensseite von Varda - Field Data Exchange anzeigen, Grafik

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    “The small islands don’t contribute to climate change but everything that happens because of climate change is multiplied here.”💡 Check out this week’s sustainability stories in the latest edition of Field News of the Week. This week’s stories include: BusinessLive reports that the Royal Agricultural University’s agritech hub has launched the Farm491 Challenge Prize, offering a £50,000 prize for innovative solutions to mixed land use challenges. Companies focusing on agroforestry, regenerative housing, and co-producing food and renewables are encouraged to apply. POLITICO Europe reveals that EU Agriculture Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski has drafted a controversial, secret law on food security, which contradicts existing EU climate policies. Euractiv covers the final stages of the European Commission's “strategic dialogue on the future of agriculture.” The roundtable, involving 29 food sector representatives, aims to tackle polarization in the sector, with discussions focusing on sustainability, livestock, and food innovation. BBC shares warnings from UN Secretary-General António Guterres about rising sea levels. Speaking at the Pacific Island Forum, he highlighted how the Pacific region is disproportionately affected by climate change, even though it contributes little to global emissions. Have a great weekend! #FieldNewsOfTheWeek #agritech #sustainableagriculture #climatechange #foodsecurity

  • Unternehmensseite von Varda - Field Data Exchange anzeigen, Grafik

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    🌾 Each day, vast amounts of data are generated across farm fields, providing valuable insights into crop health. However, much of this data is siloed, leading to a significant disconnect in information. This fragmentation creates a lack of traceability in agriculture, making it difficult to achieve the full potential of data-driven farming practices. Global FieldID aims to solve this issue, by assigning a unique alphanumeric code to each field, enabling field identification of agricultural land plots, globally - allowing data to be shared easily. 🌱

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  • Unternehmensseite von Varda - Field Data Exchange anzeigen, Grafik

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    Finland Field Boundaries 🇫🇮 Since we announced that Finland is now included in the list of countries where we have field-boundary coverage, we wanted to share some interesting facts about the country. 1️⃣ Finland is known as the "land of a thousand lakes," but in reality, it has around 168,000 lakes, making up around 10% of the country's land area. 2️⃣ It's the fifth-largest country in Western Europe. 3️⃣ Finland is renowned for its sustainable forestry practices and is one of the top producers of timber and paper products in Europe. We're excited to provide this valuable data to our users. and you can check it out here👇 #Varda #GFID #Agriculture #Innovation #FieldBoundaries #Finland #AgTech

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  • Unternehmensseite von Varda - Field Data Exchange anzeigen, Grafik

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    Here are three things you might not know about #GlobalFieldID: 💡Information is shared by the owner of the field, using the Global FieldID system to identify it with a unified ID 💡If users are missing a field, they can draw a new boundary on the Global FieldID platform and upload it themselves 💡Traders can record the origin of a crop and share the corresponding Global FieldID with buyers to provide information about the product. Interested in hearing more? Watch our video on Global FieldID below: #traceability #agdata #farmdata #agtech #innovation #collaboration

  • Unternehmensseite von Varda - Field Data Exchange anzeigen, Grafik

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    “Restoring and monitoring soil biodiversity has never been more important”💡 Check out this week’s sustainability stories in the latest edition of Field News of the Week. This week’s stories include: CIO News reports on how AI-powered agriculture is helping farmers combat climate change and food security challenges. AgTech startup SupPlant uses real-time data from IoT sensors to optimize water usage and boost crop yields by 5-10%, saving farmers an average of 30% on water. Verdict highlights the mental health benefits of regenerative agriculture. By promoting microbial biodiversity, these practices not only improve soil health but may also alleviate mental health issues through increased production of serotonin-boosting bacteria. The Guardian reveals new research from Flinders University, showing that healthy soil has a unique soundtrack. The study found that diverse underground ecosystems produce distinct sounds, which could help in monitoring soil health and combating global soil degradation. UKTN covers the UK’s National Wealth Fund, which aims to accelerate the green transition by providing debt and equity funding for climate tech. The fund will mobilize over £20bn in private investment to help scale low-carbon projects. Have a great weekend! #FieldNewsOfTheWeek #sustainableagriculture #agtech #ai #regenerativeagriculture #climatetech

  • Unternehmensseite von Varda - Field Data Exchange anzeigen, Grafik

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    Climate change is reshaping agriculture and land management. Accurate soil data is essential for understanding and responding to these shifts. 🌱 SoilHive aggregates data from diverse sources, allowing you to build a solid baseline for your projects. This comprehensive view helps you efficiently identify data gaps and target additional data collection where it’s most needed, ensuring a more focused and effective approach. Get started with SoilHive today: #Varda #SoilHive #SoilData #Agriculture #ClimateChange #DataDriven #LandManagement

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