Titelbild von VitrocsaVitrocsa



The original minimalist window. Since 1992.


Inspired by the Case Study Houses programme, the minimalist window was invented by Eric Joray in 1992 in Switzerland. Vitrocsa installed the first sliding door system in 1993 in a villa in Geneva and the first patent was registered worldwide in 1994. Since then, we continue to improve our products, we develop new solutions and new players in the market continually copy Vitrocsa. Be smart, follow the real innovation and only purchase from approved dealers, the list of which is shown on our website. About 20 people are based in Saint-Aubin-Sauges and more than 500 people across the world. We export to all 5 continents, and over 60 countries. Born from Orchidées Constructions SA, in the Swiss canton of Neuchâtel, it is an innovative SME which, thanks to licensing contracts with a number of partners abroad, has a global reach. By turning the conventional principle behind window construction on its head, Vitrocsa has started a genuine revolution: the frameless glass takes on the load-bearing role formerly assumed by the frame. The entire space can then be dedicated to transparency. This fundamental technical principle, simple yet requiring complex technology, paves the way for innovative developments, an infinite range of versions and solutions tailored to customers' specific needs. Vitrocsa offers a number of special applications: sliding system, curved version, pivoting structure, invisible frame, guillotine, Turnable Corner. Playing with formal simplicity and maximum functionality, Vitrocsa is to the window what Haute Horlogerie is to a high street watch. The leading names in international architecture have worked with Vitrocsa, notably Sir Norman Foster (UK), Eduardo Souto de Moura (Portugal), Shigeru Ban (Japan), and Swiss architects Andrea Bassi, Vincent Mangeat, Boschetti architectes and Gigon/Guyer.

11–50 Beschäftigte
Einzelunternehmen (Gewerbe, Freiberufler etc.)
Metal structure, The minimalist window, Research and development, Architecture, Turnable corner, Sliding glass doors, Pivot doors, Guillotine Windows, Invisible frame und Minimalist


Beschäftigte von Vitrocsa


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