


Shanghai,Shanghai 12,421 位关注者


百胜中国控股有限公司是中国领先的餐饮公司,致力于成为全球最创新的餐饮先锋。自从1987年第一家餐厅开业以来,截至2020年9月底,百胜中国在中国的足迹遍布所有省市自治区(港澳台除外),在1400多座城镇经营着超过10000家餐厅。2020年,百胜中国位列《财富》美国500强排行榜第361位。百胜中国于2019年、2020年连续两年入选彭博性别平等指数,并荣获中国杰出雇主认证。 百胜中国从Yum! Brands(纽约证券交易所代码:YUM)分拆出来之后,于2016年11月1日独立在纽约证券交易所上市,股票代码为YUMC。百胜中国于2020年9月10日在香港联合交易所主板正式挂牌上市,股票代码为9987。百胜中国在中国市场拥有肯德基、必胜客和塔可贝尔三个品牌的独家运营和授权经营权,并完全拥有东方既白、小肥羊、黄记煌和COFFii & JOY连锁餐厅品牌。百胜中国亦与Lavazza合作,于中国探索及开发Lavazza咖啡店品牌概念。 经过三十多年的发展,我们不仅在店面数量,而且在品牌知名度、社交及数字媒体营销和传播、全国供应链管理、产品质量、以及创新方面都已经成为了一家中国领先的餐饮企业。百胜中国超过40万的员工是我们发展的支柱,与此同时,在百胜积累了经验丰富的管理团队和全情投入的前线伙伴也正在续引领发展活力充沛、直面机遇、和充满欢乐的企业文化。 在包括风靡全球的肯德基原味炸鸡等产品的基础上,我们还不断开发符合当地口味的产品,从而建立起强有力的顾客忠诚度。我们每一个品牌都有其专属产品,很多都是中国本土创新,同时我们也研发出众多独有产品与调味产品,为消费者提供美味便捷并且高品质的食物。通过在中国多年的发展与积累,我们已拥有深厚的消费者知识与忠诚度,各品牌的产品也已成功融入流行文化与消费者的日常生活之中。 我们将通过创新产品、提升就餐体验、增强移动连接、以及持续创造价值来满足消费者不断改变的需求。百胜中国对于未来长期的发展充满信心。

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    Yum China and its joint venture partner Lavazza are bringing Lavazza’s new partnership with iconic super sports car producer Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. to the China market. Starting June 18, Lavazza will introduce a limited-time co-branded "Lavazza Shakerato" drink with Automobili Lamborghini in China. A creative take on the classic Italian shaken iced coffee drink, Lavazza Shakerato, served in a stylish Lamborghini-themed shaker cup, combines espresso and ice cubes, with a choice of three flavors. A co-branded smartphone accessory will be offered to consumers who participate in this marketing campaign. #Lavazza #Lamborghini #Italian #Coffee

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    Yum China is honored to be among the 100 companies named to Fortune China's 2024 ESG Impact List. The magazine recognized Yum China's Food Bank program as well as our efforts to explore the conversion of used cooking oil into sustainable aviation fuel. Check out our latest Sustainability Report to learn more about our market-leading ESG initiatives: https://lnkd.in/gXTbJH5D 《财富》中文 #ESG #Impact #Sustainability

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    Yum China reported strong Q1 2024 results today, with 6% system sales growth year-on-year, 7% revenue growth in constant currency and 1% growth in core operating profit, while diluted EPS grew 10% year-on-year in constant currency, beating market expectations. We also returned $745 million to shareholders through dividends and share buybacks, the highest quarterly return in Yum China’s history. "Looking toward the future, we are absolutely confident in seizing China's vast opportunities. We are expanding addressable market through a multifaceted approach with flexible store formats, strategic franchising and a range of exciting products across price points. With these actions underway, we believe we are well-poised to sustain strong growth and create long-term value for our shareholders," Yum China CEO Joey Wat said in our quarterly earnings release. See our full earnings release here: https://lnkd.in/gurWWwRS #YumChina #earnings #Q1

    Yum China Reports First Quarter Results | Yum China Holdings, Inc.


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    Check out Yum China's recently published 2023 Sustainability Report, detailing the Company's ongoing progress toward its Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) goals. A few of the highlights covered in the report include our first 100% renewable energy-powered cold chain logistics center; our nationwide coffee grounds recycling initiative; expanded medical insurance coverage for our employees' families; and use of generative AI tools to better assess and prevent potential food safety risks. Read our press release summarizing the report highlights: https://lnkd.in/gFJaSmuu Click here to explore the full report: https://lnkd.in/gXTbJH5D #ESG #Sustainability #SustainabilityReport #YumChina #ResponsibleEcosystem #AI #CSR

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    Read Yum China CEO Joey Wat's annual letter to stockholders, now available on our website: https://lnkd.in/gXgtvpR9 Joey Wat #YumChina, #Innovation #Growth

    查看Joey Wat的档案,图片

    Just shared my annual letter to stockholders. Read more: https://lnkd.in/eSchTsUa   2023 was a landmark year for Yum China, one of our strongest ever. My deepest gratitude goes to our 430,000 employees: their hard work and dedication power the agility and innovation that enable us to succeed. We also want to thank our stakeholders, who have always stood by us along the way. We are incredibly excited about China's future growth potential, particularly as consumers in lower-tier cities upgrade their consumption. With industry-leading operational and supply chain capabilities - backed by advanced, AI-enabled technology - we are uniquely positioned to capture market opportunities.   Here's to forging ahead, together.   Yum China #YumChina, #Innovation, #Growth

    Annual Reports | Yum China Holdings, Inc.

    Annual Reports | Yum China Holdings, Inc.


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    At the Fortune Innovation Forum in Hong Kong today, Yum China CEO Joey Wat participated in two distinguished panel discussions, focusing on business strategy in the current landscape and closing the corporate gender gap. On business strategy, Wat discussed Yum China's end-to-end digitalization initiatives, including AI-enhanced inventory and replenishment and remote store management tools, which have increased operational efficiency while helping the company to meet its ambitious store growth target of 20,000 stores by 2026. On gender equity, Wat spoke on how Yum China is helping to better support its female employees, who make up more than 50% of the company’s workforce, through insurance benefits that cover parents in addition to spouses and children. She pointed out that women, particularly in China, are often expected to care for their parents and their husband’s parents in addition to raising children. “I went through the same struggle,” she said. Read more in Fortune’s coverage of today’s event: https://lnkd.in/gBPDXh-W #fortuneinnovationforum #AI #zerogendergap

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    On International Women's Day, we are celebrating the incredible women making our company and industry what it is today.   At Yum China, we believe that investing in and supporting women isn't just about fairness—it's about unlocking potential, driving growth, and building a better future for all. We strive to provide all our employees with the support and platforms they need to thrive, including through initiatives like our women's leadership programs.   As a signatory of the United Nations Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs), we've consistently led the restaurant industry in gender diversity practices, earning us a place on the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index (GEI).   Thank you to all the women who contribute so much to our company and communities every day. Let's continue to invest in women and accelerate progress.   #IWD2024 #InternationalWomensDay #InvestInWomen #YumChina

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    We are proud to share that Joey Wat, CEO of Yum China, has been recognized as one of Forbes China’s Top 100 Businesswomen for 2024, marking the fifth consecutive year that Joey has been named to the list.   The prestigious annual list highlights extraordinary women in China who navigate role transitions and perceptions in the competitive business arena, showcasing the unique charm and wisdom of female leaders. Congratulations to Joey and all of the inspiring female leaders who made it on to this year’s list!   See the full list here:https://lnkd.in/gycRbCtf   #Leadership #WomenInBusiness #ForbesChina #Innovation 




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    2023 was a record-breaking year for Yum China, with a strong finish in the fourth quarter. Here are some of the main highlights: Full Year Total Revenues Up 15% to $10.98 Billion, System Sales Up 21%, Operating Profit Up 76% and Core Operating Profit Grew 79% Fourth Quarter Revenues Up 19% to $2.49 Billion, System Sales Up 21%, Operating Profit Up 170% and Core Operating Profit Grew 324% 1,697 Net New Stores opened in 2023 (Total Store Count Now 14,644 Stores in Over 2,000 Cities) Total membership of KFC and Pizza Hut has now exceeded 470 million members   Learn more here: https://lnkd.in/gy8EUZ6z

