California Department of Toxic Substances Control的动态

DTSC 已為洛杉磯縣的 Ecobat(一個電池回收設施,原名 Quemetco)發布了兩份許可決定草案。 Ecobat 主要從廢鉛酸電池中回收鉛,廢鉛酸電池在加州屬於危險廢棄物。 請參閱此處的新聞稿: ✔ 「營運許可證」將實施更嚴格、更現代的標準,確保營運保護公眾健康和環境。 ✔ 「關閉後許可證」要求 Ecobat 繼續監測地下水並每年進行土壤採樣 13 年以上。 請參閱此處建議的許可證: DTSC 的許可證草案在 120 天的期限內公開徵求公眾意見。意見可在 2024 年 11 月 18 日晚上 11:59 之前提交。 在此提交您的評論:

  • Image of DTSC logo with Mandarin text that says: “DTSC announces Ecobat / Quemetco permit decisions. City of Industry, California”
  • Image of DTSC logo with Mandarin text that says: “The Department of Toxic Substances Control proposes: Ecobat / Quemetco’s 5-Year Operating Permit: Stricter, more modern standards, ensuring operations protect public health and the environment.”
  • Image of DTSC logo with Mandarin text that says: “The Department of Toxic Substances Control proposes: Ecobat / Quemetco’s 13-Year Post-Closure Permit: Requires groundwater monitoring and annual soil sampling around facility perimeter for 13+ years.”
