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Resources for Insurance Industry Insights and Tools

We offer a vast amount of free and paid publications that include various manuals, statistical reporting from various insurance industries, data industry combines files, forecasting tools and instructions that guide our various clients.

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We no longer print or ship publications. All free publications are currently available to download, for immediate access.

Refund Policy

Please be advised that all paid publications are non-refundable.

Accident and Health Policy Experience Report


Offers valuable and in-demand information on health insurance. Derived from the NAIC Accident and Health Policy Experience Exhibit, the report includes aggregated data from the exhibit in the P&C, health, life and fraternal blanks; extensive breakouts of market share data; company index; and important statistics - such as loss ratios, number of policies and certificates, and number of covered lives. Recently updated as of July 2023.

  • AHP-LR

    Accident and Health Policy Experience Report 2022

    Free Download

Accounting Practices and Procedures Manual


The Manual includes all statutory accounting guidance that has been adopted by the NAIC as of March. Appendices contain excerpts of applicable NAIC model laws, interpretations of the Emerging Accounting Issues (E) Working Group and Statutory Accounting Issues (E) Working Group, actuarial guidelines, GAAP to SAP cross-reference chart, issue papers, policy statements, and implementation guidance for the annual financial reporting model regulation. 


  • Online Subscription
    Pricing Per User

  • APP-OSS-2024

    2024 Accounting Practices and Procedures Manual Online Subscription


Annual Statement Blanks

ASBH-OSS-2024, ASBL-OSS-2024, ASBP-OSS-2024, ASBT-OSS-2024, ASBS-OSS-2024

To be used with its companion products, this publication provides the appropriate format for filing annual statement data with the states and the NAIC. Proper use helps identify system changes that can improve the method in which data is first collected and allows users to ascertain if their annual statement software vendor has complied with NAIC requirements. Please note that Protected Cell Blank is now available at no cost, located with free downloads. Updated annually. NOTE: Annual Statement Blanks are produced and sold separately from Quarterly Statement Blanks.

  • Online Subscription
    Pricing Per User

  • ASBH-OSS-2024

    2024 Annual Statement Blanks Health PDF Version


  • ASBL-OSS-2024

    2024 Annual Statement Life/Fraternal PDF Version


  • ASBP-OSS-2024

    2024 Annual Statement Property/Casualty PDF Version


  • ASBT-OSS-2024

    2024 Annual Statement Title PDF Version


  • ASBS-OSS-2024

    2024 Annual Statement Blanks Separate PDF Version


Annual Statement Blanks Protected Cell


Annual Statement Blanks Protected Cell, released yearly that provides appropriate format for filing annual statement data information from states and NAIC.

Annual Statement Instructions

ASIH-OSS-2024, ASIP-OSS-2024, ASIT-OSS-2024, ASIL-OSS-2024

Includes a summary of changes to the instructions for the annual statement. Allows for proper preparation of annual statements, including all supplemental information that must also be filed to remain in compliance with NAIC and state mandates. Instructions provide guidance for completing the various pages of the statements when the line descriptions are not self-explanatory.

  • Online Subscription
    Pricing Per User

  • ASIH-OSS-2024

    2024 Annual Health Statement Instructions


  • ASIP-OSS-2024

    2024 Annual Property/Casualty Statement Instructions


  • ASIT-OSS-2024

    2024 Annual Title Statement Instructions


  • ASIL-OSS-2024

    2024 Annual Life Statement Instructions


Auto Insurance Database Average Premium Supplement

ADPS-21, AUT-PB 2022

The data used for this supplement includes written premiums and exposures for calendar years 2017-2021 for the combined voluntary and residual market. Earned and incurred loss data for calendar/accident years 2018-2020 cannot be collected until spring of 2023 and will not be included in this supplement. The earned and incurred loss data will be included in the full 2020/2021 Auto Database report that will be released later this year. The purpose of the supplement is to release written premium data and exposures on a faster timeline than the full Auto Database report allows. The tables in this supplement, Tables 1 through Tables 5, will be included in the full report.

Auto Insurance Database

AUT-PB 2020-2021

Provides average costs associated with personal automobile insurance nationwide. This report, which shows state-by-state data, is designed to provide insurance regulators, consumers and legislators with information and analysis of auto insurance information. It makes information that impacts the price of auto insurance in each state readily available to insurance regulators monitoring the market and to the public. Included in the report are averages based on written premiums and exposures for the combined voluntary and residual market business. It also contains earned premiums, incurred losses, earned exposures and number of claims for both voluntary and residual market business. Updated annually.

Bond Mutual Fund List (SVO)


A listing of bond mutuals that meet conditions in the Purposes and Procedures Manual of the NAIC, qualifying them for more favorable reserve treatment. The Bank List meets credit standards specified for a variety of NAIC-approved purposes. The Bank List publication is no longer produced, and was last published in August 2017. See the SVO website for a similar list of what was included in this report.

Cannabis Insurance White Paper


The updated white paper discusses how the cannabis industry has become more sophisticated, with its rapid expansion driving new product development, infrastructure changes, and the need for businesses to provide ancillary services. It also outlines how the state of cannabis regulation, specifically at the state and local levels, has evolved significantly.

Company Licensing Best Practices Handbook


This handbook's objective is to provide a framework that, while not preempting a state's authority, promotes consistent decisions while reviewing the standardized Uniform Certificate of Authority Application (UCAA) and helps improve the efficiency of the review process. This handbook is not intended to constitute a comprehensive company licensing procedures manual. Published following each National Meeting.

Competition Database Report


The Competition Database Report was created to provide a single source of reference measures that serve as a starting point for examining the competitiveness of state insurance markets.

Consumer's Guide to Annuities


While focusing on deferred annuity contracts, the publication covers the annuity purchasing process from start to finish and includes questions customers should ask their agent or company along the way.

  • ANB-LP

    Buyer’s Guide for Deferred Annuities

    Free Download
  • ANB-LE

    Buyer’s Guide to Fixed Deferred Annuities

    Free Download
  • ANB-LS

    Understanding Life Settlements: Selling Your Life Insurance Policy

    Free Download

Consumer's Guide to Auto Insurance


Auto insurance is an expensive purchase for most Americans and shopping for it can be confusing. This publication simplifies the purchasing process and offers practical guidelines that can help lower the cost of coverage while increasing the value received. Complete with a listing of state laws governing the industry, the guide is a best bet for those looking to make informed decisions about auto insurance and get the most for their money.

Consumer's Guide to Cancer Insurance


The decision of whether to purchase cancer insurance can be a challenging one. While cancer treatment accounts for 10 percent of all U.S. health expenses, the policy will only provide benefit if one is afflicted with the disease. This guide briefly discuses key questions regarding cancer insurance and advises on the variation in cost and coverage of policies sold. The issues brought forth in this publication may also be useful when considering the purchase of other disease-specific insurance policies.

Consumer's Guide to Earthquake Insurance


Designed to educate consumers about the need to consider purchasing earthquake insurance. Helps consumers understand what earthquake policies cover and how they work. Also includes information on smart shopping strategies and steps to take in protecting homes. Illustrates the seismic risk the country faces and facilitates financial preparedness through an understanding of earthquake insurance.

Consumer's Guide to Homeowners Insurance


Delivers basic information to guide consumers through the assessment, selection and purchase of home insurance. Publication explains situations in which having homeowners' insurance may be mandatory, details the basic coverage options available to consumers and answers the most common questions associated with this offering. The guide aims to help consumers obtain a policy that provides them with a level of coverage that satisfies all their needs, but does so at the lowest possible cost. Includes a complete listing of state insurance departments.

Consumer's Guide to Life Insurance


The Life Insurance Buyer's Guide is a one-stop-shop for information related to life insurance. It provides useful insight into the types of policies available and helps you estimate how much insurance will provide adequate coverage, depending on your individual need. With a focus on finding the right policy at a good value, the publication details important facts to discuss with insurance providers and addresses the implications associated with dropping a policy once it has been purchased.

Consumer's Guide to Long-Term Care Insurance


This guide presents current and potential users of long-term care insurance with valuable information. For those considering the purchase of long-term care insurance, buyers' guidelines are incorporated in a consumer-friendly, easy-to-read format. The guide includes an overview of long-term care insurance, as well as payment and purchasing options, worksheets, shopping tips and the various policy and benefit plans available. The guide also contains a comprehensive contact list for every state insurance department. Updated annually. Revised in 2019. 

  • LTC-LP

    A Shopper's Guide to Long-Term Care Insurance

    Free Download

Consumer's Guide to Medigap


Provides advice for consumers faced with the decision of whether to purchase Medicare supplement insurance.

Credit Life and Credit Accident and Health Insurance Experience Report


This report provides industrywide data for more than 500 individual insurers. Earned premiums, incurred losses, loss ratios and market share information for each type of insurance are displayed in separate sections for convenient analysis by line of business. Data is also shown for the two years immediately preceding the reported year to help regulators and other interested parties monitor trends in credit insurers' annual financial results. Updated annually.

  • CRE-ZB

    Credit Life and Credit Accident and Health Insurance Experience Report

    Free Download

Directory of Receivership and Run-off Resources


This directory is a comprehensive listing of accountants, actuaries, investment managers, lawyers, reinsurance specialists and general consultants who can help insurance departments administer receiverships. It provides contact names, addresses and a brief company overview for each person/firm listed in the directory. Updated annually.

  • DAR-ZB-24

    Directory of Receivership and Run-off Resources

    Free Download

Dwelling, Fire, Homeowners Owner-Occupied, and Homeowners Tenant and Condominium/Cooperative Unit Owner's Insurance


Reports on homeowners dwelling, fire and tenant insurance. Contains a summary of market distribution and average cost by policy form and amounts of insurance-specific information for each state regarding number of homeowners policies written, amount of insurance and average premiums. Contains the latest available year of data. Updated annually.

Financial Analysis Handbook


First developed and released in 1997 by the NAIC Financial Analysis Handbook (E) Working Group, the purpose of this Handbook is to: 1) provide a uniform risk-focused analysis approach to more accurately identify insurers and/or holding company systems experiencing financial problems; and 2) identify prospective risks that pose the greatest potential for developing financial problems. Includes quantitative and qualitative procedures. The overall goal is to assist regulators in evaluating and better understanding insurers' risks in order to develop appropriate corrective action plans sooner, and, therefore, potentially decreasing the frequency and severity of insurance company insolvencies. Updated annually.

Financial Condition Examiners Handbook


This handbook provides a guide to assist state insurance departments in establishing an effective examination system. It provides an overview of the entire examination process and then offers specific instructions and suggestions for carrying out each individual phase of examination. This subscription service provides access to the published version of the handbook, and updates to the publication will be available in Account Manager. Subscriptions are specific to an individual user and access will be provided via email following verification (next business day) of the purchase.

  • Online Subscription
    Pricing Per User

  • EXF-OSS-2024

    2024 Financial Condition Examiners Handbook online subscription service


Guide to Compliance with State Audit Requirements (Annual Financial Reporting Model Regulation #205)


This guide helps insurers comply with state regulatory requirements regarding annual audited financial reports and related correspondence. It summarizes key provisions of each state's requirements based on the Annual Financial Reporting Model Regulation (MDL-205), commonly known as the Model Audit Rule. A detailed chart includes statutory citations, filing deadlines, workpaper requirements, audit committee requirements and much more. Recently published in 2021.

  • GCA-ZU

    Guide to Compliance with State Audit Requirements (Annual Financial Reporting Model Regulation #205)

    Free Download

Health and Welfare Plans Under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act: Guidelines for State and Federal Regulation


This handbook provides state insurance regulators with a resource guide to help them through the labyrinth of ERISA preemption analysis. ERISA, a federal statute that establishes a comprehensive regulatory framework for employee pension benefit plans, preempts most state laws. However, ERISA exempts from federal preemption any state law that regulates the business of insurance - but determining whether a state law is preempted by ERISA can be complex and confusing. Copyright 2022

Insurance Department Directory


This directory contains a complete listing of the 56 insurance departments that are members of the NAIC. The directory provides biographical and contact information for each regulator, as well as important information about key personnel, including titles, telephone numbers, Web sites and e-mail addresses. Updated bi-annually.

Insurance Department Resources Report


The Insurance Department Resources Report provides key statistics on the resources and regulatory activities of the 56 NAIC-member jurisdictions. Comparative reports include a variety of information - including number of departmental staff, annual budgets, revenues collected, premium volume, number of insurers and producers, and number of consumer complaints filed. Data displayed for easy reference and comparison. Newest Edition : 2022 Volume 2

  • STA-BB-V2

    2022 Insurance Department Resources Report Volume Two

    Free Download
  • STA-BB

    2022 Insurance Department Resources Report Volume One

    Free Download

Insurance Implications of Home-Sharing: Regulator Insights and Consumer Awareness


The purpose of the white paper is to provide a central resource for regulators and non-regulators regarding the insurance implications of home-sharing. The white paper describes common exclusions found in homeowners and dwelling policies and outlines the coverage options for home-sharing hosts and guests. The white paper also highlights legal restrictions that may prohibit home-sharing in some areas and describes the type of coverage available by the largest home-sharing companies currently operating in the U.S. Copyright 2016.

  • IHS-OP

    Insurance Implications of Home-Sharing: Regulator Insights and Consumer Awareness

    Free Download

Insurance Regulatory Information Systems (IRIS) Ratios Manual


IRIS Ratios Manual is also part of the Financial Analysis Solvency Tools (FAST). This publication contributes to the goal of providing state insurance departments with an integrated approach to screening and analyzing the financial condition of insurance companies by explaining ratio calculations and providing worksheets and benchmarks that are part of the NAIC's IRIS. Updated annually.  

Listing of Companies (Detailed)

LOC-JUN-2023, LOC-DEC-2023, LOC-JUN-2024

Provides detailed demographic information on more than 5,000 Property, Life and Fraternal, Health, and Title insurers, as well as more than 17,000 offshore alien insurers and reinsurers included in the NAIC database. The product is a zipped file of individual reports in comma-separated values format and is available in Account Manager upon confirmation of purchase. Each report includes a record layout to assist with downloading the files for use in a spreadsheet or database. Published semiannually.

  • Online Subscription
    Pricing Per User

  • LOC-JUN-2023

    2023 June Detailed Listings of Companies


  • LOC-DEC-2023

    2023 December Detailed Listings of Companies


  • LOC-JUN-2024

    2024 June Detailed Listings of Companies


Listing of Companies Summary


Provides domestic company codes and names for more than 5,000 Property, Life and Fraternal, Health, and Title insurers, as well as more than 17,000 offshore alien insurers and reinsurers included in the NAIC database. It also indicates the status of the company and provides all necessary information for completing the reinsurer-related requirements in Schedule F and Schedule S of the annual and quarterly statements. This publication should be used to ensure that all financial filings conform to NAIC requirements. Posted semiannually.

Financial Statement Data
Purchase the data that is the basis of this report and manipulate it to achieve the best possible results for your research. Contact us today at for a quote!

Long-Term Care Experience Reports


Based on the Long-Term Care Insurance Experience Reporting Forms for the annual statement filed with the NAIC, this publication helps regulators monitor and provide data specific to this coverage. Starting in 2009, the NAIC replaced the prior forms (Forms A, B and C) with entirely new forms (Forms 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5). Form 1 focuses on the critical assumptions of morbidity and persistency while still presenting high-level loss ratio data. Form 2 focuses on the developing level of funds from the issue age premium basis and compares this to the active life reserve. Form 4 tracks life insurance and annuity products that have long-term care benefits provided by acceleration of certain benefits within these products. Form 5 requires information at the state level. Updated annually.

Long-Term Care Insurance Multistate Rate Review Framework


The development of the multistate actuarial (MSA) rate review process as outlined in the MSA Framework document which outlines a consistent national approach for reviewing LTCI rates that results in actuarially appropriate increases being granted by the states in a timely manner and eliminates cross-state rate subsidization. Implement the MSA rate review process once adopted by the NAIC Executive (EX) Committee and Plenary.


  • LTC-LR

    Long-Term Care Insurance Multistate Rate Review Framework

    Free Download

Market Regulation Handbook


This publication combines information from the Market Conduct Examiners Handbook and the Market Analysis Handbook into one comprehensive source of reference material from the continuum of regulatory responses to potential market concerns. The goal with this publication is to help market regulators conduct uniform, standardized market analysis and market conduct examinations. Released Annually. 


  • Online Subscription
    Pricing Per User

  • MKR-OSS-2024

    2024 Market Regulation Digital Subscription


Market Regulation Handbook - Examination Standards Summary


Designed to serve as a compilation of the market conduct examination standards found in Chapters 20 - 32 of the Market Regulation Handbook. Arranged and organized by chapter and area of examination, regulated entities might find this summary useful in creating an outline for internal review templates. Please note: This summary does not represent all examination standards, methodologies and areas of review that could be utilized by an insurance department. Updated annually.

  • MES-HB

    Market Regulation Handbook — Examination Standards Summary

    Free Download
  • MES-HB-24

    Market Regulation Handbook

    Free Download

Market Share Reports for Groups and Companies


An easy reference for identifying top writers by premium volume. Allows monitoring of increases and decreases in market share and overall level of market concentration. The Property/Casualty reports include the top 10 company groups by state and the top 125 groups countrywide for each P/C annual statement line of business. The Life and Fraternal reports contain the top 125 groups by state and countrywide for life insurance, annuity considerations and total premiums written. The Accident & Health reports contain the top 125 groups by state and countrywide for total A&H premiums written. Contains the latest available year of data. Updated annually.

Medicare Supplement Loss Ratios Report


This report contains the latest available data drawn from Medicare Supplement Insurance Expense Exhibits filed with the NAIC. It identifies direct premiums earned, market share, direct claims incurred and loss ratios on a countrywide basis. A listing of the top 10 companies by state by direct premiums earned is also included in this report. Reports available since 1990. Updated annually.

  • MED-BB

    2022 Medicare Supplement Lost Ratio (released 2024)

    Free Download

Model Laws, Regulations, Guidelines and Other Resources


This product provides access to every NAIC model law, regulation, and guideline currently published. It includes state law charts related to the Model Laws. Included with every model is a state action page that cites each state's enacted model or similar legislation. Many models also include a legislative history (Proceedings Citations) that explains why the model was adopted and why certain provisions were included. Compendium of State Laws that pertain to one or more NAIC Model Laws are made available online through the NAIC's Account Manager with the purchase of the Model Laws product. The Table of Contents for the Model Laws products will include an index of the compatible charts for cross referencing (Related Charts: State Laws on Insurance Topics), and the charts themselves will be available via a link in the NAIC's Account Manager system. Published three times annually following the NAIC's Spring, Summer, and Fall National Meetings.

Individual Model Laws
Model Law Development

  • Online Subscription
    Pricing Per User

  • MDL-SP24-OSS

    2024 Spring Model Law Online Subscription


  • MDL-SU24-OSS

    2024 Summer Model Law Online Subscription


Money Market Fund List


A listing of mutual funds that meet conditions in the Purposes and Procedures Manual of the NAIC, qualifying them for more favorable reserve treatment. The Bank List meets credit standards specified for a variety of NAIC-approved purposes. The Bank List publication is no longer produced, and was last published in August 2017. See the SVO website for a similar list of what was included in this report.

NCCI Examination Report


The NCCI Examination Report is a comprehensive examination of the data collection and rate-making activities of the National Council on Compensation Insurance. This publication offers practical considerations about implementing a loss-cost system in workers' compensation. Copyright 1991.

ORSA Guidance Manual


The ORSA Guidance Manual provides guidance to an insurer and/or an insurance group of which the insurer is a member regarding the reporting of its Own Risk and Solvency Assessment (ORSA) as required by the domestic state's version of the Risk Management and Own Risk and Solvency Assessment Model Act (#505).

Pet Insurance White Paper


Post-Disaster Claims Guide


After a disaster hits, make sure you and your family are safe.

Proceedings of the NAIC


Designed as a premier research tool, the Proceedings of the NAIC is the official, permanent record of all NAIC action, including model laws and regulations, as well as committee and task force minutes and reports. Published following each national meeting.

Product Filing Review Handbook


This handbook provides basic information about the filing and review of rate, rule, and form filings. It also explains basic ratemaking processes for products that are subject to various forms of rate regulation. It provides guidance through procedures that states can implement uniformly to make the filing process more transparent and make it easier for insurers to achieve compliance.

Profitability by Line by State


Statistics derived from state page data in the annual statement and the Insurance Expense Exhibit can be used to compare profitability among different states and property/casualty lines. For each line and each state, this publication presents aggregate statistics on premiums, losses, expenses, investment income and estimated profits for the preceding calendar year. Also shows estimated underwriting profits and operating profits, as well as estimated federal taxes. Updated annually.

Purposes and Procedures Manual of the NAIC Investment Analysis Office


This publication is the primary source for insurers to comply with the NAIC's reporting requirements. Contains the NAIC's credit assessment methodologies and valuation policies, and takes precedence over other publications covering a number of categories. Subscription includes periodic e-mail alerts directly from the Capital Markets & Investment Analysis Office. Updated annually.

Quarterly Listing of Alien Insurers


Includes non-U.S. insurers and Lloyd's syndicates that have met and continue to comply with the requirements set forth within the International Insurers Department Plan of Operation. The publication provides demographic and insurer/syndicate contact information. This publication is Updated quarterly.

Quarterly Statement Blanks

QSBH-OSS-2025, QSBP-OSS-2025, QSBL-OSS-2025, QSBT-OSS-2025

To be used with its companion products, this publication provides the appropriate format for filing annual statement data with the states and the NAIC. Proper use helps identify system changes that can improve the method in which data is first collected and allows users to ascertain if their annual statement software vendor has complied with NAIC requirements. Updated annually. 

  • Online Subscription
    Pricing Per User

  • QSBH-OSS-2025

    2025 Quarterly  Statement Blanks Health   


  • QSBP-OSS-2025

    2025 Quarterly  Statement Blanks Property/Casualty 


  • QSBL-OSS-2025

    2025 Quarterly  Statement Blanks Life/Fraternal  


  • QSBT-OSS-2025

    2025 Quarterly  Statement Blanks Title  


Quarterly Statement Instructions

QSIT-OSS-2025, QSIP-OSS-2025, QSIL-OSS-2025, QSIH-OSS-2025

Includes a summary of changes to the instructions for the annual statement. Allows for proper preparation of annual statements, including all supplemental information that must also be filed to remain in compliance with NAIC and state mandates. Instructions provide guidance for completing the various pages of the statements when the line descriptions are not self-explanatory.

  • Online Subscription
    Pricing Per User

  • QSIT-OSS-2025

    2025 Quarterly Statement Instructions Title


  • QSIP-OSS-2025

    2025 Quarterly Statement Instructions Property/Casualty


  • QSIL-OSS-2025

    2025 Quarterly Statement Instructions Life/Fraternal


  • QSIH-OSS-2025

    2025 Quarterly Statement Instructions Health


Receivers Handbook for Insurance Company Insolvencies


Provides the most current, complete information available on administering insurance company receiverships. Represents more than two years of work compiling information from more than 50 authorities, including actuaries, accountants and consultants who regularly work on receiverships. Fully indexed and cross-referenced to make research easy. Chapters discuss takeover and administration; data processing; accounting and financial analysis; investigation and asset recovery; claims; guaranty funds; reinsurance; special receiverships; and legal considerations.

  • REC-BU-24

    Receivers Handbook for Insurance Company Insolvencies

    Free Download

Regulatory Review of Predictive Models White Paper


This white paper will identify best practices for the review of predictive models and analytics filed by insurers with regulators to justify rates and will provide state guidance for the review of rate filings based on predictive models. 

Retaliation: A Guide to State Retaliatory Taxes, Fees, Deposits and Other Requirements


The Retaliation Guide offers a complete listing of each state's retaliatory tax rates resulting from companies selling insurance products across state lines. This publication includes important information about other taxes and assessments, exclusions and deductions, credits, payment due dates, penalties, extensions, fees and deposits. Volume I tracks changes in laws and fees; Volume II includes information on state tax forms. Updated annually.

Risk Retention and Purchasing Group Handbook


The Risk Retention and Purchasing Group Handbook explores the provisions and requirements of the Liability Risk Retention Act of 1986 (LRRA) and the NAIC Model Risk Retention Act. The question of which aspects of state laws have been preempted by the LRRA and which have not is the overall issue that has given rise to many of the other issues. The handbook attempts to explain the various approaches that the states have taken in dealing with these issues. Copyright 2013.

Appendix C of the Risk Retention and Purchasing Group Handbook has been updated. As of January 2023, the contact information is current as provided to the NAIC by the state insurance departments. Since 2009, this list is updated every year to provide the most up-to-date contact information available.

Appendix C - RRG State Insurance Department Contacts

  • RIS-BB

    Risk Retention and Purchasing Group Handbook

    Free Download

Risk-Based Capital Forecasting and Instructions

RBCH-OSS-2023, RBCL-OSS-2023, RBCP-OSS-2023

The RBC Forecasting and Instructions provides continual analysis of RBC data and includes forecasting software, overview and instructions, and newsletter. The RBC Forecasting and Instructions explains the RBC formula, which should be helpful to anyone responsible for submitting data. Revisions are identified in bold font and summarized in a memo included within the publication

  • Online Subscription
    Pricing Per User

  • RBCH-OSS-2023

    2023 RBC Forecasting and Instructions-Health online subscription service


  • RBCL-OSS-2023

    2023 RBC Forecasting and Instructions-Life online subscription service


  • RBCP-OSS-2023

    2023 RBC Forecasting and Instructions-Property/Casualty online subscription service


State Insurance Regulation: Key Facts and Market Trends


State Licensing Handbook


Provides guidance and contains suggested best practices for state insurance departments in administering a producer-licensing program. Assists regulators in continued movement toward uniformity in licensing procedures among the states. Also includes information about other types of licensing programs; e.g., adjusters, bail bond agents, etc. This handbook is based on the Producer Licensing Model Act (MDL-218), the Uniform Resident Licensing Standards and other guidelines. Updated biennially. For more information, please access :

States' Prescribed Differences from NAIC Statutory Accounting Principles


The Accounting Practices and Procedures Manual presents a comprehensive basis of accounting that should be followed if not in conflict with state statutes and/or regulations. Should the domiciliary state set forth accounting guidance that differs from the AP&P Manual, disclosures of such must be made. This publication provides information regarding each state's prescribed differences from NAIC statutory accounting principles, including a citation to the respective state statute and/or regulation. Updated in 2024.


    States' Prescribed Differences from NAIC Statutory Accounting Principles

    Free Download

Statistical Compilation of Annual Statement Information


The Statistical Compilation provides aggregate annual statement data for property/casualty, life/health insurance companies, all HMOs and companies that write accident and health insurance and file annual statements with the NAIC. Divided into three sections - Annual.

Statement Financial Data, State and Countrywide Insurance Data, and Selected Data Elements from Company and Combined Statements - the information provided will satisfy a wide range of needs and uses. This publication has been discontinued. 

  • STA-HB

    Statistical Compilation of Annual Statement Information for Health Insurance Companies in 2019

    Free Download
  • STA-LS

    Statistical Compilation of Annual Statement Information for Life/Fraternal Insurance Companies in 2019

    Free Download
  • STA-PS

    Statistical Compilation of Annual Statement Information for Property/Casualty Insurance Companies in 2019

    Free Download

Statistical Handbook of Data Available to Regulators


Supplemental Health Care Exhibit Report

HCS-ZB-21, HCS-ZB-22

The Supplemental Health Care Exhibit Report is based off the new Supplemental Health Care Exhibit, which was created as a tool to comply with new federal legislation. Aggregated annual statement data, market share data sorted by covered lives and by earned premium, as well the top 10 groups/companies by health premiums earned are included within the report to provide state and federal regulators with aggregated, more granular financial information reported by health plans. This information will assist in identifying and defining elements that make up the medical loss ratio (MLR), evaluating health plan profitability, and tracking and comparing financial results of health care business as reported in the annual financial statements.

  • HCS-ZB-21

    Supplemental Health Care Exhibit Report

    Free Download
  • HCS-ZB-22

    2022 Supplemental Health Care Exhibit Report

    Free Download


SYN-ZS-2024, SYN-SU-2024

The Synopsis is a brief, handy overview of the activity at each NAIC national meeting. It also includes summaries of interim meetings, task force updates, progress reports, issue debates and new business discussions. Published following each national meeting.

Uniform Certificate of Authority Application (UCAA) Instructions


The UCAA Instructions are designed to assist companies in filing a primary application, an expansion application or corporate amendment to the certificate of authority. Adopted modifications to the instructions will be posted within three weeks following each National Meeting and made available for download in .pdf format with the revision date.

Valuation Manual


The Valuation Manual sets forth the minimum reserve and related requirements for jurisdictions where the Standard Valuation Law, as amended by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) in 2009, or legislation including substantially similar terms and provisions has been enacted by jurisdictions, and this Valuation Manual (VM) is operative. Requirements in the Valuation Manual are applicable to life insurance, accident and health insurance, and deposit-type contracts. Annuity contracts are therefore included within the term life insurance contracts unless specifically indicated otherwise in this Valuation Manual.

Accounting Practices and Procedures Manual


The Manual includes all statutory accounting guidance that has been adopted by the NAIC as of March. Appendices contain excerpts of applicable NAIC model laws, interpretations of the Emerging Accounting Issues (E) Working Group and Statutory Accounting Issues (E) Working Group, actuarial guidelines, GAAP to SAP cross-reference chart, issue papers, policy statements, and implementation guidance for the annual financial reporting model regulation. 


  • Online Subscription
    Pricing Per User

  • APP-OSS-2024

    2024 Accounting Practices and Procedures Manual Online Subscription


Annual Statement Blanks

ASBH-OSS-2024, ASBL-OSS-2024, ASBP-OSS-2024, ASBT-OSS-2024, ASBS-OSS-2024

To be used with its companion products, this publication provides the appropriate format for filing annual statement data with the states and the NAIC. Proper use helps identify system changes that can improve the method in which data is first collected and allows users to ascertain if their annual statement software vendor has complied with NAIC requirements. Please note that Protected Cell Blank is now available at no cost, located with free downloads. Updated annually. NOTE: Annual Statement Blanks are produced and sold separately from Quarterly Statement Blanks.

  • Online Subscription
    Pricing Per User

  • ASBH-OSS-2024

    2024 Annual Statement Blanks Health PDF Version


  • ASBL-OSS-2024

    2024 Annual Statement Life/Fraternal PDF Version


  • ASBP-OSS-2024

    2024 Annual Statement Property/Casualty PDF Version


  • ASBT-OSS-2024

    2024 Annual Statement Title PDF Version


  • ASBS-OSS-2024

    2024 Annual Statement Blanks Separate PDF Version


Annual Statement Instructions

ASIH-OSS-2024, ASIP-OSS-2024, ASIT-OSS-2024, ASIL-OSS-2024

Includes a summary of changes to the instructions for the annual statement. Allows for proper preparation of annual statements, including all supplemental information that must also be filed to remain in compliance with NAIC and state mandates. Instructions provide guidance for completing the various pages of the statements when the line descriptions are not self-explanatory.

  • Online Subscription
    Pricing Per User

  • ASIH-OSS-2024

    2024 Annual Health Statement Instructions


  • ASIP-OSS-2024

    2024 Annual Property/Casualty Statement Instructions


  • ASIT-OSS-2024

    2024 Annual Title Statement Instructions


  • ASIL-OSS-2024

    2024 Annual Life Statement Instructions


Financial Condition Examiners Handbook


This handbook provides a guide to assist state insurance departments in establishing an effective examination system. It provides an overview of the entire examination process and then offers specific instructions and suggestions for carrying out each individual phase of examination. This subscription service provides access to the published version of the handbook, and updates to the publication will be available in Account Manager. Subscriptions are specific to an individual user and access will be provided via email following verification (next business day) of the purchase.

  • Online Subscription
    Pricing Per User

  • EXF-OSS-2024

    2024 Financial Condition Examiners Handbook online subscription service


Listing of Companies (Detailed)

LOC-JUN-2023, LOC-DEC-2023, LOC-JUN-2024

Provides detailed demographic information on more than 5,000 Property, Life and Fraternal, Health, and Title insurers, as well as more than 17,000 offshore alien insurers and reinsurers included in the NAIC database. The product is a zipped file of individual reports in comma-separated values format and is available in Account Manager upon confirmation of purchase. Each report includes a record layout to assist with downloading the files for use in a spreadsheet or database. Published semiannually.

  • Online Subscription
    Pricing Per User

  • LOC-JUN-2023

    2023 June Detailed Listings of Companies


  • LOC-DEC-2023

    2023 December Detailed Listings of Companies


  • LOC-JUN-2024

    2024 June Detailed Listings of Companies


Market Regulation Handbook


This publication combines information from the Market Conduct Examiners Handbook and the Market Analysis Handbook into one comprehensive source of reference material from the continuum of regulatory responses to potential market concerns. The goal with this publication is to help market regulators conduct uniform, standardized market analysis and market conduct examinations. Released Annually. 


  • Online Subscription
    Pricing Per User

  • MKR-OSS-2024

    2024 Market Regulation Digital Subscription


Model Laws, Regulations, Guidelines and Other Resources


This product provides access to every NAIC model law, regulation, and guideline currently published. It includes state law charts related to the Model Laws. Included with every model is a state action page that cites each state's enacted model or similar legislation. Many models also include a legislative history (Proceedings Citations) that explains why the model was adopted and why certain provisions were included. Compendium of State Laws that pertain to one or more NAIC Model Laws are made available online through the NAIC's Account Manager with the purchase of the Model Laws product. The Table of Contents for the Model Laws products will include an index of the compatible charts for cross referencing (Related Charts: State Laws on Insurance Topics), and the charts themselves will be available via a link in the NAIC's Account Manager system. Published three times annually following the NAIC's Spring, Summer, and Fall National Meetings.

Individual Model Laws
Model Law Development

  • Online Subscription
    Pricing Per User

  • MDL-SP24-OSS

    2024 Spring Model Law Online Subscription


  • MDL-SU24-OSS

    2024 Summer Model Law Online Subscription


Quarterly Statement Blanks

QSBH-OSS-2025, QSBP-OSS-2025, QSBL-OSS-2025, QSBT-OSS-2025

To be used with its companion products, this publication provides the appropriate format for filing annual statement data with the states and the NAIC. Proper use helps identify system changes that can improve the method in which data is first collected and allows users to ascertain if their annual statement software vendor has complied with NAIC requirements. Updated annually. 

  • Online Subscription
    Pricing Per User

  • QSBH-OSS-2025

    2025 Quarterly  Statement Blanks Health   


  • QSBP-OSS-2025

    2025 Quarterly  Statement Blanks Property/Casualty 


  • QSBL-OSS-2025

    2025 Quarterly  Statement Blanks Life/Fraternal  


  • QSBT-OSS-2025

    2025 Quarterly  Statement Blanks Title  


Quarterly Statement Instructions

QSIT-OSS-2025, QSIP-OSS-2025, QSIL-OSS-2025, QSIH-OSS-2025

Includes a summary of changes to the instructions for the annual statement. Allows for proper preparation of annual statements, including all supplemental information that must also be filed to remain in compliance with NAIC and state mandates. Instructions provide guidance for completing the various pages of the statements when the line descriptions are not self-explanatory.

  • Online Subscription
    Pricing Per User

  • QSIT-OSS-2025

    2025 Quarterly Statement Instructions Title


  • QSIP-OSS-2025

    2025 Quarterly Statement Instructions Property/Casualty


  • QSIL-OSS-2025

    2025 Quarterly Statement Instructions Life/Fraternal


  • QSIH-OSS-2025

    2025 Quarterly Statement Instructions Health


Risk-Based Capital Forecasting and Instructions

RBCH-OSS-2023, RBCL-OSS-2023, RBCP-OSS-2023

The RBC Forecasting and Instructions provides continual analysis of RBC data and includes forecasting software, overview and instructions, and newsletter. The RBC Forecasting and Instructions explains the RBC formula, which should be helpful to anyone responsible for submitting data. Revisions are identified in bold font and summarized in a memo included within the publication

  • Online Subscription
    Pricing Per User

  • RBCH-OSS-2023

    2023 RBC Forecasting and Instructions-Health online subscription service


  • RBCL-OSS-2023

    2023 RBC Forecasting and Instructions-Life online subscription service


  • RBCP-OSS-2023

    2023 RBC Forecasting and Instructions-Property/Casualty online subscription service


Accident and Health Policy Experience Report


Offers valuable and in-demand information on health insurance. Derived from the NAIC Accident and Health Policy Experience Exhibit, the report includes aggregated data from the exhibit in the P&C, health, life and fraternal blanks; extensive breakouts of market share data; company index; and important statistics - such as loss ratios, number of policies and certificates, and number of covered lives. Recently updated as of July 2023.

  • AHP-LR

    Accident and Health Policy Experience Report 2022

    Free Download

Annual Statement Blanks Protected Cell


Annual Statement Blanks Protected Cell, released yearly that provides appropriate format for filing annual statement data information from states and NAIC.

Auto Insurance Database Average Premium Supplement

ADPS-21, AUT-PB 2022

The data used for this supplement includes written premiums and exposures for calendar years 2017-2021 for the combined voluntary and residual market. Earned and incurred loss data for calendar/accident years 2018-2020 cannot be collected until spring of 2023 and will not be included in this supplement. The earned and incurred loss data will be included in the full 2020/2021 Auto Database report that will be released later this year. The purpose of the supplement is to release written premium data and exposures on a faster timeline than the full Auto Database report allows. The tables in this supplement, Tables 1 through Tables 5, will be included in the full report.

Auto Insurance Database

AUT-PB 2020-2021

Provides average costs associated with personal automobile insurance nationwide. This report, which shows state-by-state data, is designed to provide insurance regulators, consumers and legislators with information and analysis of auto insurance information. It makes information that impacts the price of auto insurance in each state readily available to insurance regulators monitoring the market and to the public. Included in the report are averages based on written premiums and exposures for the combined voluntary and residual market business. It also contains earned premiums, incurred losses, earned exposures and number of claims for both voluntary and residual market business. Updated annually.

Bond Mutual Fund List (SVO)


A listing of bond mutuals that meet conditions in the Purposes and Procedures Manual of the NAIC, qualifying them for more favorable reserve treatment. The Bank List meets credit standards specified for a variety of NAIC-approved purposes. The Bank List publication is no longer produced, and was last published in August 2017. See the SVO website for a similar list of what was included in this report.

Cannabis Insurance White Paper


The updated white paper discusses how the cannabis industry has become more sophisticated, with its rapid expansion driving new product development, infrastructure changes, and the need for businesses to provide ancillary services. It also outlines how the state of cannabis regulation, specifically at the state and local levels, has evolved significantly.

Company Licensing Best Practices Handbook


This handbook's objective is to provide a framework that, while not preempting a state's authority, promotes consistent decisions while reviewing the standardized Uniform Certificate of Authority Application (UCAA) and helps improve the efficiency of the review process. This handbook is not intended to constitute a comprehensive company licensing procedures manual. Published following each National Meeting.

Competition Database Report


The Competition Database Report was created to provide a single source of reference measures that serve as a starting point for examining the competitiveness of state insurance markets.

Consumer's Guide to Annuities


While focusing on deferred annuity contracts, the publication covers the annuity purchasing process from start to finish and includes questions customers should ask their agent or company along the way.

  • ANB-LP

    Buyer’s Guide for Deferred Annuities

    Free Download
  • ANB-LE

    Buyer’s Guide to Fixed Deferred Annuities

    Free Download
  • ANB-LS

    Understanding Life Settlements: Selling Your Life Insurance Policy

    Free Download

Consumer's Guide to Auto Insurance


Auto insurance is an expensive purchase for most Americans and shopping for it can be confusing. This publication simplifies the purchasing process and offers practical guidelines that can help lower the cost of coverage while increasing the value received. Complete with a listing of state laws governing the industry, the guide is a best bet for those looking to make informed decisions about auto insurance and get the most for their money.

Consumer's Guide to Cancer Insurance


The decision of whether to purchase cancer insurance can be a challenging one. While cancer treatment accounts for 10 percent of all U.S. health expenses, the policy will only provide benefit if one is afflicted with the disease. This guide briefly discuses key questions regarding cancer insurance and advises on the variation in cost and coverage of policies sold. The issues brought forth in this publication may also be useful when considering the purchase of other disease-specific insurance policies.

Consumer's Guide to Earthquake Insurance


Designed to educate consumers about the need to consider purchasing earthquake insurance. Helps consumers understand what earthquake policies cover and how they work. Also includes information on smart shopping strategies and steps to take in protecting homes. Illustrates the seismic risk the country faces and facilitates financial preparedness through an understanding of earthquake insurance.

Consumer's Guide to Homeowners Insurance


Delivers basic information to guide consumers through the assessment, selection and purchase of home insurance. Publication explains situations in which having homeowners' insurance may be mandatory, details the basic coverage options available to consumers and answers the most common questions associated with this offering. The guide aims to help consumers obtain a policy that provides them with a level of coverage that satisfies all their needs, but does so at the lowest possible cost. Includes a complete listing of state insurance departments.

Consumer's Guide to Life Insurance


The Life Insurance Buyer's Guide is a one-stop-shop for information related to life insurance. It provides useful insight into the types of policies available and helps you estimate how much insurance will provide adequate coverage, depending on your individual need. With a focus on finding the right policy at a good value, the publication details important facts to discuss with insurance providers and addresses the implications associated with dropping a policy once it has been purchased.

Consumer's Guide to Long-Term Care Insurance


This guide presents current and potential users of long-term care insurance with valuable information. For those considering the purchase of long-term care insurance, buyers' guidelines are incorporated in a consumer-friendly, easy-to-read format. The guide includes an overview of long-term care insurance, as well as payment and purchasing options, worksheets, shopping tips and the various policy and benefit plans available. The guide also contains a comprehensive contact list for every state insurance department. Updated annually. Revised in 2019. 

  • LTC-LP

    A Shopper's Guide to Long-Term Care Insurance

    Free Download

Consumer's Guide to Medigap


Provides advice for consumers faced with the decision of whether to purchase Medicare supplement insurance.

Credit Life and Credit Accident and Health Insurance Experience Report


This report provides industrywide data for more than 500 individual insurers. Earned premiums, incurred losses, loss ratios and market share information for each type of insurance are displayed in separate sections for convenient analysis by line of business. Data is also shown for the two years immediately preceding the reported year to help regulators and other interested parties monitor trends in credit insurers' annual financial results. Updated annually.

  • CRE-ZB

    Credit Life and Credit Accident and Health Insurance Experience Report

    Free Download

Directory of Receivership and Run-off Resources


This directory is a comprehensive listing of accountants, actuaries, investment managers, lawyers, reinsurance specialists and general consultants who can help insurance departments administer receiverships. It provides contact names, addresses and a brief company overview for each person/firm listed in the directory. Updated annually.

  • DAR-ZB-24

    Directory of Receivership and Run-off Resources

    Free Download

Dwelling, Fire, Homeowners Owner-Occupied, and Homeowners Tenant and Condominium/Cooperative Unit Owner's Insurance


Reports on homeowners dwelling, fire and tenant insurance. Contains a summary of market distribution and average cost by policy form and amounts of insurance-specific information for each state regarding number of homeowners policies written, amount of insurance and average premiums. Contains the latest available year of data. Updated annually.

Financial Analysis Handbook


First developed and released in 1997 by the NAIC Financial Analysis Handbook (E) Working Group, the purpose of this Handbook is to: 1) provide a uniform risk-focused analysis approach to more accurately identify insurers and/or holding company systems experiencing financial problems; and 2) identify prospective risks that pose the greatest potential for developing financial problems. Includes quantitative and qualitative procedures. The overall goal is to assist regulators in evaluating and better understanding insurers' risks in order to develop appropriate corrective action plans sooner, and, therefore, potentially decreasing the frequency and severity of insurance company insolvencies. Updated annually.

Guide to Compliance with State Audit Requirements (Annual Financial Reporting Model Regulation #205)


This guide helps insurers comply with state regulatory requirements regarding annual audited financial reports and related correspondence. It summarizes key provisions of each state's requirements based on the Annual Financial Reporting Model Regulation (MDL-205), commonly known as the Model Audit Rule. A detailed chart includes statutory citations, filing deadlines, workpaper requirements, audit committee requirements and much more. Recently published in 2021.

  • GCA-ZU

    Guide to Compliance with State Audit Requirements (Annual Financial Reporting Model Regulation #205)

    Free Download

Health and Welfare Plans Under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act: Guidelines for State and Federal Regulation


This handbook provides state insurance regulators with a resource guide to help them through the labyrinth of ERISA preemption analysis. ERISA, a federal statute that establishes a comprehensive regulatory framework for employee pension benefit plans, preempts most state laws. However, ERISA exempts from federal preemption any state law that regulates the business of insurance - but determining whether a state law is preempted by ERISA can be complex and confusing. Copyright 2022

Insurance Department Directory


This directory contains a complete listing of the 56 insurance departments that are members of the NAIC. The directory provides biographical and contact information for each regulator, as well as important information about key personnel, including titles, telephone numbers, Web sites and e-mail addresses. Updated bi-annually.

Insurance Department Resources Report


The Insurance Department Resources Report provides key statistics on the resources and regulatory activities of the 56 NAIC-member jurisdictions. Comparative reports include a variety of information - including number of departmental staff, annual budgets, revenues collected, premium volume, number of insurers and producers, and number of consumer complaints filed. Data displayed for easy reference and comparison. Newest Edition : 2022 Volume 2

  • STA-BB-V2

    2022 Insurance Department Resources Report Volume Two

    Free Download
  • STA-BB

    2022 Insurance Department Resources Report Volume One

    Free Download

Insurance Implications of Home-Sharing: Regulator Insights and Consumer Awareness


The purpose of the white paper is to provide a central resource for regulators and non-regulators regarding the insurance implications of home-sharing. The white paper describes common exclusions found in homeowners and dwelling policies and outlines the coverage options for home-sharing hosts and guests. The white paper also highlights legal restrictions that may prohibit home-sharing in some areas and describes the type of coverage available by the largest home-sharing companies currently operating in the U.S. Copyright 2016.

  • IHS-OP

    Insurance Implications of Home-Sharing: Regulator Insights and Consumer Awareness

    Free Download

Insurance Regulatory Information Systems (IRIS) Ratios Manual


IRIS Ratios Manual is also part of the Financial Analysis Solvency Tools (FAST). This publication contributes to the goal of providing state insurance departments with an integrated approach to screening and analyzing the financial condition of insurance companies by explaining ratio calculations and providing worksheets and benchmarks that are part of the NAIC's IRIS. Updated annually.  

Listing of Companies Summary


Provides domestic company codes and names for more than 5,000 Property, Life and Fraternal, Health, and Title insurers, as well as more than 17,000 offshore alien insurers and reinsurers included in the NAIC database. It also indicates the status of the company and provides all necessary information for completing the reinsurer-related requirements in Schedule F and Schedule S of the annual and quarterly statements. This publication should be used to ensure that all financial filings conform to NAIC requirements. Posted semiannually.

Financial Statement Data
Purchase the data that is the basis of this report and manipulate it to achieve the best possible results for your research. Contact us today at for a quote!

Long-Term Care Experience Reports


Based on the Long-Term Care Insurance Experience Reporting Forms for the annual statement filed with the NAIC, this publication helps regulators monitor and provide data specific to this coverage. Starting in 2009, the NAIC replaced the prior forms (Forms A, B and C) with entirely new forms (Forms 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5). Form 1 focuses on the critical assumptions of morbidity and persistency while still presenting high-level loss ratio data. Form 2 focuses on the developing level of funds from the issue age premium basis and compares this to the active life reserve. Form 4 tracks life insurance and annuity products that have long-term care benefits provided by acceleration of certain benefits within these products. Form 5 requires information at the state level. Updated annually.

Long-Term Care Insurance Multistate Rate Review Framework


The development of the multistate actuarial (MSA) rate review process as outlined in the MSA Framework document which outlines a consistent national approach for reviewing LTCI rates that results in actuarially appropriate increases being granted by the states in a timely manner and eliminates cross-state rate subsidization. Implement the MSA rate review process once adopted by the NAIC Executive (EX) Committee and Plenary.


  • LTC-LR

    Long-Term Care Insurance Multistate Rate Review Framework

    Free Download

Market Regulation Handbook - Examination Standards Summary


Designed to serve as a compilation of the market conduct examination standards found in Chapters 20 - 32 of the Market Regulation Handbook. Arranged and organized by chapter and area of examination, regulated entities might find this summary useful in creating an outline for internal review templates. Please note: This summary does not represent all examination standards, methodologies and areas of review that could be utilized by an insurance department. Updated annually.

  • MES-HB

    Market Regulation Handbook — Examination Standards Summary

    Free Download
  • MES-HB-24

    Market Regulation Handbook

    Free Download

Market Share Reports for Groups and Companies


An easy reference for identifying top writers by premium volume. Allows monitoring of increases and decreases in market share and overall level of market concentration. The Property/Casualty reports include the top 10 company groups by state and the top 125 groups countrywide for each P/C annual statement line of business. The Life and Fraternal reports contain the top 125 groups by state and countrywide for life insurance, annuity considerations and total premiums written. The Accident & Health reports contain the top 125 groups by state and countrywide for total A&H premiums written. Contains the latest available year of data. Updated annually.

Medicare Supplement Loss Ratios Report


This report contains the latest available data drawn from Medicare Supplement Insurance Expense Exhibits filed with the NAIC. It identifies direct premiums earned, market share, direct claims incurred and loss ratios on a countrywide basis. A listing of the top 10 companies by state by direct premiums earned is also included in this report. Reports available since 1990. Updated annually.

  • MED-BB

    2022 Medicare Supplement Lost Ratio (released 2024)

    Free Download

Money Market Fund List


A listing of mutual funds that meet conditions in the Purposes and Procedures Manual of the NAIC, qualifying them for more favorable reserve treatment. The Bank List meets credit standards specified for a variety of NAIC-approved purposes. The Bank List publication is no longer produced, and was last published in August 2017. See the SVO website for a similar list of what was included in this report.

NCCI Examination Report


The NCCI Examination Report is a comprehensive examination of the data collection and rate-making activities of the National Council on Compensation Insurance. This publication offers practical considerations about implementing a loss-cost system in workers' compensation. Copyright 1991.

ORSA Guidance Manual


The ORSA Guidance Manual provides guidance to an insurer and/or an insurance group of which the insurer is a member regarding the reporting of its Own Risk and Solvency Assessment (ORSA) as required by the domestic state's version of the Risk Management and Own Risk and Solvency Assessment Model Act (#505).

Pet Insurance White Paper


Post-Disaster Claims Guide


After a disaster hits, make sure you and your family are safe.

Proceedings of the NAIC


Designed as a premier research tool, the Proceedings of the NAIC is the official, permanent record of all NAIC action, including model laws and regulations, as well as committee and task force minutes and reports. Published following each national meeting.

Product Filing Review Handbook


This handbook provides basic information about the filing and review of rate, rule, and form filings. It also explains basic ratemaking processes for products that are subject to various forms of rate regulation. It provides guidance through procedures that states can implement uniformly to make the filing process more transparent and make it easier for insurers to achieve compliance.

Profitability by Line by State


Statistics derived from state page data in the annual statement and the Insurance Expense Exhibit can be used to compare profitability among different states and property/casualty lines. For each line and each state, this publication presents aggregate statistics on premiums, losses, expenses, investment income and estimated profits for the preceding calendar year. Also shows estimated underwriting profits and operating profits, as well as estimated federal taxes. Updated annually.

Purposes and Procedures Manual of the NAIC Investment Analysis Office


This publication is the primary source for insurers to comply with the NAIC's reporting requirements. Contains the NAIC's credit assessment methodologies and valuation policies, and takes precedence over other publications covering a number of categories. Subscription includes periodic e-mail alerts directly from the Capital Markets & Investment Analysis Office. Updated annually.

Quarterly Listing of Alien Insurers


Includes non-U.S. insurers and Lloyd's syndicates that have met and continue to comply with the requirements set forth within the International Insurers Department Plan of Operation. The publication provides demographic and insurer/syndicate contact information. This publication is Updated quarterly.

Receivers Handbook for Insurance Company Insolvencies


Provides the most current, complete information available on administering insurance company receiverships. Represents more than two years of work compiling information from more than 50 authorities, including actuaries, accountants and consultants who regularly work on receiverships. Fully indexed and cross-referenced to make research easy. Chapters discuss takeover and administration; data processing; accounting and financial analysis; investigation and asset recovery; claims; guaranty funds; reinsurance; special receiverships; and legal considerations.

  • REC-BU-24

    Receivers Handbook for Insurance Company Insolvencies

    Free Download

Regulatory Review of Predictive Models White Paper


This white paper will identify best practices for the review of predictive models and analytics filed by insurers with regulators to justify rates and will provide state guidance for the review of rate filings based on predictive models. 

Retaliation: A Guide to State Retaliatory Taxes, Fees, Deposits and Other Requirements


The Retaliation Guide offers a complete listing of each state's retaliatory tax rates resulting from companies selling insurance products across state lines. This publication includes important information about other taxes and assessments, exclusions and deductions, credits, payment due dates, penalties, extensions, fees and deposits. Volume I tracks changes in laws and fees; Volume II includes information on state tax forms. Updated annually.

Risk Retention and Purchasing Group Handbook


The Risk Retention and Purchasing Group Handbook explores the provisions and requirements of the Liability Risk Retention Act of 1986 (LRRA) and the NAIC Model Risk Retention Act. The question of which aspects of state laws have been preempted by the LRRA and which have not is the overall issue that has given rise to many of the other issues. The handbook attempts to explain the various approaches that the states have taken in dealing with these issues. Copyright 2013.

Appendix C of the Risk Retention and Purchasing Group Handbook has been updated. As of January 2023, the contact information is current as provided to the NAIC by the state insurance departments. Since 2009, this list is updated every year to provide the most up-to-date contact information available.

Appendix C - RRG State Insurance Department Contacts

  • RIS-BB

    Risk Retention and Purchasing Group Handbook

    Free Download

State Insurance Regulation: Key Facts and Market Trends


State Licensing Handbook


Provides guidance and contains suggested best practices for state insurance departments in administering a producer-licensing program. Assists regulators in continued movement toward uniformity in licensing procedures among the states. Also includes information about other types of licensing programs; e.g., adjusters, bail bond agents, etc. This handbook is based on the Producer Licensing Model Act (MDL-218), the Uniform Resident Licensing Standards and other guidelines. Updated biennially. For more information, please access :

States' Prescribed Differences from NAIC Statutory Accounting Principles


The Accounting Practices and Procedures Manual presents a comprehensive basis of accounting that should be followed if not in conflict with state statutes and/or regulations. Should the domiciliary state set forth accounting guidance that differs from the AP&P Manual, disclosures of such must be made. This publication provides information regarding each state's prescribed differences from NAIC statutory accounting principles, including a citation to the respective state statute and/or regulation. Updated in 2024.


    States' Prescribed Differences from NAIC Statutory Accounting Principles

    Free Download

Statistical Compilation of Annual Statement Information


The Statistical Compilation provides aggregate annual statement data for property/casualty, life/health insurance companies, all HMOs and companies that write accident and health insurance and file annual statements with the NAIC. Divided into three sections - Annual.

Statement Financial Data, State and Countrywide Insurance Data, and Selected Data Elements from Company and Combined Statements - the information provided will satisfy a wide range of needs and uses. This publication has been discontinued. 

  • STA-HB

    Statistical Compilation of Annual Statement Information for Health Insurance Companies in 2019

    Free Download
  • STA-LS

    Statistical Compilation of Annual Statement Information for Life/Fraternal Insurance Companies in 2019

    Free Download
  • STA-PS

    Statistical Compilation of Annual Statement Information for Property/Casualty Insurance Companies in 2019

    Free Download

Statistical Handbook of Data Available to Regulators


Supplemental Health Care Exhibit Report

HCS-ZB-21, HCS-ZB-22

The Supplemental Health Care Exhibit Report is based off the new Supplemental Health Care Exhibit, which was created as a tool to comply with new federal legislation. Aggregated annual statement data, market share data sorted by covered lives and by earned premium, as well the top 10 groups/companies by health premiums earned are included within the report to provide state and federal regulators with aggregated, more granular financial information reported by health plans. This information will assist in identifying and defining elements that make up the medical loss ratio (MLR), evaluating health plan profitability, and tracking and comparing financial results of health care business as reported in the annual financial statements.

  • HCS-ZB-21

    Supplemental Health Care Exhibit Report

    Free Download
  • HCS-ZB-22

    2022 Supplemental Health Care Exhibit Report

    Free Download


SYN-ZS-2024, SYN-SU-2024

The Synopsis is a brief, handy overview of the activity at each NAIC national meeting. It also includes summaries of interim meetings, task force updates, progress reports, issue debates and new business discussions. Published following each national meeting.

Uniform Certificate of Authority Application (UCAA) Instructions


The UCAA Instructions are designed to assist companies in filing a primary application, an expansion application or corporate amendment to the certificate of authority. Adopted modifications to the instructions will be posted within three weeks following each National Meeting and made available for download in .pdf format with the revision date.

Valuation Manual


The Valuation Manual sets forth the minimum reserve and related requirements for jurisdictions where the Standard Valuation Law, as amended by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) in 2009, or legislation including substantially similar terms and provisions has been enacted by jurisdictions, and this Valuation Manual (VM) is operative. Requirements in the Valuation Manual are applicable to life insurance, accident and health insurance, and deposit-type contracts. Annuity contracts are therefore included within the term life insurance contracts unless specifically indicated otherwise in this Valuation Manual.

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