meta-decisions reposted this
We at GAABS see #decisionmaking as a life skill. A mega-skill. A meta-skill. But what do people need to get better at it? 🤔We try to answer this with our newly-launched survey on work decisions. We worked hard to produce it. And we will work harder to analyze and share the results. 👉Will you help by taking 10-15 minutes to answer the survey? 👉Will you share with your colleagues and network? 🎉There’s prizes to be won. And you might get to learn a bit more about yourself just by completing it… 🙏We appreciate your help. As always. #behavioralscience #decisionscience #work #management #Entrepreneurship #HumanResources #technology #education #Future
📣 Calling all decision makers! 🚀 We’re excited to announce the launch of a new GAABS research survey focusing on Decision Making in the Workplace! ❓The survey’s purpose is to find out about people’s competency, confidence and approaches towards decision making in the workplace. We are seeking to gather meaningful data that we can share with the BeSci community and beyond. 🙌 We'd like to hear from anyone who is taking decisions in the workplace irrespective of role or seniority, industry or demographics (including you!). 🎁 The survey takes 10-15 minutes to complete and we offer a prize draw for participants! 🔗 Follow this link to access the survey → Thank you to our collaborators for their invaluable feedback and support in the survey content and design: Sheheryar Banuri, Dr Umar Taj and Alliance for Decision Education! #BehaviouralScience #DecisionMaking #Research #Survey