Global Arena Research Institute

Global Arena Research Institute

Výzkumné služby

Prague, Prague 1 072 sledující uživatelů

Cracking the DNA of Globalization

O nás

GARI is pioneering the organic interconnection of advanced technologies and socio-economic developments, enabling advanced and complex understanding of processes and flows of economy, trade, politics, defence, society, energy, environment and more. GARI's digital twin of the globalised world allows unprecedented understanding and foresight. Next 100 Symposium by GARI The N100 platform’s mission is to bring together the most progressive minds in the economic, business and technological fields together with the most innovative and prominent international political figures, impactful social scientists, thinkers, economists and natural scientists. Our joint task is to pave way for a working dialogue about how to translate the crisis-driven language into future-oriented ideas on a global scale and a vision of the future, the next challenges and opportunities.

Výzkumné služby
Velikost společnosti
11 - 50 zaměstnanců
Prague, Prague
Neziskové organizace
Datum založení
Research, Network, Big Data, International Relations, Globalisation, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Economic Intelligence, Sentiment Analysis, Language Processing a Innovation


Zaměstnanci společnosti Global Arena Research Institute


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    Zobrazit profil Odessa Primus, grafika

    Director @ Global Arena Research Institute & Next 100 Symposium | AI, globalisation, forecasting

    Warsaw! GARI is coming this Thursday to host a debate about #Energy at the Czech Embassy - join us! rsvp to to join us on Thursday 10:00 - 13:00. ⚡ Next-Gen Energy and Green Transition: Sustainable Future or Economic Stagnation? Charting a realistic path ahead ⚡ Presentation and Discussion Embassy of the Czech Republic in Poland ul. Koszykowa 18, 00-555 Warsaw June 27th, 2024 10:00 - 13:00 This event is hosted by the Global Arena Research Institute and the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Warsaw and supported by the International Visegrad Fund This event addresses the key challenges at the heart of Europe's future energy and environmental policies. The key energy objectives: security of supplies, equal affordability, and environmental sustainability - often find themselves in conflict. Enhancing supply security can lead to higher costs, while striving for lower costs may increase vulnerability. Furthermore, achieving environmental sustainability frequently conflicts with the other two pillars. With the upcoming European Commission facing the daunting task of reconciling these objectives in a realistic, plausible, and equitable manner, this discussion is timely and critical. The meeting will begin by assessing past efforts in energy and environmental policies using advanced data- driven analyses provided by the Global Arena Research Institute. This evaluation will set the stage for a focused debate on viable policies for the future. The discussion will explore actionable and just pathways that can potentially harmonize these competing priorities, paving the way for a balanced approach to EU energy and environmental challenges. ⚡ PROGRAMME 10:00 – 10:15: Welcome and Introduction by H. E. Břetislav Dančák, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Poland 10:15 – 10:45: Presentation of data-assisted analysis on the impact and vulnerabilities regarding energy transition in EU and CEE (Global Arena Research InstituteMichal Koran) 10:45 – 11:15: Insights by experts: Maciej Jakubik (Fundacja Forum Energii), Robert Jeszke (Centre for Climate and Energy Analysis (CAKE) in the The National Centre for Emissions Management (KOBiZE), Konrad Popławski (OSW) 11:15 – 12:00: Open Discussion 12:00 Closing Remarks and small refreshments

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  • Uživatel Global Arena Research Institute to přesdílel

    Zobrazit profil Odessa Primus, grafika

    Director @ Global Arena Research Institute & Next 100 Symposium | AI, globalisation, forecasting

    Join us for a closed energy discussion in Bratislava on the 26th of June from 9:30-11:30 - please RSVP to odessa@globari.orgGlobal Arena Research Institute, with the kind support of the International Visegrad Fund is hosting a policy roundtable in Bratislava on the 26th of May: "Next-Gen Energy and Green Transition: Sustainable Future or Economic Stagnation? - Charting a realistic path ahead" ♻ The Bratislava policy round table addresses the key challenges at the heart of Europe's future energy and environmental policies. The key energy objectives: equal affordability, environmental sustainability, and security of supplies – often find themselves in conflict. Enhancing supply security can lead to higher costs, while striving for lower costs may increase vulnerability. Furthermore, achieving environmental sustainability frequently conflicts with the other two pillars and increase social, and political polarization and inter-regional differences. The European parliamentary elections showed that the EU public is becoming sensitive to green policy agenda, and this sensitivity is translating into politics. It is of paramount importance not to derail climate, sustainability and security paths but it is also of paramount importance to chart these paths with a closer alignment with the economic, physical, and social realities. #energy #europe #EU #Slovakia #Bratislava #policy #GARI

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  • Zobrazit stránku organizace Global Arena Research Institute, grafika

    1 072 sledujících uživatelů

    The Next 100 Symposium showcases how bringing together people and topics from multiple backgrounds and disciplines fosters true discussion, complex understanding and steps towards solutions. The N100 brings together speakers who deliver unique insight and expertise, and partners who foster interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge. Thank you to our 2024 Next 100 Symposium partners: European Defence Agency, RAND Europe, Gauss Fusion, VDE, The National Defence Technology Centre, ČEZ, International Visegrad Fund, Global Foresight Strategies, LLC, LK Energy Consulting and Photos, program and speakers: #Next100Symposium #GARI #N100

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  • Zobrazit stránku organizace Global Arena Research Institute, grafika

    1 072 sledujících uživatelů

    Glimpse the Next 100 Symposium 2024 that took place last week in Berlin at the VKU Forum! By next week we will post the individual sessions on YouTube, so if you couldn't be there or didn't watch the live stream - you can still absorb the discussions. This year's discussions were marked by the expertise, insight and interdisciplinarity of the N100 speakers - a phenomenal group bridging sectors, disciplines and a dedication to candour and impact. 🌟 Thank you to: Frederick Bordry, Milena Roveda, Jiri Sedivy, Hans Pung, Tony Curzon Price, Lenka Kovačovská, Donna Avellana Künzler, Mirek Topolanek, Elizabeth C. Nelson, PhD Candidate, Jeffrey Saunders, Nestor Maslej, Manfred Krammer, Tim Palmer, Ionela Maria Ciolan, Patti Morrissey, Sebastian Hallensleben, Ambassador Tomas Kafka, Joachim Bitterlich, Joachim Schmitz-Brieber, Michael Vorländer, Franz Xaver Mauerer, Thomas Neubert, Stephen Leach, Joanna Bryson, and Michal Koran and Odessa Primus ☄ Our ReDefine Next 100 delegates: Edyta Mazur, Jakub Jezierski, Ali Musab, Elizabeth Mware, Fan Yin, Faruk Bašić, Binta Koffa, Róbert Bednár and Anna Pająk 🚀 And our partners: European Defence Agency, Gauss Fusion, VDE, ČEZ, RAND Europe, The National Defence Technology Centre, International Visegrad Fund, Global Foresight Strategies, LLC, LK Energy Consulting, and Aleš Měrka

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    Zobrazit stránku organizace Global Arena Research Institute, grafika

    1 072 sledujících uživatelů

    Zobrazit profil Michal Koran, grafika

    Founder and President Global Arena Research Institute

    With the kind support of the International Visegrad Fund our 2024 ReDefine programme started at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Berlin with a really inspiring and open meeting with the Czech ambassador Tomáš Kafka. Overall theme of this year's edition- curiosity and future 🥳 And our 'redefiners' are simply splendid 💖

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    • Tento obrázek nemá žádný alternativní popisek
    • Tento obrázek nemá žádný alternativní popisek
  • Zobrazit stránku organizace Global Arena Research Institute, grafika

    1 072 sledujících uživatelů

    Zobrazit profil Michal Koran, grafika

    Founder and President Global Arena Research Institute

    With the kind support of the International Visegrad Fund our 2024 ReDefine programme started at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Berlin with a really inspiring and open meeting with the Czech ambassador Tomáš Kafka. Overall theme of this year's edition- curiosity and future 🥳 And our 'redefiners' are simply splendid 💖

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    • Tento obrázek nemá žádný alternativní popisek
  • Uživatel Global Arena Research Institute to přesdílel

    Zobrazit profil Michal Koran, grafika

    Founder and President Global Arena Research Institute

    ODVAHA NEVĚDĚT Na ten páteční ranní panel se strašně těším jsem za něj moc rád: experimentální fyzika, teoretická fyzika, fúze, CERN, co víc si přát 😊 Nejde z naší strany ale jen o geeky povyražení. Mám pocit, jakoby se postupně z vědecké práce vytrácelo to základní: údiv a zvědavost. Tragikomická debata o ministryni/ministrovi pro vědu v Česku je jen přirozeným a nepřekvapivým důsledkem.  Nikdo,kdo skutečně chce přijít na to, jak něco funguje, nikdo, kdo má skutečnou radost z poznávání a vědění (abych neobratně citoval Richarda Feynmana) nemá potřebu publikovat pro publikace a pak se schovávat a vymlouvat. Kdo jednou zažil tu palčivou touhu přijít věci na kloub je sám sobě největším kritikem, sžíravě hledá každou skulinu, kde „teorie“ nedává smysl, protože to je přesně ten kousíček, který nám naznačí, že je možné jít dál a přiblížit se tak k tomu hlavnímu: zjistit, kde je chyba, kde to nefunguje, protože to znamená, že je zase cesta kousek dál volná. Chyba není selhání, ale cenný poklad. Odvykli jsme zvědavosti a čím více jí odvykáme, tím více se „bojíme nevědět“, bojíme se přiznat nevědomost, přitom hledání chyby nebo nekonsistence je jediná cesta, i když tušíme, že tato cesta je asi nekonečná. Řídil se tím Karl Popper, Descartes, Hans Morgenthau, právě Richard Feynman, Marie Curie a zástupy dalších, které přepadl bacil zvědavosti. Člověk donekonečna hledá jakoukoli skulinku a když už nemůže dál, začne se bavit s ostatními (a.k.a. "publikace"). Jenomže my nějak máme pocit, že nevědět je selhání, skrýváme neznalost a podvádíme. Nevím, kde se to v nás bere. Možná už ve výchově, ve škole, kdy nejsme odměňováni za zvědavost, ale trestáni za neznalost a odměňováni za znalost otázek a odpovědí, které pro nás někdo připravil. Neznalost je odměněna v lepším případě výsměchem, v horším případě negativním hodnocením. Pak se nemůžeme divit, že náš základní instinkt je neznalost skrývat a vymýšlet nejdůmyslnější cesty, jak se vyhnout tomu, že naše – přirozená – neznalost je odhalena. Věda je systém a každý systém potřebuje pravidla, čím více komplexnější, tím více pravidel, tím více skulinek. Věda se transformuje v projektový management a namísto hledání skulinek v našem poznání, hledáme skulinky v tom, jak z toho systému dostat co nejvíce. Nikomu takový oportunismus nezazlívám, jsme lidé a každý hledá svou stezku ke spokojenost. Ne každý má to štěstí, že ji či jeho takový „bacil zvědavosti“ zasáhne a dobrou vědu lze dělat určitě i bez něj. Ale mám pocit, že manažeři vědy, nikoli čirá zvědavost zjistit, jak věci fungují, třímají otěže financí stále pevněji a pak se nemůžeme divit, že věci vypadají tak, jak vypadají. A tak zpátky k experimentální, teoretické fyzice a CERNu – jsem přesvědčen, že tam má ta urputná snaha najít jednu jedinou nekonsistenci a na té postavit nové poznání stále vládne. Ještě je čas, přijeďte do Berlína, ve čtvrtek a v pátek budeme tento úžas a zvědavost hledat a snad i nacházet

    Zobrazit stránku organizace Global Arena Research Institute, grafika

    1 072 sledujících uživatelů

    🚀 Manfred Krammer, Head of the Experimental Physics Department at CERN is speaking at the Next 100 Symposium this Friday at the VKU Forum in Berlin on the panel: "Rediscovering Wonder: The Future of Fundamental Science in an Age of Commercialization" with Frederick Bordry, CTO of Gauss Fusion and Tim Palmer, Pioneer & mathematical physicist | Royal Society Research Professor in Climate Physics. 👉 Join us - free registration! Rediscovering Wonder: The Future of Fundamental Science in an Age of Commercialization This panel advocates for rekindling of the essence of scientific inquiry and discovery, inspired by the legacy of thinkers like Richard Feynman, in the face of prevailing incentives for commercial and applied utilizations.   This discussion explores the state and future of fundamental science, focusing on how the drive towards efficient specialization and commercial applications may be overshadowing the intrinsic curiosity that fuels scientific discovery. In an era dominated by rapid advancements in applied sciences, this discussion seeks to rekindle the joy and awe at the heart of pure scientific inquiry, much in the spirit of Richard Feynman. Participants will debate the current landscape of fields like physics, where the anticipation for the 'next big thing' persists, and discuss strategies to balance the push for practical outcomes with the foundational pursuit of knowledge for its own sake. The panel will address how the scientific community can nurture an environment that celebrates fundamental research and does not shy away from holistic perspectives. #physics #science #N100

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  • Zobrazit stránku organizace Global Arena Research Institute, grafika

    1 072 sledujících uživatelů

    🌟 Meet Our Distinguished Speakers at the Next 100 Symposium: Mirek Topolánek and Jeffrey Saunders 🎙 Mirek Topolánek Former Prime Minister of the Czech Republic and a veteran in the electric power industry, Mirek Topolánek brings a wealth of experience in both politics and business management. As Prime Minister from 2006 to 2009, and leader of the Civic Democratic Party, Topolánek played a pivotal role in shaping Czech policy. Now, he advocates for the fossil fuel industry, providing critical insights into energy policy and sustainability. 🎙 Jeffrey Saunders Currently serving as the CTO of the Danish National Defense Technology Center, Jeffrey is a seasoned expert in strategic futures studies and foresight. With a rich background that includes leading strategy and innovation at the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies and advising the Office of the Secretary of Defense, his insights into defense technology and future societal trends are invaluable. Join us to gain unique perspectives from these leading figures as we explore the most pressing global challenges of our time. 👉 Register for free to secure your place: #Next100Symposium #GlobalLeaders #EnergyPolicy #DefenseTechnology #FuturesStudies #StrategicForesight

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  • Zobrazit stránku organizace Global Arena Research Institute, grafika

    1 072 sledujících uživatelů

    🚀 Manfred Krammer, Head of the Experimental Physics Department at CERN is speaking at the Next 100 Symposium this Friday at the VKU Forum in Berlin on the panel: "Rediscovering Wonder: The Future of Fundamental Science in an Age of Commercialization" with Frederick Bordry, CTO of Gauss Fusion and Tim Palmer, Pioneer & mathematical physicist | Royal Society Research Professor in Climate Physics. 👉 Join us - free registration! Rediscovering Wonder: The Future of Fundamental Science in an Age of Commercialization This panel advocates for rekindling of the essence of scientific inquiry and discovery, inspired by the legacy of thinkers like Richard Feynman, in the face of prevailing incentives for commercial and applied utilizations.   This discussion explores the state and future of fundamental science, focusing on how the drive towards efficient specialization and commercial applications may be overshadowing the intrinsic curiosity that fuels scientific discovery. In an era dominated by rapid advancements in applied sciences, this discussion seeks to rekindle the joy and awe at the heart of pure scientific inquiry, much in the spirit of Richard Feynman. Participants will debate the current landscape of fields like physics, where the anticipation for the 'next big thing' persists, and discuss strategies to balance the push for practical outcomes with the foundational pursuit of knowledge for its own sake. The panel will address how the scientific community can nurture an environment that celebrates fundamental research and does not shy away from holistic perspectives. #physics #science #N100

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