And it’s out! 📣 Conference 2025 will take place on September 25, 2025, in Prague, Czech Republic. Mark your calendars! 📅 🔹 400+ biotech experts will join us for a day of innovation and networking. 🔹 An enhanced partnering system will help participants connect and schedule meetings. 🔹 We’re currently shaping the programme, featuring: Pitches from top start-ups and R&D teams Inspiring keynotes Engaging panel discussions And of course, we’re keeping the friendly, welcoming atmosphere you love! 😍 🎟 Ticket sales start at the end of February. 🚀 Call for pitch & poster sessions opens March 15. 📍 More info:
O nás was founded in 2023 as a professional association with the vision to integrate R&D, innovation, business, and policy-making activities in the field of biotech in the city of Prague and the broader region. Conference offers a unique meeting of representatives from science and business to exchange their experiences in the development of new drugs, diagnostics, medical technologies and other areas of biotechnology.
- Web
Externí odkaz pro organizaci
- Obor
- Biotechnologický výzkum
- Velikost společnosti
- 2 – 10 zaměstnanců
- Ústředí
- Prague, Czech Republic
- Typ
- Neziskové organizace
Prague, Czech Republic, CZ
Zaměstnanci společnosti
SigutLabs has joined as a new member! ✨ Kryštof Šigut founded the company in 2011 with a vision of creating on-demand molecules to support research and industrial production 🧪🔬 Since then, SigutLabs has grown from a one-person venture into a company with a highly experienced team of PhD-level experts with international backgrounds. They specialize in synthesizing rare and sought-after chemicals that are unavailable on the market 🧑🔬 To date, they have developed hundreds of new molecules for diverse applications, ranging from cancer and COVID-19 treatments to advancing research in solar cells and ADC linkers. During the COVID-19 pandemic 😷 🦠, SigutLabs played an active role in the search for effective treatments. They successfully synthesized the active substance in Gilead-published remdesivir 💊 in just four months—a process that typically takes years—by streamlining and shortening the complex production workflow. Today, SigutLabs serves customers worldwide 🌎, collaborating with global pharmaceutical companies as well as Silicon Valley startups. We are proud to welcome such an innovative company into our community. Welcome, SigutLabs! ❤️
Uživatel to přesdílel
Attending the networking reception “A Driver of European Competitiveness: The Future of European Biotech” yesterday in Brussels by EuropaBio - the European Association for Bioindustries was not only an opportunity to hear key EU stakeholders' perspectives on this topic but also a chance to connect with a room full of biotech enthusiasts. Here are the key takeaways from the speeches by MEP Eszter Lakos, MEP Stine Bosse, Klaus Berend (DG SANTE), Kristin Schreiber (DG GROW), and Danish Ambassador Søren Jacobsen: 1. Biotech provides solutions to many of today’s challenges—and is also key to strengthening European competitiveness. 2. EU needs a regulatory framework that supports biotech innovation and must recognize the urgency of action. In a globally competitive market, delays in market access translate directly into lost opportunities and lost business. 3. Bringing biotech back into the spotlight, the EU Biotech Act is essential for fostering resilience, industrial capacity, start-ups, scale-ups, and global leadership. All stakeholders are encouraged to participate and provide feedback on the Act. As MEPs Stine Bosse and Eszter Lakos work to establish an MEP interest group focused on biotech in collaboration with EuropaBio, it would be valuable to have Czech MEPs join this initiative as well. - proudly a member of EuropaBio - will support these efforts.
Join us at webinar focused on Flanders region in Belgium 🇧🇪 Discover why Flanders stands out as a hub for life sciences and biotech innovation! You can also register for targeted 1:1 introductions to connect directly with key players in the sector. When❓February 25, 2025, 2 p.m. 📅 Register here 👉 Speakers: Rabia Aktas, General Deputy, Embassy of Belgium - Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT) Joshua Berlin, Head of Corporate Alliances & Business Development, BioCentury Inc. Katrien Lorré, Program Manager Health, Peter Tanghe, Science & Technology Counselor, Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT) Jerome Van Biervliet, Managing Director, VIB This webinar serves as a prequel to the European Life Sciences Week in Flanders, which includes major events like #BioEquityEurope in Bruges (May 12-14), where we will also be attending.
Our 2025 kicked off with not only several new members but also a new executive committee❗🌟 We are delighted to welcome two new members to the board, Barbora Dubanska and Karel Kubias, who join Jiri KRECHL, Martina Plisova, and Martin Polak. We would also like to thank Matej Kliman and Mikuláš Vargic for their contributions during their time on the executive committee.
As a member of EuropaBio - the European Association for Bioindustries, we are proud to support the initiative for a strong EU Biotech Act 🧬🧪 We fully endorse efforts to strengthen European biotech capacities and advance the EU's ambitions for competitiveness, sustainability, health, and strategic autonomy 👍
EuropaBio - the European Association for Bioindustries's vision for a bold #EUBiotechAct is out today! 🧬💙🧬💙 The paper calls for an Act to strengthen value chains from R&D to end-users, to create coherent regulatory pathways and to build a next-generation ecosystem. Dr Claire Skentelbery, Director General of EuropaBio commented “The EU Biotech Act is Europe’s opportunity to create a cornerstone for this strategically critical technology. It is vital that #biotech is recognised at a high policy level, and a strong Biotech Act sends a global signal that our innovation and capacity will support healthy citizens, competitive sectors and a sustainable future.” Read the full vision paper at: or download it below⤵️
Moc gratulujeme startupu SophoMer k včerejšímu úspěchu na Cenách Neuron 2024! ✨ SophoMer je startup z portfolia našeho člena i&i Prague a jejich prezentace byla i součástí Pitch session na naší loňské konferenci.
Včera proběhlo v Národním muzeu slavnostní předání Cen Neuron 2024. Máme obrovskou radost, že ocenění za propojení vědy a byznysu získala jedna z našich portfoliových firem - startup SophoMer. SophoMer vylepšuje diagnostické testy nahrazením živočišných bílkovin syntetickou látkou. Duchovními otci a jednateli startupu jsou odborník na vývoj IVD prostředků Jan Plicka (Elisa Development) a Jiri Moos (i&i Prague), v čele startupu je pak Martin Burkhard. Vědecký tým ze spolupracující laboratoře na Ústavu makromolekulární chemie AV ČR (ÚMCH) tvoří Tomáš Etrych, Vladimír Šubr, Libor Kostka a Tereza Vodičková. „Nápad přišel před třemi lety. Zjistili jsme, že výrobci diagnostických testů by velmi rádi využili syntetickou alternativu bovinního sérového albuminu, který se izoluje z hovězí krve a který se používá jako důležitá součást imunodiagnostických testů. Vymysleli jsme koncept a brzy jsme si také ověřili, že náš záměr je nosný,“ vzpomíná Jiří Moos. Rozhodli se využít biokompatibilní syntetické polymery, které se vyvíjí v Ústavu makromolekulární chemie AV ČR. „Vše jsme prodiskutovali s kolegy ze spolupracující laboratoře na ÚMCH, udělali sérii ověřovacích testů, a pak jsme společně založili platformu SophoMer a pustili se do práce na dalším vývoji.“ Dohodli se, jaké mají mít nové polymery vlastnosti, v laboratořích ÚMCH je pak syntetizovali a v laboratoři ELISA development se nové polymery začaly testovat. „V prosinci 2022 formálně a oficiálně vznikl startup Sophomer s.r.o..“ Začátkem roku 2023 podepsal Sophomer s.r.o. licenční smlouvu na technologii s ÚMCH, ELISA development a i&i Prague. V únoru 2023 přišla první osmimilionová investice od investičního fondu i&i Biotech Fund. „A v březnu už první nová látka, SophoMer F10, zamířila na testování k zákazníkům,“ líčí Jiří Moos. Celý text o Sophomeru si můžete přečíst v ročence Nadace Neuron (str. 23-24) 👉 Více se o Sophomeru dozvíte na webu firmy 👉 O všech laureátech Cen Neuron 2024 se více dozvíte zde 👉 Foto: vědecký tým z ÚMCH: Tomáš Etrych, Libor Kostka, Vladimír Šubr (autor: Martin Kovalčík)
We’re happy to introduce another member joining DNAi! 🤩 What once took bioinformaticians several weeks of gene analysis can now be completed in just hours or days using Floxgen software, developed by DNAi 🧬 🖥️ The company, known for applying cutting-edge AI research and development in healthcare, manufacturing, and logistics, believes this software will save time typically spent on broad-spectrum approaches, reduce treatment costs, and ensure accurate and timely diagnoses for patients. As part of their R&D efforts, they are also creating a platform for digital twins 🧑🤝🧑 – virtual representations of physical systems, such as the human body, which simulate and predict real behaviors based on collected data. This technology is particularly valuable in healthcare for predicting potential diseases and recommending appropriate preventive treatments.
Thank you for introduction Central European BioForum! See you in Warsaw in April 👋
🚀 We are thrilled to present as a Strategic Partner of CEBioForum 2025! 🎉🌍, a #biotechnology cluster established in Prague in 2023, plays a pivotal role in advancing the biotech ecosystem in the Czech Republic. By connecting #businesses, #academia, and #policymakers, fosters innovation, collaboration, and the #commercialization of scientific research. 🌱💡 Key initiatives led by include: • Integrating the local biotech scene 📜, connecting research institutions, #startups, and policymakers for shared growth. • Increasing visibility of the biotech sector 🌍, promoting Czech achievements and building international partnerships. • Supporting technology transfer 🧑🔬, enabling the commercialization of cutting-edge scientific #discoveries. • Implementing best practices ♻️, enhancing competencies and creating #opportunities in the biotech industry. • Representing the Czech biotech sector globally 🤝, showcasing advancements in #drug development and medical technologies. Their partnership strengthens the impact of CEBioForum 2025 in the CEE region and beyond as is also a member of EuropaBio - the European Association for Bioindustries 🌟🌐 We are looking forward to welcome friends from The Czech Republic in Warsaw on 2-3 April 2025🤝 #CEBioForum2025 #PragueBio #Biotechnology #Innovation #Sustainability #Collaboration #TechTransfer
The largest Czech biotechnology company, SOTIO Biotech, is joining! 🌟 SOTIO is engaged in the research and development of innovative cancer treatments 💊 Their R&D programs includes a new generation of antibody-drug conjugates (ADC), personalized cell immunotherapy based on the CAR-T platform, as well as IL-15-based treatments, including immunocytokines. There are also two clinical-stage programs in the pipeline, recruiting patients from Europe and the US. SOTIO has offices in Prague 🇨🇿 Switzerland 🇨🇭 the US 🇺🇸 and Netherlands 🇳🇱 and employs top experts from 17 countries. We are happy to welcome you as a member, SOTIO! 😊