Ad Specifications

Review our ad production requirements to make sure your advertising needs are met.

» You can upload your own banner ad here.



All submitted banner ads should be 160 pixels wide by 600 pixels tall.


Damron reserves the right to reduce the size of any banner.

When you are ready to send us your banner, please call our office at 800/462-6654 or 415/255-0404.

  • are the Correct Size
  • include all Placed Images
  • include all Fonts (even those used in Placed Images)
  • include a Proof print (fax to 415-703-9049)
  • include a Model Release if any faces are depicted (please fax to number above)

All digitally supplied ads must be submitted in a format we can use. If you compose your ad using a PC computer, please save the final files in a cross-platform format such as EPS, TIFF or native Quark only (no GIFs, JPEGs, PICTs, PCX or other formats) - onto a Mac-formatted floppy or Zip disk or a CD-ROM. We can only accept files composed in Quark, Photoshop or Illustrator. We cannot accept digital files composed in PageMaker, word processing programs, or other applications.


Most ads have images - scans or other art - placed within the final file. You must include the placed image files, in addition to the final composed ad! (For instance, you may have a photo scanned into Photoshop, then saved as a TIFF, that you've placed in your Illustrator file. You must include the Photoshop TIFF as well as the final Illustrator file.)

Do not manipulate placed images in the page layout program. (For example, don't change the tint or image style within Quark because those changes work better in your image-editing program such as Photoshop.) Again, only EPS or TIFF format images are acceptable. Often these placed images include text; you must also include the original font files for this text!


Always include all of the fonts used in your files! This is the most frequent problem we experience with digital artwork! Make sure to include both the screen fonts (the font suitcase) and the printer fonts (PostScript fonts). TrueType format fonts are also acceptable. Also be sure to include the fonts used in Placed Images; this is tricky because often these fonts don't show up in your report or in the "Font Usage" dialog box; however, when you attempt to print a proof of the final ad, the PrintMonitor may ask for them.


We will return any ads supplied without a proof. Without a printed proof, we have no way of knowing how you intend an ad to look. We recommend a laser or inkjet proof. Please provide color proofs for color ads. If you are submitting a digital ad via email, please fax a copy of the ad to (415) 703-9049 with a notation that the ad is being emailed, or provide a pdf proof with your email.

We highly recommend you print out & include the File Report from Quark, Flightcheck or other layout/pre-flight programs.


You must supply a signed & dated model release for all faces depicted.


300 dpi.


1/2" beyond the size of a Full Page Ad. This is approximately 1/4" beyond the Trim Size, or Actual Page Size. For legibility, please keep text within the center Live Area (the same size as a non-bleeding Full-Page Ad).


All colors (other than grays) used in your files must be in CMYK format (4-color Process). Most layout programs will convert Spot colors (Pantone, etc.) to Process; check the Color Definitions. We cannot accept RGB, indexed or other color formats.


Please use Zip or Stuffit only for large files (6MB or larger).


Please label all media with the Designer Name & Phone Number, the Client (or Advertiser), and the Damron Book for which the ad is supplied (ie, Men's Travel Guide).


We are not responsible for proofing or editing your digital ad. If you need us to make any changes, we must charge the client a minimum prep fee of $100.


NOTE: All Measurements are cited as Wide X Tall, in inches.

Ad Size Men's Travel Guide Women's Traveller Damron City Guide
Third-Page Wide none none 5 x 2.5
Half-Page Wide 3 x 2.875 3.5 x 3 none
Half-Page Tall none 1.75 x 6 2.375 x 7.75
Full-Page (Live Area) 3 x 6 3.5 x 6.125 5 x 7.75
Full-Page Bleed 4 x 7 4.5 x 7.5 6 x 9
Trim Size 3.5 x 6.5 4 x 7 5.5 x 8.5


Please call us at (800) 462-6654 or (415) 255-0404.
