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ABC economics provides independent economic and econometric advice on competition and regulatory matters. We are expert economists and used to presenting our findings in front of competition authorities, sector regulators, courts and arbitration tribunals. Combining scientific knowledge with intellectual rigour and sector expertise, we deliver robust, clear and effective results for our clients. Our economic experts have substantial experience in interacting with competition authorities, regulators, courts and tribunals. We actively engage in developing the latest economic thinking and quantitative analysis and regularly publish our work in highly reputed scientific and policy journals. The insights we gained into the inner workings and approaches adopted by competition authorities and regulators from within and as consultants from the outside provide a key benefit to our clients. We help our clients navigate their way through the increasingly data-intensive procedures used by competition authorities, interpreting technical questionnaires and discussion documents to provide a clear assessment of the key issues, as well as the evidence required in response. Our evidence-based economic analysis is state of the art, rigorous, pertinent and will be communicated in an accessible and comprehensible fashion.
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ABC economics hat dies direkt geteilt
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ABC economics is happy to announce that the commentary on the obligation to negotiate (Verhandlungsgebot) as foreseen by the German Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) in the upcoming mobile spectrum allocation in 2025 by Prof. Dr. Frank Maier-Rigaud titled “On the foundations of a negotiation requirement” (Zur Fundierung eines Verhandlungsgebots) appeared in the July/August edition of Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb, (WuW, 7-8/2024). The commentary can be accessed below or here: The commentary critically reviews the draft decision of the Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur) concerning the modalities of the upcoming spectrum allocation in 2025 (BK1-22/001) on the absence of wholesale access obligation for service providers (Dienstanbieterverpflichtung). More background information on this topic can be found here: #BNetzA #dienstanbieterverpflichtung #verhandlungsgebot #wuw #mobilfunk #frequenzvergabe #wettbewerbsrecht #Verhandlungsgebot
ABC economics is happy to announce that the article on the modalities of the upcoming mobile spectrum allocation in 2025 in Germany by Prof. Dr. Frank P. Maier-Rigaud, Dr. Lukas Block and Daniel Klein titled “How does competition work in mobile markets?” (Wie geht Wettbewerb im Mobilfunkmarkt?) appeared in the June edition of the journal Neue Zeitschrift für Kartellrecht (NZKart, 6/2024 p. 280-289). The working paper can be accessed online here: The paper discusses how the Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur) plans to waive a service provider obligation (Diensteanbieterverpflichtung) in the upcoming spectrum allocation. Due to the close link between the wholesale and the retail markets, there are no incentives for MNOs to offer wholesale products without such an obligation. Along with the ongoing development in technology, the expiring access obligations from earlier frequency allocations and the requirements of the European Commission lead to a continuously deteriorating competitive situation in the mobile market. According to § 105 of the Telecommunications Act (TKG), there is therefore no leeway to waive a service provider obligation. #BNetzA #Dienstanbieterverpflichtung #Verhandlungsgebot
ABC economics is hiring on all levels! Join our team of highly motivated economists and contribute to impactful competition and regulatory matters. We offer independent economic and econometric advice, presenting our findings to competition authorities, sector regulators, courts, and arbitration tribunals. Combining scientific knowledge with intellectual rigor and sector expertise, we deliver robust, clear, and effective results for our clients. If you're about to complete your Master’s degree or PhD in Economics ideally with a focus on competition economics and industrial organization, apply for our (Senior) Analyst position: We also have opportunities for more experienced economists. If you hold a PhD specializing in microeconomic theory, particularly industrial organization, check out our vacancy for an experienced economist: #economics #competition #vacancy #hiring
The #damages claim of Bartels-Langness Handelsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG (Bela) against Melitta Europa GmbH & Co. KG (Melitta) relating to the Federal Cartel Office coffee cartel case B11-18/08 (related to FCO case B10-50/14 involving five coffee retailers) came to an end by Bela withdrawing its claim after the hearing at the appellate court Oberlandesgericht Düsseldorf earlier this year. Before, Bela’s claims had already been rejected by the Landgericht Dortmund (LG Dortmund) in 2022. With Bela’s withdrawal, the judgment of the LG Dortmund is effective. Bela claimed harm based on purchases of Melitta coffee products at allegedly increased wholesale prices during the cartel and in the follow-on period. LG Dortmund acknowledged the atypical structure of the cartel consisting of a #Hub&Spoke cartel including both horizontal coordination between coffee roasters and their vertical coordination with retailers. The need to involve the retailers originated from the special distributional structure of one of the roasters with direct access to final consumers which necessitated the coordination of retail prices. This coordination was necessary as a unilateral increase in retail prices by any of the roasters would have entailed large demand shifts due to the high price elasticity of demand on the German coffee retail market. Therefore, maintaining the price architecture in cooperation with the retailers was crucial to achieve cartel stability in light of the market characteristics (which was also the subject of the separate FCO case mentioned above). The court recognized that the claimant actively took part in stabilizing the intended price architecture. The court also found that market characteristics that usually render cartel effects more likely, such as market transparency were not given to a sufficient degree. In fact, price negotiations between coffee roasters and retailers are complex and involve a wide range of rebates making wholesale prices less transparent and thus also more difficult to monitor. Sustaining a purely horizontal cartel would therefore have been extremely difficult. ABC economics contributed to the provision of both theoretical and empirical economic evidence that eventually was also recognized by the court. The ABC team was comprised of Prof. Dr. Frank P. Maier-Rigaud, Dr. Falk Laser, Till Scholta and Daniel Klein. It was a pleasure to support Melitta Group and to work closely with Dr. Jörg Witting, Holger Wissel and Maren Steiert at Bird & Bird to convince the court and eventually win the case. Our thanks go to Bird & Bird for the excellent cooperation!
ABC economics is honoured to have supported Cisalfa Group in view of a planned acquisition of SportScheck, which was just cleared by the Bundeskartellamt. We supported Noerr in preparing relevant analyses and responding to economic questions concerning the merger notification to the Bundeskartellamt. It was an exciting experience to examine the economic impact of the transaction on local retail markets for sporting goods and in discussing the impact of online retailers on local competition. The ABC team was comprised of Prof. Dr. Frank P. Maier-Rigaud, Till Scholta, Franz Westermaier, Axel Meunier, Daniel Klein and Dr. Falk Laser. It was a great pleasure to work with Alexander BIRNSTIEL, Paula Link and Annika-Kristin Stamer, LL.M. on the matter. Our thanks go to Noerr for the excellent cooperation, we look forward to working with you again soon! #economics #competition #BKartA #merger
ABC economics is happy to announce that effective January 1st Till Scholta has been promoted to Senior Analyst. Congratulations for the excellent work and dedication. We look forward to continued joint work on complex cases in antitrust. #economics #competition #team #careers