Blanking solution! CITO FLAT TOP PRESSER 57 The component has been especially designed for the upper blanking tool and is ideal for open and closed frame diecutters. Available as BOARD version for tools with a presser plate and as a SPOT presser. 👍 Easy to assemble, its speed and efficiency will convince both diemakers and converters. ✔️ It holds the sheet securely in position during blanking, ensuring smooth and reliable production even at extremely high machine speeds. ✔️ It also impresses with its ease of assembly: the flattened edges ensure installation in the correct position and pre-installed screws make mounting easy. The presser plate can be screwed on securely thanks to the toothed anti-rotation protection and threadlocker coating. The benefits: 🔹 Efficient production processes at full machine speed 🔹 Trouble-free production without interruptions 🔹 "Pick and place" for fast and reliable mounting 🔝 CITO FLAT TOP PRESSER 57 – no compromises when it comes to fast assembly and efficient production process for reliable blanking! Find out more at #cito #diemaking #diecutter #blanking #packaging
Herstellung von Verpackungen und Behältnissen
Schwaig bei Nürnberg, Bayern 5.846 Follower:innen
partner for success
CITO produziert in Bayern für den Weltmarkt. Wir sind anerkannt als einer der Technologieführer in der Druckweiterverarbeitung und bauen unsere Zukunft auf Forschung und Entwicklung im eigenen Haus. Bestens ausgebildete und engagierte Mitarbeiter sichern unsere Stellung als Weltmarktführer. Impressum Wir sind überzeugt, dass langfristig nur verantwortungsvoll und nachhaltig arbeitende Unternehmen auch erfolgreich sind. Darum gehören für uns umweltbewusstes Handeln und soziales Engagement zu den Grundpfeilern unserer Unternehmenswerte. Die CITO GROUP umfasst neben der deutschen Muttergesellschaft eigene Niederlassungen in Großbritannien, Italien, Österreich, Tschechien und den Niederlanden. Als internationales Team sind wir erfolgreich und wachsen zusammen. Flexibilität und Vielfalt sind unsere Stärken. Die Weltmarke CITO ist bekannt bei den Verpackungsherstellern auf allen fünf Kontinenten. Unsere weltweiten Kunden und Partner sind erfolgreich und bauen auf unser Knowhow und unseren Service. Egal, ob in Europa, Amerika, Afrika, Asien oder Australien – unsere Produkte stehen für Qualität „Made by CITO“. BoxLine für den Stanzer – Kompetente Lösungen für den Stanzprozess von Faltschachteln, Wellpappenverpackungen und Displays. CITO steht für hochwertige Rillzurichtungen und Stanzzubehör. FormLine für den Formenbauer – Ausgewählte Materialien und Komponenten genau auf die Bedürfnisse des modernen und wettbewerbsfähigen Stanzformenbaus ausgelegt. PrintLine für den Drucker – Innovative Systeme rund um die Offsetdruckmaschine mit dem Schwerpunkt Inline Finishing und Antimarking. Effektive Reiniger für Flexodruckmaschinen runden diesen Geschäftsbereich ab. ProcessLine für beste Qualität – Neue und einzigartige Prüf- und Messgeräte optimieren die Produktions- und Prüfprozesse in der Druck- und Verpackungsindustrie.
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- Branche
- Herstellung von Verpackungen und Behältnissen
- Größe
- 201–500 Beschäftigte
- Hauptsitz
- Schwaig bei Nürnberg, Bayern
- Art
- Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
- Gegründet
- 1906
- Spezialgebiete
- diecutting technology, creasing matrix, makeready material, nick grinders, cutting plates, cleaning agents, cutters, diemaking technology, cutting rules, creasing rules and special rules, ejection and rubber profiles, counterboard material, diemaking accessories, stripping accessories, inline finishing solutions, offset articles, antimarking solutions, offset rules, enveleope feeder for offset and digital printing, ink duct foils, colour measuring devices, crease measuring devices, corrugated board measuring devices, braille measuring devices, inhouse training, online seminars und flexoprinting cleaners
Haimendorfer Straße 37
Schwaig bei Nürnberg, Bayern 90571, DE
Haimendorfer Straße 46
Schwaig bei Nürnberg, Bayern 90571, DE
Kleeäckerstraße 13
Diepersdorf, Bayern 91227, DE
Beschäftigte von CITO-SYSTEM GmbH
Save the date! 🗓️ Join the Carton Craft Supply, Inc. and CITO-SYSTEM GmbH team at the ODYSSEY EXPO 2025 from 07 to 09 May 2025 in Atlanta. ➡️ Don't miss this opportunity to connect with us, experience our latest innovations and learn how to improve efficiency, performance and quality! ✨ One of the highlights: CITO Polytop - The High Performance Ejection Material It doesn't matter whether you work with flatbed or rotary diecutters, solid board or corrugated board. Whatever the job, whatever the run length, whatever the application - you can rely on it! CITO Polytop is characterised by its consistency, especially in repeat runs, with a minimum of set-up work. Outstanding material properties ensure maximum machine performance. 🔹 Extremely wear-resistant and durable 🔹 Faster and more efficient production process 🔹 Excellent finished product quality Find out more at ODYSSEY EXPO or on our website Our team looks forward to seeing you! 👍 Get ready for ODYSSEY EXPO 2025! #cito #odysseyexpo #cartoncraftsupply #ejectionmaterial #citopolytop #diemaking #packaging #flatbed #rotary #diecutter
CITO BALANCE PROFILE – the perfect balance for your cutting die! Because we do not only offer you good products but also the technical support to produce a quality end product ... ➡️ take a look at the training manual how to use the ejection profile optimally. The CITO BALANCE PROFILE facts at a glance: It prevents the cutting die from tilting over and ensures an even cutting result across the entire sheet. ✔ Shorter set-up times and less cutting pressure ✔ Smooth and efficient workflow ✔ Consistently high machine performance ❇ See for yourself how it is used! #cito #ejectionmaterial #diecutter #diemaking #packaging CITO-SYSTEM GmbH
CITO ULTIMATE 🔝 elevate the way you produce your creasing jobs! The unique flexible coating of the creasing matrix ensures consistently high creasing quality! Discover the wide range of sizes and versions such as CITO ULTIMATE RS: ❇ Ideal when small distances between cutting and creasing rule are required (e.g. glue flaps, window cuttings), suitable for small folding boxes. 👍CITO ULTIMATE - means flexibility, performance and top results! For more details see #cito #citoultimate #creasing #diecutting #diecutter #packaging
CITO D/12 – the solid rubber profile for optimum conversion of multi-flute corrugated board! The rubber profile has been especially designed for use on cutting rules, perforation rules and cutting-creasing combinations. ✔ Its unique geometry, with a specially defined conical shape, reduces the tensile stress on the material significantly. No need for double rubbering. ✔ Prevents tearing and bursting of the top cover liner ✔ Color-coding and CITO EasyFix technology ❇️ You will benefit from clean and precise cut edges and a flawless appearance. Find out more and explore also the other solid rubber profiles from the CITO brand. #cito #ejectionmaterial #diemaking #diemaker #packaging #corrugated
CITO Quick Lock Safety Screw – a small screw with great benefit! 💡 For efficient blanking and stripping! It can be used both for the upper blanking tool and the upper stripping board. The screw is fully assembled. Thanks to the threadlocker coating, no additional locking is required, making assembly much easier. Benefits: 🔹Completely pre-assembled 🔹Rotatable head 🔹Easy pushing in of the tool Suitable for wood from 15 mm to 18 mm. CITO Quick Lock Safety Screw – see for yourself how it works! #cito #blanking #stripping #packaging #diemaking #diecutter
Thank you for visiting CITO-SYSTEM GmbH! ❇️ It was a real pleasure to welcome Kunal Gandhi from CGSASP Pvt Ltd, our partner and friend in India. For a long time CGSASP has been marketing CITO products with great success and commitment. Kunal received the latest information about our novelties and recent product developments. At the dinner with the CITO team there was plenty of opportunity to exchange ideas, talk about future projects - and just enjoy the good company. 👏 Great to see you Kunal! #cito #team #partner #packaging #diecutting #diemaking
🔝 Improve your diecutting performance with CITO’s blanking solutions => Grid-Tape™ and Grid Tape MAX – for perfect pile guidance in the delivery of the blank separation station! ➡️ The material properties ensure top performance: metal-free, high adhesive strength and register lines. The benefits: 🔹 Enormous time savings of up to 90 % 🔹 Fast and precise fitting 🔹 Constant pile guidance for smooth further processing in the folder gluer 🔹 Long life of up to 1,000,000 impressions 💡 Grid-Tape MAX is ideal for all double-cut layouts. Find out more at #cito #diemaking #diecutter #blanking #packaging #gridtape
CITO dà il benvenuto al team SERVIFORM SRL Paolo Fedrighi and Andrea Savoia visit our premises last week. Serviform S.r.l is CITO's partner in Italy for diecutting consumables such as creasing matrices, makeready materials, cutting plate cleaners or nicking tools. During their visit Paolo and Andrea were able to meet the CITO team and learn more about our portfolio and latest innovations. An intensive product training was also on the agenda. During lunch and dinner in local speciality restaurants, there was also plenty of opportunity for spending time together. 👏 Michael Schuster, Head of Sales at CITO: "I am pleased with Paolo and Andrea's visit. There was a lively exchange of ideas for marketing the BoxLine products in Italy. SERVIFORM is a well known and established company in our industry. They have many years of experience and profound knowledge. Together with our team they can provide excellent service and support to the market". Thank you for your visit! #cito #partner #creasingmatrix #makeready #patchingtape #CITOTAPE #diecutting #diecutter #serviform
CITO Ejection Profiles with self-adhesive EasyFix technology 🔝Improve your productivity, reduce your costs and increase your safety at work with CITO EasyFix. The advantages: 🔹 Time saving due to easy, fast and precise fixing of the profiles 🔹 Superglue-free laser cuts 🔹 No damage to the cutting die surfaces 🔹 Quick and residue-free changing of profiles if required 🔹 Increased work safety Application problems and quality defects are a thing of the past with CITO EasyFix technology. Discover the details at #cito #citoeasyfix #rubberprofiles #ejectionmaterial #diemaking #diecutter #packaging