Training for International Diplomats

Training for International Diplomats

Internationale Angelegenheiten

Diplomacy by Networking.


Mit der Internationalen Diplomatenausbildung bietet das Auswärtige Amt jungen Diplomatinnen und Diplomaten aus aller Welt ein professionelles Förderprogramm. 1992 hat sich das Auswärtige Amt entschlossen, jungen Diplomatinnen und Diplomaten aus Mittel- und Osteuropa die Gelegenheit zu geben, sich in deutscher Sprache mit den Trends moderner Diplomatie und den außenpolitischen Grundlinien und Motiven Deutschlands vertraut zu machen. Mittlerweile bringt die Internationale Diplomatenausbildung der Akademie Auswärtiger Dienst junge Diplomatinnen und Diplomaten aus aller Welt zu professionellen Förderprogrammen in Berlin zusammen. Ziel dieser Weiterbildungsinitiative ist es, Außenpolitik als Chance gemeinsamen Gestaltens zu begreifen und die Grundlagen für eine partnerschaftliche Zusammenarbeit in globalen Fragen zu legen. Das ist nicht zuletzt eine Investition in die Sicherung des Dialogs, des Friedens und der Menschenrechte, sondern gleichzeitig auch der Grundstein für ein weltweites Netzwerk.

Internationale Angelegenheiten
11–50 Beschäftigte



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    Diplomacy by Networking is delighted to share some insights from our recent workshop on Foreign Policy and Artificial Intelligence, held on June 10, 2024, at the GovTech Campus Deutschland in Berlin. In Cooperation with Data Innovation Lab, this workshop brought together foreign policy professionals to delve deeply into AI’s transformative impact on global diplomacy. It fostered a robust professional network among participants, encouraging ongoing collaboration and dialogue. Thank you to all who attended and contributed to the success of this workshop! We look forward to continuing this important conversation and driving innovation in foreign policy. #DiplomacybyNetworking

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    Weltweit im Einsatz – Außenpolitik als Beruf? Das Auswärtige Amt sucht wieder ca. 50 Attaché(e)s, die Lust haben, Deutschland in der Welt zu vertreten. Als Beamtin oder Beamter im höheren Auswärtigen Dienst gestalten Sie die deutsche Außen-, Sicherheits-, Europa- und internationale Klimapolitik aktiv mit und setzen diese um. Im drei- bis vierjährigen Wechsel arbeiten Sie in der Zentrale in Berlin und den deutschen Auslandsvertretungen an einer Vielfalt von Themen. Ob Deutschlands Beziehungen mit anderen Staaten in Europa und im Rest der Welt, Deutschlands Rolle in den Vereinten Nationen oder Außenwirtschaftsförderung und nachhaltige Entwicklung. Ob Humanitäre Hilfe, Krisenprävention und Stabilisierung, Menschenrechte, Sicherheitspolitik sowie internationale Energie-, Klima- und Umweltpolitik. Auch Aufgaben in der Kulturpolitik oder der Presse- und strategischen Kommunikationsarbeit erwarten Sie. All das und noch einiges mehr bietet der breit gefächerte Beruf als Diplomat*in. Und neben Berlin wird die Welt zu Ihrem Zuhause. Wir suchen für den Einstellungstermin im Mai 2025 Verstärkung für den diplomatischen Dienst – und sind offen für Bewerber*innen aller Studienrichtungen und mit Berufserfahrung aus allen Bereichen. Wir leben Vielfalt und begrüßen daher alle Bewerbungen – unabhängig von kultureller, sozialer oder ethnischer Herkunft, Geschlecht, Religion oder Weltanschauung, Behinderung, Alter oder sexueller Identität. Alle Details zum Anforderungsprofil, dem Bewerbungsverfahren, Ansprechpartner bei Fragen zur Ausschreibung und Infos zur beruflichen Laufbahn im höheren Auswärtigen Dienst finden Sie online unter: Ab jetzt laufen die Bewerbungen – bis 05. August 2024. Wir freuen uns auf Sie!

    Voraussichtlich 50 Attaché(e)s (w/m/d) im Vorbereitungsdienst für den höheren Auswärtigen Dienst

    Voraussichtlich 50 Attaché(e)s (w/m/d) im Vorbereitungsdienst für den höheren Auswärtigen Dienst

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    “How can trade become more sustainable, open, and fair?” This was the central question addressed by the participants in our 2nd Executive Seminar on Economy over the course of two weeks. The seminar facilitated exchanges among representatives from politics, civil society, and the economy, helping participants understand current challenges in international trade and explore potential solutions. In the first week, participants gained insights into the approaches of the German government and international organizations such as the EU and the OECD - OCDE. They also engaged directly with industry representatives from DHL and BMW Group. The second week featured an excursion to Würzburg, providing a deeper understanding of local economic actors, such as a wine estate, as well as internationally operating firms like Knauf and va-Q-tec. Their experience in international trade relations and supply chain management provided the basis for meaningful exchange. We extend our thanks to all speakers and participants for their valuable contributions to the enriching discussions. We look forward to their continued engagement in #DiplomacybyNetworking.

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    As we wrap up the 14th International Diplomats Programme, we're filled with gratitude and appreciation for this incredible six-month journey! From our first meeting in grey January to the Farewell Ceremony at Villa Borsig in June, this programme has been filled with joint learning, exploring, and connecting. Together with our incredible speakers, the participants had critical discussions about Germany’s and the EU’s domestic and foreign policies, federalism, climate change and crisis management among many other topics. The excursions to Potsdam, Wolfsburg, Schwerin, Bonn and other cities provided invaluable insights into local politics, industries and the variety of culture in Germany. The groups’ trip to Brussels also allowed a look behind the scenes of the EU’s internal and foreign policy. The group had the privilege of meeting and learning from leaders like Dr. Tobias Lindner, Dr. Heike Denecke-Arnold and many more, who shared their expertise and were open to discuss the participants’ ideas and viewpoints. This programme has not only broadened the participants’ understanding of Germany but also of diplomacy and international collaboration. Most importantly they made meaningful connections, turning colleagues into friends. Thank you to everyone who made these past six months unforgettable. #IDP14 #DiplomacybyNetworking

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    We recently concluded the 2nd Executive Seminar on the Impact of Geopolitical Developments on Global Economy and Security. For three weeks, our 22 participants explored how geopolitical shifts and the multiplicity of crisis are impacting trade and security but also how they can be addressed. In Berlin, the group met with representatives of the foreign office, the Federal Chancellery as well as civil society to learn how Germany is addressing changes in the multilateral order and global crises. The excursion to Hamburg allowed participants to learn about local politics and industry. A media training also provided the participants to enhance their skills. The group not only had a special group dynamic but built long-lasting friendships all over the world. We would like to thank all of our participants and speakers for their meaningful contributions and look forward to seeing them again soon as we engage in #DiplomacybyNetworking.

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    We recently concluded our 4th Executive Seminar on Feminist Foreign Policy. For two weeks we brought together young diplomats to exchange experiences, successes, and challenges from their respective countries. The programme allowed our participants to learn about Germany’s and other countries’ feminist foreign and development policy. Through meetings with decision-makers and representatives of politics, science and civil society, we explored concrete implementation ideas and possibilities for action. The group’s excursion to Brussels also provided insights into gender equality in the EU’s domestic and foreign policy as well as Belgium’s and NATO’s approach to the topic. Most notably, the group dynamic allowed for an open and fruitful dialogue where participants’ ideas and thoughts evolved into meaningful debates and the development of concrete solutions. We would like to thank our participants for cultivating such a great environment as well as for their participation and contributions. Our gratitude also extends to the speakers that made the programme such a success. We look forward to see where the participants take their new knowledge and connections as they engage in #DiplomacybyNetworking #FeministForeignPolicy

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    Our 12th High Level Experts Programme on Ukraine concluded last week. For three weeks we welcomed young executives from various ministries and administrations to learn about German and European security policies, current political situations and the support for Ukraine. Our programme allowed our participants to express their concerns and discuss the speakers’ support for Ukraine’s effort against Russia’s aggression. The first week included meetings with representatives of the German Foreign Office such as Minister of State Katja Keul and the Ukraine Recovery Conference Task Force as well as with the German-Ukrainian Parliamentarian Friendship Group. In the meetings our participants learned about the insights and perspectives of German and European support for Ukraine and share their views and priorities with the speakers. A highlight was to meet with Head of Munich Security Conference Christoph Heusgen who provided insights into Germany’s past diplomatic relations with Ukraine. The second week our participants explored The Hague and Brussels, visiting and exchanging with institutions such as the International Criminal Court, NATO or the EU Sanctions Envoy at the European Commission. Back in Berlin for week three, further exchanges with staff members of the Auswärtiges Amt (Federal Foreign Office) Germany and public speaking trainings finished off the programme. Our participants particularly expressed the need to protect the distinct Ukrainian culture as well as the importance of supporting its reconstruction. We would like to thank them for their contribution and wish them all the best for their future. 🇺🇦🇪🇺🇩🇪 #diplomacybynetworking Johanna Hellmann-Breitbach Götz Geilhardt

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    ✨ As the month of May is coming to an end, we are pleased to introduce our Networker of the Month, Jasdeep Randhawa. ✨ Jasdeep studied law and public policy at Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, Yale Law School, and Faculty of Law, University of Oxford. Since then, she has built a career in international diplomacy and sustainable development, having lived and worked across five continents. Currently, she is the ocean lead in the UN Climate Change secretariat. In this role, Jasdeep supports Parties to the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in accelerating ocean-based climate action in national policies and plans to collectively meet the long-term temperature goal. Additionally, as a UN-Oceans member, she contributes to increasing the visibility of the ocean-climate policy discourse by fostering synergies across related UN processes and initiatives, including the Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 🌍 Jasdeep’s first engagement with 1-DA occurred during the FFO-organized Brandt Commission anniversary, where she presented on the 2030 Agenda to the then Foreign Minister, Sigmar Gabriel. Since then, she has actively participated in and contributed to various Network Consolidation Programmes, including those focused on peace mediation and crisis diplomacy in action, climate diplomacy, city diplomacy, as well as the UN Summer Academy Programme. Recently, she took part in the network conference on digital diplomacy for a sustainable future. ✅ Participating in the Network Consolidation Programmes has provided Jasdeep with valuable opportunities to interact with diplomats and leading experts from diverse regions, offering novel insights and solutions to address global challenges. This exchange has played a crucial role in her daily work, empowering her to contribute meaningfully to these important issues. The uniqueness of these programs lies in small group participation and immersing in locations conducive to building a collaborative environment. This approach helps participants get to know each other well. Additionally, the pedagogical tool of field visits (for example the visit to the Barcelona Supercomputer Center during the digital diplomacy network programme) bridges the knowledge-policy gap. Beyond honing diplomatic skills, fostering relationships with fellow alumni has underscored the vital role of international cooperation in building trust for collective action. 🎉

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    We recently concluded our Executive Seminar “Diplomatic Skills” which offered practical training as well as insights into Germany’s foreign policy for 22 young diplomats. Our participants coming from Latin America, Africa, Middle East and South and Southeast Asia gained practical skills through negotiation, public speaking and media training.🗣️🤝🏼 Other meetings with representatives of the German government and the Auswärtiges Amt (Federal Foreign Office) Germany allowed participants to learn about current issues of German security and defense policy as well as its role in the EU. 🇪🇺 Excursions to Brussels and Geneva provided further highlights. In Brussels, our participants met with members of the Representative of Germany to the European Union to discuss topics such as maritime security and migration. At the visit to NATO participants discussed NATO’s relations with the Global South and its support for Ukraine. In Geneva, insightful meetings allowed our participants to learn about different organization such as the World Meteorological Organization Organization and the International Committee of the Red Cross - ICRC. We truly enjoyed learning with and from our participants and seeing them develop their practical skills and knowledge. Thank you to all speakers and our participants for their time and insights. We look forward to welcome all participants in our Alumni Network and see their careers flourish as they engage in #DiplomacybyNetworking.

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    For the past four weeks we welcomed 16 diplomats from around the world to participate in the 47th Executive Seminar for International Diplomats. The programme was initiated in 1992 by the then Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher and has so far seen more than 900 participants. In the first week, our participants had the opportunity to learn about domestic and foreign policy issues of Germany through meetings Auswärtiges Amt (Federal Foreign Office) Germany and Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and with members of parliament. Particular highlights were meetings with Nobel Peace Prize winner Irina Scherbakowa and German journalist Shakuntala Banerjee. Through meetings with for instance Anton Hofreiter, Chairman of the Committee on European Affairs, they learned about the role of Germany in the EU and prepared themselves for the excursion to Brussels in the following week. In Brussels, the participants got to engage with the different organs of the EU, such as the Council of the European Union. Another highlight was the trip to NATO providing insights into German and European security policies. Back in Berlin discussions with different think tanks, representatives of the Foreign Office and the Germany government shed light on prominent issues in foreign policy such as climate change, artificial intelligence and dealing with China. Through local excursions to Hamburg and Wolfsburg our participants learned about local politics and economic activities, most prominently discovering the importance of the harbor in Hamburg and the Volkswagen plant. We would like to thank all speakers and participants for this phenomenal programme, for their insights and openness to engage in #DiplomacybyNetworking

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