Job opportunity in #Pakistan We are looking for a Monitoring and Evaluation Expert (f/m/d) based in Islamabad. You will assist in monitoring and evaluating media development initiatives in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Baluchistan, ensuring that partner activities align with project objectives. 📅 Apply by April 7, 2025 ➡️ More information:
DW Akademie
Produktion und Verbreitung von Rundfunkmedien
Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen 39.877 Follower:innen
Freie Medien. Freie Meinung. Freie Menschen.
Die DW Akademie ist das Zentrum der Deutschen Welle für internationale Medienentwicklung, journalistische Aus- und Fortbildung und Wissensvermittlung. Die DW Akademie stärkt das Menschenrecht auf Meinungsfreiheit. Gemeinsam mit unseren Partnern sind wir führend in der Entwicklung freier Mediensysteme, schaffen Zugang zu Information und setzen Standards für Bildung und unabhängigen Journalismus. Mit ihren Projekten stärkt sie das Menschenrecht auf freie Meinungsäußerung und ungehinderten Zugang zu Informationen. Die DW Akademie befähigt Menschen weltweit, auf Basis verlässlicher Fakten und eines konstruktiven Dialogs freie Entscheidungen zu treffen. Die DW Akademie ist strategischer Partner des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung. Sie ist auch mit Mitteln des Auswärtigen Amts sowie der Europäischen Union aktiv – insgesamt in über 60 Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern.
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- Produktion und Verbreitung von Rundfunkmedien
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- 201–500 Beschäftigte
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- Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen
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- 1965
Kurt-Schumacher-Straße 3
Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen 53113, DE
Voltastrasse 6
Berlin, Berlin 13355 , DE
Beschäftigte von DW Akademie
"We are faced with the challenge of reinventing our craft," writes Michelle Nogales Cardozo and Mijail Miranda Zapata in a guest article about AI for #DWFreedom. The co-founders of Muy Waso, a DW Akademie partner in Bolivia, describe why they are optimistic in the face of #artificialintelligence: "We believe that we can meet the challenges with a concept that we will call misk’i journalism. Misk’i refers to the Quechua and Aymara word describing the distinctive flavors of food and drinks. What we need is a journalism with a new, distinctive and personal taste, in times of AI fast food production by Big Tech and big media companies." Read all about their concept here:
For the second incubation as part of our European Union-funded "TrustLab" project with Code For Africa (CfA) and Siasa Place, we're calling Kenyan civil society and community-based organizations to apply! Apart from equipping your CSO/CBO with knowledge and tools to protect yourself and your communities against #digitalthreats, the #incubator program offers the opportunity to apply for a project grant of 5,000 EUR to 15,000 EUR. Find all information here: Apply by April 4, 2025!
For our European Union-funded "MIL4Peace" project in #Lebanon, we're seeking a local coordinator (f/m/d). Apply by March 31, 2025. All information here: #mediajobs #opportunityalert #developmentcooperation
New beginnings: A message from our IMS DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst scholars ✉️ 🌏 In fall 2023, our students started their IMS journey in Bonn, combining research, lectures and hands-on skills to gain in-depth knowledge in the media field. 👩🎓 👨🎓 📋 They're now in the program's final stage and have returned to their home countries ✈️ to write their master theses. We were curious to find out what they miss about their time in Germany and what their future plans are, so we got in touch with some of them:
#ijf2025 Trust in journalism has declined worldwide. In Africa, misinformation, political interference, and perceived bias have led to a loss of public confidence in the media. Our DW Akademie Ghana team will hold a session at this year's International Journalism Festival in #Perugia: Join experts Braimah Sulemana of the Media Foundation for West Africa(MFWA), Thomson Foundation trustee Pamella Sittoni, and Hamadou Tidiane SY, founder of Ouestaf News and the E-jicom School for a discussion on how independent media in Africa can rebuild trust with their audiences.
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Are you planning your trip to the International Journalism Festival in Perugia? Then don't miss the #DWFreedom aperitivo event, where we'll launch our brand-new "State of Media Development Report"! What are media development's success stories? What needs improvement? And how can we address the current funding crisis? Grab an aperitivo and join a lively discussion with international thought leaders Nicholas Benequista, Ph.D., Mpindi Abaas and Emy Osorio M. As well as light refreshments, we'll serve up bite-sized insights on how well the global media development sector fulfills the OECD - OCDE Principles on Effective Media Support. Are you also concerned about the future of independent media in these turbulent times? Come and be part of the debate. Capacity is limited, so please register here:
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Have you ever fallen for an online-scam where someone stole from you or or misused your personal data? 💰 💸 😈 In Cambodia, together with our partner, Khmer Youth Association, DW Akademie organizes youth forums for young people from Indigenous communities to teach them how to detect online scams and fraud. 🛡️ Theatre plays 🎭 are used to teach participants Media and Information Literacy by presenting familiar situations where they can recognize potential risks in their media use. Learn more about the project here: