And that’s a wrap in Berlin! What an incredible day, filled with energy, creativity, and inspiring ideas! Every team brought something unique to the table, and it’s clear that each idea had the potential to make a real impact. We truly believe that everyone is a winner for the passion and innovation they showed throughout the hackathon—however, we did have to choose! A huge congratulations to our winners: Paige Postma, Dishunee Pandya, Niklas Michels, and Minette Mangahas - The KiezGarden team! 🎉 Their innovative concept, #TheKiezGardenWheel, stood out as a solution to bridge communication gaps within community gardens. The idea of this digital planner is designed to enhance knowledge sharing, streamline planning, and foster a sense of connection among community gardens, both internally and externally. The concept will be developed further under the mentorship of Opendot. 👏 Kudos to the team behind The KiezGarden for their vision, and thank you to everyone who participated. Here’s to building more connected, resilient communities! #feast2030 #CommunityGArden #Hackathon #Winners