Titelbild von FlexaFlexa


Stromerzeugung aus erneuerbaren Energien

Managing every kilowatt-hour intelligently


Flexa is on a mission to build Europe's largest Virtual Power Plant (VPP) in the residential sector together with our partners at Enpal and Entrix. Our mission is to build and operate a Virtual Power Plant that not only delivers significant energy cost savings but also supports the transition to a 100% renewable electricity future. By offering complete residential energy systems at competitive prices and strategically tapping into multiple revenue streams, we are well-positioned to provide substantial real-world savings to our customers. This approach enhances customer satisfaction as they experience the full benefits of an electrified, energy-generating home. Through a deep integration into the installed hardware and a direct connection to the customer interfaces, Flexa’s AI-based solution controls the energy assets (such as EV, heat pump, home storage, and others) of a decentralized energy community with an exceptional level of accuracy, speed, transparency, and thus customer satisfaction. With intelligent algorithms, Flexa maximizes customers’ usable flexibility and its returns on energy markets while considering costs, such as grid fees and asset degradation. We are rapidly growing our team and are hiring experienced tech professionals interested in revolutionizing the energy sector. We are looking forward to receiving your application!

Stromerzeugung aus erneuerbaren Energien
11–50 Beschäftigte


Beschäftigte von Flexa


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    Profil von Fabian Fürst anzeigen

    Founder Flexa | ex-McKinsey | HEC | HSG

    We are looking for a highly ambitious A+ player to spearhead our business development efforts accelerating the growth and roll-out of Flexa's advanced virtual power plant. Comment, if you are someone you know could be interested. Previous experience in a high-paced, result-driven environment is a must (e.g., MBB, top-tier startup, etc.). The role will offer unrivaled growth opportunites as Flexa is growing 30-fold this year - backed by our partners Enpal and Entrix - becoming the biggest residential virtual power plant in Germany less than two years after starting. We will offer a highly attractive compensation package, and the opportunity to work with and learn from top leaders with experience at Tesla, Apple, McKinsey & Company, Bain & Company, Picus Capital among others. Jeremias Sébastien Christian Vjekoslav

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    🌍 47% of Europe’s Electricity Now Comes from Renewable Sources! 🌞🌬️ The European Union reached an impressive milestone in 2024: 47% of its electricity was generated from solar, wind, and other renewable sources. However, as the share of renewables grows, so does the need for innovative solutions to address intermittency and ensure grid stability. This is where battery energy storages come in. While a lot is currently talked about grid scale BESS. Did you know that in Germany more than 1.5 million batteries have been installed in households - representing 13 GWh of storage. Yet, compared to grid-scale BESS the vast majority of these are „just lying around“ - not being used in any meaningful to stabilize our grids. This where players like Flexa (together with Enpal), gridX or sonnen GmbH come in - utilizing these batteries in virtual power plants to (1) generate more income for their owners and (2) stabilize the grid.

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    We are very happy to welcome Christoph, Erik and Evgeny to our team! 🔌 Erik comes from the EV smart charging solutions field, such as working at The Mobility House where he had his share in building the dynamic load management system after finishing his bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. He’s an expert when it comes to dealing with charging stations. 🚴 Outside of work, Erik enjoys spending time on the bike, playing tennis, or getting updated on the latest software engineering tech. 🤖 Working in Design for close to 15 years, Christoph brings thorough experience in designing complex software solutions, as well as a deep understanding for visual design. Through his work with various agencies, followed by several years of creating software experiences in the industrial and robotics sector, he built a comprehensive skillset in customer-centric solutions, as well as UI design.  📸 In his spare time he loves to do photography, enjoys working out, inline skating and spending quality time with friends & family. 🚀 Evgeny brings extensive experience in innovative digital product development. Through his work with various agencies and consultancies, followed by several years supporting digital service development in the automotive sector, he has built deep expertise in customer-centric solutions. He specializes in human-centered methodologies and processes across all phases of product development, consistently focusing on delivering exceptional customer experiences. 🎬 Outside of work, Evgeny enjoys exploring new restaurants with friends, creating oil paintings, and practicing kung-fu. Join us in giving them a warm welcome to the team! 🎉

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    Unternehmensseite für Enpal anzeigen

    117.796 Follower:innen

    💡 Studie: Direktvermarktung entlastet Netze und Bundeshaushalt Mit unserem AI Energy Trader 🚀 Enpal.One ermöglichen wir es privaten Haushalten, ihren selbst erzeugten Strom mithilfe künstlicher Intelligenz vollautomatisiert und bequem an der Strombörse zu handeln. Aber: Welche Auswirkungen hat diese „Direktvermarktung“ auf die Netze und den Bundeshaushalt? Das wollten wir ganz genau wissen. Deshalb haben wir das renommierte Analyseinstitut Energy Brainpool GmbH & Co. KG gebeten, die herkömmliche feste Einspeisevergütung mit der Direktvermarktung zu vergleichen – und dabei insbesondere den Effekt für die Verteilnetze und für den Bundeshaushalt unter die Lupe zu nehmen. Die Ergebnisse sind eindeutig: ⚡️ netzdienlich Die Direktvermarktung ist netzdienlicher als die Einspeisevergütung. Denn: In der Direktvermarktung entsteht ab einem bestimmten Strompreisniveau ein Anreiz, die Einspeisung zu pausieren, in der Batterie zwischenzuspeichern und erst später ins Netz einzuspeisen. Zum Beispiel in den erzeugungsärmeren Abendstunden. ✅ spart Steuergelder Die Verschiebung der Einspeisung dank Direktvermarktung spart in nur drei Jahren 130 Mio. Euro an Steuergeldern ein. 🚧 Hürden - Was jetzt passieren muss Die Energienovelle, die aktuell im Bundestag diskutiert wird, könnte viele bürokratische Barrieren beseitigen. In der heutigen Sachverständigen-Anhörung waren sich alle Experten einig (einschließlich u.a. BSW – Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft e.V., Bundesverband Erneuerbare Energie e.V. (BEE), BDI - Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie e.V., TenneT, 50Hertz Transmission GmbH, Lion Hirth, Bayernwerk, BDEW Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e.V.): Das Gesetz muss noch vor der Wahl beschlossen werden! 📖 Zur vollständigen Studie: https://lnkd.in/dyKMq2Td 📰 Mehr in DER SPIEGEL von Markus Becker & Benedikt Müller-Arnold (€): https://lnkd.in/dHDya67R Our dream: zero carbon emissions. zero energy bills. 🌎⚡ 

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    🎄✨ From all of us at Flexa, we wish you a joyful holiday season! ✨🎄 Some days ago, our team gathered for a delightful Christmas Dinner—a perfect moment to reflect on our achievements, celebrate our bond, and share our excitement for the future. The evening was filled with laughter, music, and incredible food, reminding us of the power of teamwork and shared purpose. 🌱 As we close the year, we’re more committed than ever to striving for a greener future together. Wishing everyone a season full of joy, warmth, and new opportunities in the year to come! 🔆 #Flexa #HolidaySeason #Teamwork #Sustainability #ChristmasCelebration

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    Say hello to Danton and Carl, the newest members of the Flexa team! 👋 🧡 Their expertise and passion for innovation will help us continue pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the energy sector. Together, we’re driving forward cutting-edge solutions to make sustainable energy more accessible, reliable, and affordable for everyone. 🌍⚡ ➡️ Danton – Software Engineer Danton brings hands-on expertise in the #BatteryEnergyStorageSystem sector, gained from his experience at sonnen and numbat, where he helped develop advanced energy management software. He holds a Master’s in Power Engineering from the Technical University of Munich (TUM). ❄️ When he’s not coding, Danton is passionate about movement culture and outdoor activities like snowboarding and mountain biking. ➡️ Carl Reineke – Working Student, Finance Carl is currently pursuing a degree in Management & Technology at TUM, specializing in #ComputerScience. He brings a unique mix of technical and financial knowledge to support our financial operations and contribute to the development of impactful energy solutions. 🏟️ Outside of work, Carl enjoys sports, especially football and padel. 🎉 Join us in giving Carl and Danton a warm welcome to the Flexa family! Together, we’re shaping a more sustainable, flexible energy future. #Flexa #NewJoiners #EnergyRevolution #SustainableEnergy #VirtualPowerPlant

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    #LetsFlex 😎 We have successfully launched our nextgen VPP last month. A big thank you again to the great team across Enpal, Entrix and Flexa... 🙏 This milestone clearly deserved some celebration. This is why, we had two great launch parties in parallel in Munich and Berlin 🎉 If you want to be part of this amazing journey as well (and join the party for the next milestone), fear no more 😉 We are constantly growing our A-team of engineers, data scientists, product and designers ➡ https://lnkd.in/dDrcK9MK

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    We are live! 🚀 Since October, our next gen virtual power plant (VPP) allows Enpal customers to save up to double the amount possible with previous VPPs. Now we have ~1000 customer onboarded. But the goal is clear: Rapidly allow all current and future Enpal customers to join and thus, build the largest residential VPP in Europe in the next 1-2 years. PS: if you want to join this growth curve and work together with an excellent team on the most exciting, complex problems of the energy transition. Don’t be a stranger!

    Unternehmensseite für Enpal anzeigen

    117.796 Follower:innen

    Enpal übernimmt Vorreiterrolle für Virtuelle Kraftwerke! 🚀 Wir setzen neue Maßstäbe für Virtuelle Kraftwerke und intelligente Energie. Dank Enpal.One sparen Haushalte bis zu doppelt so viele Energiekosten wie bei anderen Virtuellen Kraftwerken! 📈 𝐨𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐚𝐮𝐟: Enpal kauft Strom an der Börse sehr kurzfristig ein bis zu 5 Minuten vor Lieferung (Intraday Continuous). Das spart mehr Energiekosten als bei Einkauf am Vortag (Day Ahead) 👍 𝐨𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐤𝐚𝐮𝐟: Enpal lädt die Energiespeicher der Haushalte, wenn Strom besonders günstig ist, und verkauft den Strom zu hochpreisigen Phasen gewinnbringend wieder ins Netz. Haushalte verdienen so mehr Geld, als wenn nur der Einkauf gesteuert wird 🛑 𝐖𝐢𝐫𝐤𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐞, 𝐞𝐡𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐬𝐞. Keine versteckten komplizierten Klauseln, wie das bei manchen in der Branche leider üblich ist 🤩 𝐠ü𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐠𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐟 in Deutschland ab 12 Ct/kWh inkl. aller Steuern & Abgaben Unser #KI-gestütztes Virtuelles Kraftwerk verbindet bereits die ersten fast 1.000 Haushalte mit der Strombörse! Unsere 80.000 Bestandskunden kommen schrittweise dazu. Das Ziel: Europas größtes Virtuelles Kraftwerk, das schon in 1-2 Jahren die Größe eines Atomkraftwerks liefern soll – nur eben hochflexibel und erneuerbar. Eine dezentrale Gigabatterie, die das Stromnetz entlastet und Energiekosten spart! 💪 Mit Vjekoslav Salapic (ex gridX), Sébastien Schikora (ex Tesla) und Florian Buchberger (ex sonnen GmbH) vereint unser Flexa-Team die führenden Köpfe aus der Entwicklung virtueller Kraftwerke. Gemeinsam mit unserem Enpal IoT & Tech Team der wahre Gamechanger! 📰  Mehr Infos gibt’s bei EFAHRER.com: https://lnkd.in/dU2sEDP3 und beim pv magazine Deutschland: https://lnkd.in/d4MpBXe6 Our dream: zero carbon emissions. zero energy costs. 🌎⚡

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    Profil von Vjekoslav Salapic anzeigen

    Founder @ Flexa ⚡️

    ⚡ Join Us in Building Europe's Largest Residential Virtual Power Plant ⚡ Our Product team at Flexa is expanding, and we’re on the lookout for talented individuals to drive both the creative and technical vision behind our mission. Whether you're passionate about shaping innovative design or building complex technical solutions, we have exciting opportunities available for a Product Designer and a Product Manager. Join us in creating a product with a lasting, positive impact—both for our customers and for a sustainable electricity grid. If you’re ready to make a difference or know someone who is, feel free to reach out directly or check out our job postings. Let’s build the future of energy together! (Senior) Product Manager role --> https://lnkd.in/dFB2gfjY Senior Product Designer --> https://lnkd.in/dvrKgd9s Jeremias Heinrich Sébastien Schikora Fabian Fürst Müge Arslantürk Florian Buchberger Robin Beer

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