Wir freuen uns, eine offene Diskussion im Rahmen des Griechischen Filmfestivals in Berlin zu hosten: DIY-The Handmade cinema & the influence of music in Films. Es findet am 👉 Freitag, 28.3, 18:00 Uhr im ILLULAB Illuseum Berlin 👈 statt. Mehr Infos ⤵️
We are happy to organise an Open Discussion in the frame of The Greek Film Festival in Berlin: DIY-The Handmade cinema & the influence of music in Films. The Open Discussion will take place on 👉 Friday, 28.3, 18:00 at the ILLULAB Illuseum Berlin 👈 Speakers will be the well known actor and director Renos Haralambidis along with Stefanos Ganos and Panos Karananos from the music production company Musou Music Group. By using Renos Haralambidis’ new film Athens Midnight Radio (Closing Film at the festival, Boo Productions S.A.) as a case study, the discussion will explore the particular case of multiple roles in creation, as is the case of Haralambidis in all his films for the past 20 years. In addition, we’ll talk about the soundtrack of the film, produced entirely by Musou Music Group. It is an exemplary work elevating the musical result of the film. The discussion is ideal for filmmakers and music lovers. Join us. Moderation: Yianna Sarri, Director, Department of Promotion - Hellas Film, Hellenic Film and Audiovisual Center-Creative Greece The entrance is free.