
Otto Krahn Group GmbH is the family-owned holding company of the globally active Otto Krahn Group. It defines strategic guidelines and at the same time takes on the role of a professional service provider to support Group companies with the development of successful and sustainable growth strategies. Overall, the Otto Krahn Group GmbH, which includes plastics distributor ALBIS, plastics compounder MOCOM, the KRAHN Chemie Group and the recycling specialist WIPAG, is represented in more than 30 countries. In the 2023 financial year, the Otto Krahn Group employed a total of around 1,800 people and its global turnover was €1.3 billion.

1.001–5.000 Beschäftigte


Beschäftigte von Otto Krahn Group


  • Unternehmensseite von Otto Krahn Group anzeigen, Grafik

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    Fakuma Messe 2024 – the international trade fair for plastics processing is over but was a great success! We have united ALBIS Distribution, KRAHN Ceramics GmbH and MOCOM Compounds on one booth. Many thanks for the interest in the projects our Group is realizing every day, for the fruitful conversations and inspiring exchanges with our visitors, customers, and partners. We thank everyone who took part in making this year’s Fakuma a great success. #Fakuma2024 #WeDriveSuccessfulGrowth #OttoKrahnGroup

  • Unternehmensseite von Otto Krahn Group anzeigen, Grafik

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    Day 4 at Fakuma Messe 2024 – we are excited about all the interesting conversations and inspiring ideas being shared here! Direct interaction with the industry is simply invaluable. Therefore, we were particularly pleased to welcome PlasticsEurope Deutschland e. V. to our booth – thank you for the engaging discussions! Strengthening the circular economy and exploring how we can further advance sustainability are essential to ensuring long-term progress and balanced growth. Pulling together, we can achieve so much more. You can still meet with our experts from ALBIS Distribution, MOCOM Compounds, and KRAHN Ceramics GmbH until Saturday. So drop by at our booth Hall B4-4206! #Fakuma24 #Circularity #Exchange #Innovation #WeDriveSuccessfulGrowth

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  • Unternehmensseite von Otto Krahn Group anzeigen, Grafik

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    Supporting Operation Clean Sweep (OCS) In our corporate group, environmental protection and sustainability are integral to our business model. We proudly support the global Operation Clean Sweep (OCS) programme. All our businesses involved in the manufacturing and distribution of plastics have committed to preventing pellet loss into the environment. At MOCOM Compounds, we are taking this commitment further by working to certify our high-quality thermoplastic compounding facility under the OCS standard. By joining Operation Clean Sweep or becoming certified, companies across Europe can amplify our collective impact. We encourage as many companies as possible to support this vital initiative!   #Sustainability #EnvironmentalProtection #OperationCleanSweep #OCS #PlasticsIndustry #CorporateResponsibility #TheMoreTheBetter

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  • Unternehmensseite von Otto Krahn Group anzeigen, Grafik

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    A warm welcome to our new apprentices! We're thrilled that 13 new apprentices started in our German teams in Hamburg and Zülpich at MOCOM Compounds, yesterday. They are embarking on their career journeys in various fields, including Warehouse Logistics, Machine and Plant Operation, Industrial Mechanics, and Wholesale and Foreign Trade Management. We look forward to being part of and supporting them in their first experiences in the working environment. Training and promoting young talent is firmly anchored in our corporate philosophy as a family-owned, cross-generational company. A special shout-out to our female apprentice training as a Machine and Plant Operator – breaking barriers in a traditionally male-dominated field! We wish all our new apprentices a pleasant start as well as a successful and enriching training period. Welcome to our group of companies! #Apprenticeship #Trainee #Career #Team #Welcome

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  • Unternehmensseite von Otto Krahn Group anzeigen, Grafik

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    Keep on Running – Our Motto at the Hamburg HafenCity Run 2024! This motto not only reflects our highly motivated and enduring colleagues who participated this year. It also mirrors the fact that our international, family-owned group of companies has been in business for 115 years. We are proud to have successfully completed the approximately 4-kilometers of the HafenCity Run alongside numerous other companies this year – always with the goal of doing good. A part of the entry fees from Northern Germany’s largest corporate and charity run is used to support underprivileged children and youth, adults, and people with disabilities from the metropolitan region. The Otto Krahn Group has been represented at the HafenCity Run with all its businesses for many years, and we are thrilled to be part of this event as a team! #OttoKrahnGroup #HafenCityRun #hamburg #team #letsgrowtogether

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  • Unternehmensseite von Otto Krahn Group anzeigen, Grafik

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    Zum 75. Geburtstag Der 23. Mai 2024 ist für uns ein besonderer Tag: Vor 75 Jahren wurde das Grundgesetz verabschiedet. Seit dem 3. Oktober 1990 ist es die Verfassung für ganz Deutschland. Wir bekennen uns als Unternehmensgruppe zu den Werten des Grundgesetzes und treten für sie ein. Als das Grundgesetz 1949 entstand, lagen die Gräueltaten des Nationalsozialismus erst kurz zurück, zuvor war die Weimarer Republik gescheitert. Mit dem wichtigen Grundsatz des „nie wieder“ formulierten die Verfasser des Grundgesetzes die Grundlagen unseres Zusammenlebens in einem freien und demokratischen Rechtsstaat. Das haben sie klug gemacht: Das Grundgesetz ist das Fundament für Freiheit, Frieden und Demokratie in Deutschland, bis heute. Das Grundgesetz beginnt mit dem zentralen, prägenden, wunderbaren und beispiellosen ersten Artikel: „Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar. Sie zu achten und zu schützen ist Verpflichtung aller staatlichen Gewalt.“ Sehr klar, prägnant und mit einer bis heute wirkenden Kraft stellt es den Menschen in den Mittelpunkt. Der Staat hat dem Menschen zu dienen, nicht umgekehrt. Und: Wir alle sind damit gemeint – jeder Mensch, unabhängig von Nationalität, Herkunft, Glauben, Weltanschauung, sozialer Stellung, Orientierung! Seit 75 Jahren trägt uns das Grundgesetz, es ist wandlungsfähig und verbindend. Grund genug, stolz darauf zu sein und die freiheitliche demokratische Ordnung, in der wir leben, wertzuschätzen. Denn dass die Demokratie kein Selbstgänger ist, das sehen wir nicht nur in anderen Ländern. Aktuell bedrohen auch in Deutschland wieder politische und gesellschaftliche Strömungen diese Werte. Auch für das Grundgesetz und unsere Demokratie selbst geht Gefahr von radikalen und extremen Kräften aus, die die Republik und ihre Verfassung ablehnen. Wenn Parteien oder Gruppierungen sich öffentlich zu kruden „Remigrationsfantasien“ bekennen und sich für die Abschaffung unserer Grundwerte einsetzen, ist es höchste Zeit, sich dem entgegenzustellen – und sich auf unser Grundgesetz zu besinnen. Die Freiheit, die unser Grundgesetz verteidigt, ist unser höchstes Gut und keineswegs selbstverständlich. Deshalb möchten wir zum 75. Jahrestag dazu aufzurufen, sich für ein menschliches, gerechtes und gleichberechtigtes Miteinander einzusetzen, für Vielfalt und Toleranz. So zu wählen, dass das Grundgesetz auch in Zukunft unsere Freiheit, unsere Rechte und unsere Würde schützen kann. Und sowohl im öffentlichen als auch im privaten Rahmen Ausgrenzung keinen Raum zu lassen. #Grundgesetz #75Jahre #Grundwerte #WerteVerteidigen #Demokratie #DieWürdeDesMenschenIstUnantastbar

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  • Unternehmensseite von Otto Krahn Group anzeigen, Grafik

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    Yesterday was a remarkable day and a significant milestone for our group: MOCOM Compounds has officially opened the expansion of its production hall in Gardelegen. With this, we can now produce over 3,000 tons of high-quality carbon fiber compounds annually in Gardelegen. We look forward to the new possibilities this development offers for our company and our clients! #OttoKrahnGroup #MOCOM #Expansion #Sustainability #WeDriveSuccessfulGrowth 

    Unternehmensseite von MOCOM Compounds anzeigen, Grafik

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    Today marks the grand opening of the new production facility for recycled carbon fiber-reinforced plastics at our plant in Gardelegen! Joined by the executive leadership team of the Otto Krahn Group, the management team of MOCOM as well as representatives of regional politics ceremonially cut the ribbon, officially inaugurating the new building. Situated on a 39,000 square meter site, this state-of-the-art production facility will now manufacture high-quality carbon fiber-reinforced plastics, significantly reducing the CO2 footprint of the produced lightweight and high-strength materials. Read more about it in the press release: Many thanks to our team, all our partners, stakeholders, craftsmen, and the local community for your support in making this vision a reality. Let's compound a sustainable future! #Innovation #Sustainability #Carbonfiber #MOCOM #CompoundingASustainableFuture

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  • Unternehmensseite von Otto Krahn Group anzeigen, Grafik

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    Celebrating ten years of energy management at the Otto Krahn Group! In 2014, we embarked on a journey towards systematic energy management, marking a pivotal moment in our commitment to reduce our energy consumption. Now, as we commemorate a decade of progress, join us for an exclusive interview with Leon-Raoul Vögele, Environmental Manager at the Otto Krahn Group, as he shares insights into the significance of energy management in our daily operations. Read the full interview on our blog: #EnergyManagement #OttoKrahnGroup 

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  • Unternehmensseite von Otto Krahn Group anzeigen, Grafik

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    We are delighted to make a small contribution to the development of well-founded future decisions for young children by participating in the national Girls’ Day & Boys’ Day again this year. Yesterday we had the opportunity to open our headquarters doors in Hamburg to give twelve young talents an insight in what working in our group of companies is like. Read more about what we offered the children in our latest blog article: The annual Future Day for Young People gives school students the opportunity to explore professions by spending a day in a selected company. As a family-owned company we are supporting the initiative's goal of breaking down gender stereotypes and establishing gender-neutral career and study opportunities. #Girlsday #Boysday #Zukunftstag 

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  • Unternehmensseite von Otto Krahn Group anzeigen, Grafik

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    Changes in the Otto Krahn Group Advisory Board   We would like to express our immense gratitude to our long-standing Advisory Board member, Mr. Stefan Sommer, who stepped down from the Board on December 31, 2023, as part of a planned succession. Mr. Sommer demonstrated his strong dedication to our group of companies time and again, and we wish him all the best for the future.   In turn, we are delighted to welcome Dr. Dirk Backhaus to the Board as of April 1, 2024. With more than 25 years of experience in the chemical industry, Dr. Backhaus previously held various long-term management positions at Bayer including career stations in Asia and was most recently a member of the Executive Board of the Crop Science Division and Global Head of Product Supply. He has extensive knowledge of the chemical industry as well as in the fields of production and supply chains. We look forward to working with Dr. Backhaus and wish him a successful start!   #OttoKrahnGroup #ALBIS #MOCOM #KRAHNChemie #KRAHNCeramics #OttoKrahnNewBusiness #ChemicalIndustry #PersonalChange

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