

IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung

Paris, France 42.699 Follower:innen

Empowering the Digital Future


Unser Ansatz war schon immer auf Erfolg und Optimierung ausgerichtet. Mit mehr als 30 Jahren Erfahrung und einer bedeutenden internationalen Präsenz ist Prodware eines der wenigen Unternehmen in Europa, das über ein globales und umfassendes, transversales Fachwissen verfügt und den gesamten Zyklus der digitalen Transformation beherrscht. Nur ein übergreifendes Fachwissen ermöglicht eine fundierte Entscheidungsfindung. Prodware verfügt über einzigartiges Know-how in Bezug auf die Auswahl der passenden Lösung, Integration, Funktionserweiterungen und Wartung. Dieser innovative und sichere transversale Ansatz ermöglicht es Prodware, Risiken zu minimieren und einen maximalen ROI zu erzielen.

IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung
1.001–5.000 Beschäftigte
Paris, France
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
IT Services, Business Software, Digital Transformation, Professional Services, Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Consulting, Technology Infrastructure, Manufacturing, Financial Services, Retail and Distribution, Cloud, Microsoft Dynamics 365, CRM, ERP, Azure, Office 365, Microsoft 365, Cybersecurity, Sage und Business Intelligence


Beschäftigte von Prodware


  • Unternehmensseite von Prodware anzeigen, Grafik

    42.699 Follower:innen

    Thank you to our awesome management team for participating in our #RetreatforBusiness in Madrid! 😃 Over two intense days, we engaged in strategic planning, aligned our objectives, and dedicated time to #innovation and #creativity. We came together, deepened connections, and had a blast diving into topics like business #acceleration, #sales, #AI, #strategy, and #growth. A huge shoutout to our amazing leaders, experts, and our special guest, Mark Stuyt, for making it unforgettable! With a strong focus on exceeding targets, we are committed to driving collective progress 💪 Growing smarter together! Thanks Jose María Sánchez SantaCecilia for this motivating session, your leadership, and your vision. #Prodware #BeProdware #Retreat4Business #Strategy #Leadership

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  • Unternehmensseite von Prodware anzeigen, Grafik

    42.699 Follower:innen

    👨✈️How are your Co-piloting skills? Not so good? No worries! From Microsoft Copilot to Prodware AI Apps, we provide a variety of customized AI solutions designed to enhance efficiency, offer insightful analytics, and tailor users experiences. Whether you need help with licenses, security, or figuring out implementation and governance, our experts are ready to support you at every turn to help you achieve your AI goals. Transforming your business is one click away 👉 #AIApps #Copilot #ArtificialIntellegence #Applications

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  • Unternehmensseite von Prodware anzeigen, Grafik

    42.699 Follower:innen

    🚀 Boost your customer interactions – why is it important for business success? 🥇According to @PwC giving your customers positive experiences with your brand brings a greater impact and ROI than just paid advertising. What budget and strategy are you employing to add CX into your engagement mix? ➡ Read the report here: 🎯A customer-centric strategy helps you to adapt and future-proof your organization. ❔What does it mean? ✅ create a seamless customer experience across every touchpoint and channel with your brand ✅ personalize communications and offers that are relevant to each customer ✅ empower your employees to plan and execute customer-first plans using technology, data and insights ✅ take an “outside-in” approach to your business operations and strategy ➡ Find out how Prodware can support your business in building better and longer-lasting connections with customers through Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement ➕  Copilot technology ➕  CX consulting. 🔗 #customerengagement #customerexperience #msdynce #artificialintelligence #data #strategy #insights #microsoftcopilot

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  • Prodware hat dies direkt geteilt

    Unternehmensseite von Prodware anzeigen, Grafik

    42.699 Follower:innen

    De vakantie is voorbij en Prodware NL start september met nieuwe events, met op 26 september ons eerste live event voor professionals in de Maakindustrie! Slimme automatische processen zijn het fundament van een toekomstbestendige Maakindustrie. Maar hoe kunnen moderne technologieën zoals AI en Low Code jouw bedrijf ondersteunen? Experts van Microsoft en Prodware laten zien hoe je digitale ontwikkelingen kunt vertalen naar eigen business en met welke tools. Tijdstip: 10:00 - 12:00 met aansluitend netwerklunch tot 13.00 u Locatie: Prodware Zaltbommel Kosten: Gratis Kijk hieronder voor meer informatie en schrijf je in! #ProdwareNederland #Microsoft #AI #Maakindustrie #Slimmerproduceren

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  • Unternehmensseite von Prodware anzeigen, Grafik

    42.699 Follower:innen

    Pour entreprendre dans cette ère de l’instabilité, il faut innover et s’adapter en temps réel 💡 Dans un monde où l'innovation ne s'arrête jamais et où l'incertitude règne, l'entrepreneuriat prend une toute nouvelle dimension. Plus qu’une simple création d’entreprise, il s'agit d'adopter une mentalité proactive et résiliente pour naviguer dans ce paysage en perpétuelle évolution. Cette navigation doit être accompagnée d'une vision claire de l’exécution du projet. Sans cette capacité d’exécuter, l’ensemble ne reste qu’une vue de l’esprit. L'entrepreneur d'aujourd'hui doit donc embrasser le changement et anticiper les tendances. Et comme un jeu de séduction, il doit répondre aux besoins des autres tout en réalisant ses propres aspirations. Dans sa tribune sur La dynamique d’entreprendre, Marc Benero, VP Communication & Marketing chez Prodware, explore comment les entrepreneurs modernes peuvent repérer les opportunités et rester constamment à l'affût des signaux du marché. A retrouver dans le Journal du Net 👉 #entreprenenariat #entreprendre #evolution

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  • Unternehmensseite von Prodware anzeigen, Grafik

    42.699 Follower:innen

    🚀 Boost your customer interactions – why is it important for business success? 🎯A customer-centric strategy helps organizations to adapt and future-proof in today´s fast-moving world. ❔What does it mean? ✅ create a seamless customer experience across every touchpoint and channel with your brand ✅ personalize communications and offers that are relevant to each customer ✅ empower your employees to plan and execute customer-first plans using technology, data and insights ✅ take an “outside-in” approach to your business operations and strategy ➡ Find out how Prodware can support your business in building better and longer-lasting connections with customers through Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement ➕ Copilot technology ➕ CX consulting. 🔗 #customerengagement #customerexperience #msdynce #artificialintelligence #data #strategy #insights #microsoftcopilot

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  • Unternehmensseite von Prodware anzeigen, Grafik

    42.699 Follower:innen

    🚀 Boost your customer interactions – why is it important for business success? 🗣 According to Gartner, adopting a customer experience approach in your business model results in greater customer loyalty and referrals.  The power of the customer voice in advocating for your business is a strong tool to consider. ➡ Read the report here:  🎯A customer-centric strategy helps you to adapt and future-proof your organization. ❔What does it mean? ✅ create a seamless customer experience across every touchpoint and channel with your brand  ✅ personalize communications and offers that are relevant to each customer  ✅ empower your employees to plan and execute customer-first plans using technology, data and insights  ✅ take an “outside-in” approach to your business operations and strategy ➡ Find out how Prodware can support your business in building better and longer-lasting connections with customers through Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement ➕  Copilot technology ➕  CX consulting. 🔗  #customerengagement #customerexperience #msdynce #artificialintelligence #data #strategy #insights #microsoftcopilot  

    • According to Gartner adopting a customer experience approach in your business model results in greater customer loyalty and referrals.
  • Unternehmensseite von Prodware anzeigen, Grafik

    42.699 Follower:innen

    🚀 Boost your customer interactions – why is it important for business success? 🎯A customer-centric strategy helps organizations to adapt and future-proof in today´s fast-moving world. ❔What does it mean? ✅ create a seamless customer experience across every touchpoint and channel with your brand ✅ personalize communications and offers that are relevant to each customer ✅ empower your employees to plan and execute customer-first plans using technology, data and insights ✅ take an “outside-in” approach to your business operations and strategy ➡ Find out how Prodware can support your business in building better and longer-lasting connections with customers through Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement ➕ Copilot technology ➕ CX consulting. 🔗 #customerengagement #customerexperience #msdynce #artificialintelligence #data #strategy #insights #microsoftcopilot

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  • Unternehmensseite von Prodware anzeigen, Grafik

    42.699 Follower:innen

    🚀 Boost your customer interactions – why is it important for business success? 🛍 According to EY the importance of an omni-channel approach to customer engagement is essential. How does your organization create a unified and optimal experience for your customers regardless of how, when and where? ➡ Read the report here: 🎯A customer-centric strategy helps you to adapt and future-proof your organization. ❔What does it mean? ✅ create a seamless customer experience across every touchpoint and channel with your brand ✅ personalize communications and offers that are relevant to each customer ✅ empower your employees to plan and execute customer-first plans using technology, data and insights ✅ take an “outside-in” approach to your business operations and strategy ➡ Find out how Prodware can support your business in building better and longer-lasting connections with customers through Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement ➕  Copilot technology ➕  CX consulting. 🔗 #customerengagement #customerexperience #msdynce #artificialintelligence #data #strategy #insights #microsoftcopilot

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