Rovema GmbH

Rovema GmbH


Passion for packaging. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - and THINK sustainably!


We have a passion for developing and building packaging machines and systems that suit the complex demands of a modern circular economy. We THINK holistically and take into account the environment, the market, the product and the packaging. This allows us to build efficient and future-proof packaging machines with high availability. A sustainable solution that fits the characteristics of the product to be packed and its demands in logistics, packaging material, shelf life and energy efficiency is our first priority. We actively search for possibilities to save packaging materials and have prepared our machines to process very thin packaging materials. At the same time together with our clients, we continuously test new packaging materials from regrowing or recyclable materials to ensure process ability at the highest possible output rate. With profound application expertise, innovative approaches and new technologies we find the optimum packaging solutions for our clients – custom-fit and individual – thus securing competitive advantages. With our global network we are on-site for you and for decades will support you throughout your system’s entire machine life. We offer various retrofits and modifications for existing machines that allow an adaptation to new demands for example paper materials. Sustainable economic, ecological and social actions for ROVEMA are an essential element of corporate culture. This also includes integrity in our relationships with employees, business partners and the public. Find out more in our code of conduct and our brochure on values and core behaviors. Jobs: Imprint:

501–1.000 Beschäftigte
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)


Beschäftigte von Rovema GmbH


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    6.863 Follower:innen

    🌟 Erfolgreiche Teilnahme am Karrieresamstag in Lich! 🌟 Wir freuen uns sehr über unsere erfolgreiche Teilnahme am Karrieresamstag in Lich! 🎉 Dank vieler spannender Gespräche mit interessierten Talenten konnten wir nicht nur unser Netzwerk erweitern, sondern auch bereits erste Bewerbungen entgegennehmen. 📝 Die positive Geschäftsentwicklung der letzten Jahre ermöglicht es uns, in vielen verschiedenen Bereichen nach Verstärkung zu suchen. Wir sind auf der Suche nach motivierten und engagierten Kolleginnen und Kollegen, die unser Team bereichern und gemeinsam mit uns die Zukunft gestalten wollen. 🚀 Hier geht es zu unserem Bewerberportal: Ein herzliches Dankeschön an alle, die uns am Karrieresamstag besucht haben. Wir freuen uns darauf, viele von euch bald in unserem Team begrüßen zu dürfen! 🤝 #Karrieresamstag #Lich #Karriere #Wachstum #Bewerbung #TeamSpirit #Erfolg

    • ROVEMA auf dem Karrieresamstag in Lich
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  • Unternehmensseite von Rovema GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    6.863 Follower:innen

    Happy Independence Day to all ROVEMA colleagues and customers in the USA! We're delighted about our global ROVEMA team and to be celebrating 4th of July with you all. As one of the eleven ROVEMA subsidiaries, Rovema North America was founded in 2014 and is located in Atlanta, Georgia. Since then, our company has benefited not only from the performance of our colleagues in the USA, but especially from the intensive professional and cultural exchange.   Our teams are united by our common goal as a leader in the packaging machinery industry to inspire people around the world with our solutions and by our shared commitment to quality and sustainability. We are proud of our teamwork, our machines, and our accomplishments.   So today we raise a virtual toast to freedom, democracy and diversity, and wish our colleagues across the pond a happy celebration: Happy 4th of July!     #ROVEMA #PassionForPackaging #IndependenceDay

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  • Unternehmensseite von Rovema GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    6.863 Follower:innen

    Supporting Tafel Gießen: ROVEMA's commitment to the community! 🌟 This June, ROVEMA proudly participated in our annual sponsorship month with Tafel Gießen. For a whole week, our dedicated employees supported the food bank by sorting and delivering food to those in need. At ROVEMA, supporting the Tafel Gießen is an important part of our mission to give back to our community. Their incredible work ensures that those in need have access to essential food. We're honored to be able to contribute to their efforts and support such a valuable service in our region. We are extremely proud of our team members who volunteered their time to support the Tafel Gießen. Their commitment to social responsibility reflects the values we hold dear at ROVEMA. We look forward to continuing our partnership and supporting Tafel Gießen in the future. #ROVEMA #TafelGießen #CommunitySupport #VolunteerWork

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  • Unternehmensseite von Rovema GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    6.863 Follower:innen

    We are excited to announce that we will be attending ProPak in Shanghai from 19-21 June 2024! Visit us at booth H5.1, B38 to find out how we can meet your packaging needs. Whether it's dosing, forming, filling, sealing or final packaging, we have the right solutions for you! We are delighted to be collaborating again this year with our partners in China, Leah Li and Steve Jin, on a joint booth. We look forward to meeting you and discussing your future packaging projects! #ProPakShanghai #ROVEMA #VisitUs

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  • Unternehmensseite von Rovema GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    6.863 Follower:innen

    Gesundheitstag bei ROVEMA: Ein voller Erfolg! Heute fand unser jährlicher Gesundheitstag statt, der allen Mitarbeitern wertvolle Möglichkeiten bot, sich über verschiedene Gesundheitsthemen zu informieren und aktiv etwas für ihr Wohlbefinden zu tun. 🩺 Highlights des Tages: • Workshops zu Rücken, Muskeln und Skelett: Richtig heben und tragen • Individuelle Beratungen zum Thema Rücken von Personal Trainer Mike Schmitt der TK (Die Techniker) • Business-Yoga zur Entspannung und Stressabbau im Arbeitsalltag • Wertvolle Informationen zu Blutuntersuchungen und Krebserkrankungen durch unsere Betriebsärztin • Ernährungsberatung für einen gesunden Lebensstil • Infostand „Aktionswoche Alkohol“ der Deutschen Hauptstelle gegen Suchtgefahren All diese Angebote konnten auf freiwilliger Basis wahrgenommen werden und die positive Resonanz zeigt, wie wichtig das Thema Gesundheit für unsere Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter ist. Ein großes Dankeschön an alle Partner und Beteiligten, die diesen Tag ermöglicht haben! 🙏 Wir sind stolz darauf, unseren Gesundheitstag jährlich durchführen zu können und freuen uns, dass unsere Mitarbeiter diese Angebote schätzen und nutzen. #ROVEMA #Gesundheitstag #WorkLifeBalance #Danke

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  • Unternehmensseite von Rovema GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    6.863 Follower:innen

    We're excited to announce that we'll be exhibiting at ProPak in Bangkok this week! Come visit us at booth A01 to chat about how we can help you with your packaging needs. From dosing, to forming, filling, sealing, and final packaging, we've got you covered! As in the last few years, we'll be teaming up with our partner in Thailand CreativePackagingSolution, Pongsawad Kumthampinij, at a joint booth. We can’t wait to see you soon and to chat about your upcoming packaging projects! #ProPakBangkok #ROVEMA #VisitUs

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  • Unternehmensseite von Rovema GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    6.863 Follower:innen

    Mit großer Freude überreichen wir der Kindertagesstätte "Wirbelwind" eine Spende von 500 €! 🌟 Diese Summe haben wir durch unsere jährliche Blutspendeaktion in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Universitätsklinikum Gießen und Marburg GmbH (UKGM) erzielt. Unsere Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter erhielten pro Blutspende 25 €, die sie freiwillig ganz oder teilweise spenden konnten. Dank ihres Engagements kamen 250 € zusammen, die unsere Geschäftsführung verdoppelte. So konnten wir dem Kindergarten insgesamt 500 € spenden. Für uns ist es eine Herzensangelegenheit, unsere Region zu unterstützen. Der Kindergarten wird das Geld für verschiedene Ausflüge und Projektwochen wie gemeinsames Backen oder deren Nähatelier verwenden - eine schöne Sache, die wir gerne unterstützen. Wir sind stolz auf unsere Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter und ihre Bereitschaft, Gutes zu tun. Gemeinsam machen wir die Welt ein bisschen besser! 💚 #ROVEMA #GemeinsamStark #Spendenaktion #CommunitySupport 

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  • Unternehmensseite von Rovema GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    6.863 Follower:innen

    We would like to thank Mamut Polska S.A. for their incredible cooperation in our recent case study. The machinery of the bakery in Wroclaw has recently been expanded by a new, modern ROVEMA SBS 250 packaging machine. This advanced machine is designed to form and fill high quality block bottom bags and is equipped with a high precision auger dosing system. The packs are made of heat-sealable, compostable FSC paper from the flat film web and have an excellent seal quality. Our main objective was to improve the logistics and ensure the complete safety of one of MAMUT POLSKA S.A.’s leading products - breadcrumbs. Previously, the product was packaged in traditional pre-made paper bags that were sealed with glue after filling. While such pre-made bags are popular and reliable in the bakery and flour industries worldwide, the introduction of our new ROVEMA technology has significantly improved the packaging process for breadcrumbs. Thank you, MAMUT POLSKA S.A., for trusting us with this important project. Your cooperation has been invaluable and we look forward to continuing our partnership and achieving even greater success together. Find out more: #ROVEMA #MAMUTPOLSKA #CustomerSuccess #BakerySolutions

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  • Unternehmensseite von Rovema GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    6.863 Follower:innen

    Have you heard about our ROVEMA Trainee Program? 🚀 During the meet@thm-campus-friedberg (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen) career fair, we had the pleasure of meeting students from different academic backgrounds, all eager to learn more about ROVEMA and what we do. Their enthusiasm and passion for our industry was truly inspiring! It was fantastic to showcase the range of opportunities available at ROVEMA, from internships to full-time positions, and to see how these align with the skills and knowledge students are cultivating through their studies. We're particularly excited about the interest in our Trainee Program. It's an incredible opportunity for recent graduates to kick start their careers and grow within our dynamic team. If you missed us at the event or would like to learn more about our Trainee Program, feel free to contact us! We'd love to hear from you. #ROVEMA #CareerOpportunities #TraineeProgram

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  • Unternehmensseite von Rovema GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    6.863 Follower:innen

    Exciting News for Producers of Fresh Produce and Frozen Food! We are thrilled to announce our latest innovation: the BVC 310 FRESH Continuous Form Fill and Seal machine. This VFFS is specifically designed for producers like you, with high hygiene standards and a need for quick format changes. The BVC 310 FRESH is your compact packaging solution guaranteeing maximum shelf life for your products: ✨ Speedy Performance: Up to 180 bags per minute, ensuring efficiency without compromising quality. ✨ Hygiene Excellence: Wash down version in stainless steel, with electrical components meeting IP 65 standards. ✨ Easy Maintenance: Sealed housing without cavities or flat surfaces, ensuring accessibility and simplicity in cleaning. ✨ Superior Protection: Optimum bag quality guarantees maximum shelf life for your products.   Say goodbye to packaging hassles and hello to streamlined operations. Elevate your production standards and meet the demands of today's market with ease.   Interested in learning more? Contact us today and let's discuss how the BVC 310 FRESH can support your packaging process! #FreshProduce #FrozenFood #PackagingInnovation #BVC310FRESH  

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