sonoware GmbH

sonoware GmbH


Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein 176 Follower:innen


sonoware GmbH was founded in October 2015 with headquarters in Kiel, Germany and is serving numerous industries all over the world with top-notch software and services. We gather, process, and enhance raw sensor data in the most challenging environments and provide our customers with state-of-the-art, real-time signal processing solutions. WE LOVE SOFTWARE Our software achieves high performance and short time-to-market using hardware-specific optimizations and a modular approach. To give you the most comfort when tuning our system to your needs, we ship our software with easy-to-use visual tuning tools. REAL-TIME DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING MADE IN KIEL Customers across various industries trust in sonoware for our reliable software and extensive support. Let it be sonar signal processing for the maritime industry, in-car communication and hands-free for the automotive field, or disease detection through ultrasound in healthcare. We at sonoware love to help our clients make a positive impact.

2–10 Beschäftigte
Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein
Speech Signal Processing, Audio Signal Processing, Real-time Processing, Beamforming, Echo and Feedback Control, Noise Reduction, Machine Learning, AI, Embedded Software und Rapid Prototyping


Beschäftigte von sonoware GmbH


  • Unternehmensseite von sonoware GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Looking for Ghost Nets in the Kiel Fjord ⚓ Few weeks ago, sonoware GmbH along with the partners from GhostNetBusters, navigated the Kiel Fjord to scout the coastlines for lost fishing gear and ghost nets polluting the waters around the beaches and harbors. Thanks to the “SeeKuh,” owned and operated One Earth - One Ocean e.V., we were able to maneuver close to the shore and mark numerous points of interest. These locations will now be inspected by scientific divers from the Scientific Diving Association e.V., who will confirm and remove the detected ghost nets. To detect these ghost nets, we used two “Starfish” side-scan sonars which were provided by Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research and MacArtney Underwater Technology Group. The materials in the ghost nets appear differently in the sonar images. Metal parts, such as lead lines and ground weights, show up as stones and glowing lines within the images. The plastics and fabrics of the nets themselves are harder to detect, as these materials have very limited sound-reflecting properties and are barely visible through acoustic detection. This is where sonoware’s signal processing technology comes into play. We look forward to sharing more details about the project's progress in the coming months. The project team consists of the GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel and sonoware GmbH, and it is funded by the AI fund of the state of Schleswig-Holstein. #oceanresearch #sonoware #digitalsignalprocessing Picture Credit: sonoware GmbH

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  • Unternehmensseite von sonoware GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    “All Hands on Deck!” – sonoware receives AI funding grant from the Land Schleswig-Holstein for the collaborative research project GhostNetBusters. ⚓ According to current data, over 12,500 km of ghost nets are estimated to be currently lost in the Baltic Sea. While some are floating through the currents as silent killers, others sink to the bottom of the ocean floor as a deadly blanket for marine wildlife. GhostNetBusters is a collaborative research project aiming to support the detection of lost fishing gear and ghost nets in the Baltic Sea through the innovative usage of object detection using side-scan sonar technology. We are proud to collaborate with GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel to tackle this challenge together and are happy to announce that the State of Schleswig-Holstein is funding the project with €221,000. As associated project partners, we are thrilled to have One Earth - One Ocean e.V. and the Scientific Diving Association e.V. at our side to support the project. For more details about the project, find our full news release below: #sonoware #digitalsignalprocessing #objectdetection #ghostnets Mia Schumacher Finn Spitz Warner Brueckmann Stephan Senkbeil Christian Lüke Steffen Yader Stadler Hubert Pinto De Kraus Rüdiger Stöhr Picture Credit: Adobe Stock, Kjield Friis

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  • Unternehmensseite von sonoware GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    The Challenges of In-Car Communication: Audio Signal Processing in Modern Vehicles (2/2) 🚗 In the previous post, we’ve introduced the various challenges in-car communication (ICC) systems have to tackle to enable seamless interaction between passengers and driver. Each of the challenges described requires unique hardware and software solutions and adapted algorithms to create the perfect conversation experience. Let us dive in some of the features, we are working with: 1.   Noise Reduction and Echo Cancellation One of the primary functions of audio processing in ICC is noise reduction. By using advanced algorithms, the system identifies and suppresses background noises, such as road noise or wind, ensuring that conversations remain clear and intelligible. Echo cancellation is another critical feature. It prevents the annoying echo effect that can occur during conversations, ensuring a smooth and natural interaction between passengers. Echo cancellation is particularly challenging, as it requires significantly lower latency and needs to distinguish between words spoken by persons and words repeated through the audio system. 2.   Automatic Gain Control ICC applications use something called automatic gain control (AGC) to balance the audio levels of different speakers. Whether someone is speaking softly or loudly, AGC adjusts the volume to maintain consistent sound levels, ensuring everyone is heard clearly. 3.   Directional Microphones and Beamforming Directional microphones and beamforming technologies focus on the sound from specific directions, typically where the speaker is located. This selective hearing capability minimizes the interference from other sounds and improves the clarity of communication within the vehicle. 4.   Adaptive Algorithms for Real-Time Adjustment Modern ICC systems use adaptive algorithms that continually adjust to changing acoustic environments. Whether you’re driving through a quiet suburb or a bustling city, the ICC system dynamically optimizes the audio for clear communication. If you ever have the chance to drive a traditional classic car, take a moment to enjoy the difference between the sound systems of the past and what your current car is able to do in regards to communication. The more modern your personal ride, the more likely you have gotten used to modern ICC systems. You might even have enjoyed our software without your knowledge. #sonoware #InCarCommunication #AudioSignalProcessing Fotocredit: Foto von ThisisEngineering auf Unsplash

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  • Unternehmensseite von sonoware GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    The Challenges of In-Car Communication: Audio Signal Processing in Modern Vehicles (1/2) 🚗 Compared to cars we’ve grown up with, today’s vehicles are practically computers on wheels with people sitting inside. Here, the practice of in-car communication (ICC) has become a prominent feature for passenger vehicles, enabling seamless interaction between passengers and driver. At the heart of this advanced functionality, audio signal processing algorithms tackle multiple challenges at once. 1.   People facing forward For larger vehicles, multi-zone communication is essential. ICC enables selective communication within different areas of the car, allowing the driver to speak directly to rear passengers without turning around or shouting, and vice versa. 2.   Interaction with Infotainment Systems To make ICC truly supportive it needs to interact with the vehicle’s infotainment system. This allows passengers to communicate without interruption, even while enjoying music, using navigation systems or when a window is open. Here, the ICC system intelligently prioritizes speech over playback volume when necessary. 3.   Adaptive Enhancement to changing circumstances ICC systems continually adjust to changing acoustic environments. Whether one is driving through a quiet suburb or a bustling city, the system dynamically optimizes the audio output for clear communication. This includes reduction of noise and echoes, speech amplification or other clarity enhancement algorithms. If you ever have the chance to drive a traditional classic car, take a moment to enjoy the difference between the sound systems of the past and what your current car is able to do in regards to communication. The more modern your personal ride, the more likely you have gotten used to modern ICC systems. You might even have enjoyed our software without your knowledge. #sonoware #InCarCommunication #AudioSignalProcessing Fotocredit: Foto von Dawid Zawiła auf Unsplash

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  • Unternehmensseite von sonoware GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    What is the difference between an alerting siren and a regular honking car in urban traffic sound processing? 🚒 The answer lies within the distinctive tone sequence that is used in an alerting signal. What German children learn as "Tatü-Ta-Ta" is nothing but a fixed tone sequence designed to stand out from the urban traffic enviroment to be recognized immediately and without failure. What humans can do quite easily, however, poses a serious challenge for smart vehicles that are increasingly relying on partly or fully autonomous systems. Such software-defined-vehicles (SDVs) tackle this challenge in real-time through sophisticated audio signal analysis. How does Siren Detection work in SDVs? 1. Integrated audio sensors continously capture ambient sounds, including sirens. 2. Real-time signal processing software analysis the captured sound in real-time to identify specific patterns that match emergency sirens. This is achieved through: - Digital Signal Processing (DSP): Filters and analyzes audio frequencies to isolate siren sounds. - Machine Learning Algorithms: Trained to recognize and differentiate between various types of sirens, ensuring accurate detection. 3. Instant driver alerts or even automatic system adjustments such as reducing speed allow modern SDVs to ensure a safe response to the approaching emergency vehicle. Interested how this technology works? Check out these tests that we have made some time ago with our siren detection demonstrator: #sonoware #softwaredefinedvehicles #digitalsignalprocessing Picture Credit: Matt Popovich auf Unsplash

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  • Unternehmensseite von sonoware GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    176 Follower:innen

    Ready?...Set!... Come meet us at Waterkant Festival 2024! What does detecting ghost-nets and speaker training have in common? Well, aside from the fact that we are displaying both projects at the Waterkant Festival, they are both relying heavily on digital signal processing. Something that we do on a daily basis, are very passionate about and enables us to provide innovative solutions in all kinds of markets and applications. The Waterkant Festival is a local tech and entrepreneurship exhibition/workshop/party here in Kiel's former military facility MFG5 and is a great opportunity to experience numerous exciting startups, projects and companies with differing backgrounds and products. Come visit us and GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel at the ocean stage to get an idea about the size of an actual ghost net or take a look at the communications area and train your charismatic speech with the Pitcher by AllGoodSpeakers ApS (powered by sonoware GmbH's signal processing). Come and get in touch while enjoying Kiel's next best event after the Kieler Woche ;) Special thanks also to One Earth - One Ocean e.V. for providing us with a real ghostnet they've collected from the baltic sea. #sonoware #AllGoodSpeakers #WaterkantFestival #digitalsignalprocessing

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  • Unternehmensseite von sonoware GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    From Researchers to Entrepreneurs … a sonoware story! 🚀 Last Thursday, one of our founders retold the crazy story of how a small team of researchers moved from science to business and gained their first client on the other side of the world. Roughly 8.5 years ago, our founders Stephan Senkbeil, Christian Lüke, Jochen Withopf, and Merikan Koyun(ex) departed from the research group Digital Systems and System Theory, led by Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schmidt, to transfer their research knowledge into value-creating business. Powered through the EXIST funding program and Zentrum für Entrepreneurship - ZfE Uni Kiel, the initial idea was to provide state-of-the-art in-car communication technology, a technology which was experiencing strong interest from major car companies holding close contact with the university. Just one month after the launch of sonoware, the first client, a US-based car manufacturer, requested our services for their cars. A couple of months later, a Californian company from an entirely different industry, namely healthcare, facing similar issues to our previous challenges, approached us. This early, unexpected success shifted sonoware from a car software supplier to a more generalistic software company. Naturally, the team faced ups and downs. There were moments when it was unsure if there would be enough money for the upcoming weeks. Questions arose about whether the product had a future at all. Whether it was the diesel scandal or the COVID-19 pandemic, while some events dampened business significantly, the exploration of new applications and markets opened up unexpected opportunities for growth. Today, sonoware almost doubled its headcount since its initial launch and is still heavily involved in cutting-edge innovation research. The company is serving clients all over the globe and is conducting business in over five different industries. Many business relationships are long-lasting success stories of joint value creation, and we are very proud to stand where we are today. One thing has never changed over the years: fun and teamwork have always been a crucial part of our business. By the way, the displayed system shows a beamforming device that tells you where a sound came from... on this day particularly... where the seagulls are 👂 #sonoware #transfertag #technologytransfer #digitalsignalprocessing Fotocredit: Left: Ann-Christin Wimber Right: sonoware GmbH

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  • Unternehmensseite von sonoware GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Why do we like to listen to some people more than to others? Everybody has witnessed the longest lesson, the longest speech, or the longest conversation of their lives at least once in their lifetime. Then again, even longer lessons, speeches, and conversations sometimes finish in the seemingly blink of an eye. The secret ingredient? Charisma 🕵♀️ Whether it's a business meeting with a client or an interesting stranger you’ve met at the bar, being charismatic can be essential when trying to deliver a certain message while seeming sympathetic and relatable at the same time and grabbing the listener's attention. What is it that sets truly captivating speakers apart from the rest? The answer often lies in the nuances of their voice. As speech and audio engineers, we differentiate between four aspects when examining voice charisma: 🔹 Pitch Variation: A dynamic range that keeps the audience engaged and emphasizes key points. 🔹 Tone: Warm and confident tones that foster trust and connection. 🔹 Pace: A well-modulated pace that ensures clarity and keeps the listener's interest. 🔹 Volume Control: Effective use of volume that can highlight important messages and convey emotion. However, even if you know these aspects of your voice, improving them is a challenging task without the right voice training. One of our clients, AllGoodSpeakers ApS, has developed such a charisma trainer, and we are very proud to be able to display their Charisma Pitcher at the upcoming Waterkant Festival next week. Want to check on your charismatic voice? Drop by our booth at Waterkant Festival and elevate your communication skills! #sonoware #AllGoodSpeakers #speechprocessing #voicetraining Credit: Deutsche Presse-Agentur

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  • Unternehmensseite von sonoware GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    The 3 pillars of speech perception... ... make up what we understand when we communicate with one another. The same words or phrases can change their entire meaning just because of the tone in which they were expressed. In comics, artists use different shapes of speech bubbles, for example, and in chats, emojis are used to deliver a certain tone to the message. While just a single word might have been said, the tone delivers significantly more information to the listener and is crucial for us as humans to understand one another. In speech processing, this tone is analyzed to understand not what has been said, but how it was said. A shaking voice, for example, which could often be associated with anger or sadness, looks a little bit like a shaking frequency in audio processing, with vocals being more or less stressed than in a normal conversation. Audio engineers would refer to these phenomena as “Jitter” or “Shimmer.” Jitter measures the small, rapid changes in the fundamental frequency (pitch) of the voice. Shimmer measures the small, rapid changes in the amplitude (loudness) of the voice. Imagine you are calling the police, and the recipient can already tell that you are in serious distress even if you need to hide the purpose of your call. While conventional speech recognition aims to detect certain wake-up words and sentences, speech emotion recognition provides insights into the state of the speaker. What about you? Can you think of any innovative use cases for speech emotion recognition? #sonoware #speechrecognition #speechemotionrecognition #speakerrecognition Fotocredit: 1. Scene: Rush Hour, New Line Cinema, 1998 - taken from Imgflip 2. Scene: Friends, Warner Bros., 1994 - 2004 - taken from Pinterest 3. Scene: 96 Hours, 20th Century Studios, 2008 - created with Imgflip

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  • Unternehmensseite von sonoware GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Interested in how the founders of sonoware GmbH moved from researchers to entrepreneurs? Drop by at Kiel University Innovations- und Transfertag and meet one of our founders Stephan Senkbeil. #sonoware #technologytransfer #digitalsignalprocessing

    Unternehmensseite von Wissenschaftszentrum Kiel anzeigen, Grafik

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    𝐒𝐞𝐢𝐝 𝐢𝐡𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐭 𝐟ü𝐫 𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒? Wir freuen uns, auch dieses Jahr wieder Gastgeber des Transfertags zu sein! 🌟 Am 6. Juni 2024 verbinden wir Unternehmen, Start-ups, Forschende und Studierende, um Ideen und Innovationen auszutauschen. 💡 Diese Programm-Highlights dürft ihr nicht verpassen: 🧠Podiumsdiskussion mit Top-Experten 💻 Ausstellungen und Pitches zu Digitalisierung & KI, Energiewende und neuen Materialien ✨ Keynote von Tijen Onaran: „𝐷𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑡ä𝑡 𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝐼𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑎𝑙𝑠 𝑆𝑐ℎ𝑙ü𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑙 𝑧𝑢𝑚 𝐸𝑟𝑓𝑜𝑙𝑔“ 📅 6. Juni 2024, ab 14:30 Uhr 📍 Wissenschaftszentrum Kiel 🎟️ Kostenfrei, keine Anmeldung nötig Wir sind gespannt auf das Line-Up mit allen Pitches und unser gefülltes Gelände! Also, sehen wir uns bei uns am nächsten Donnerstag? 😉 Mehr Infos unter: #Transfertag #Innovation #Networking #Wissenschaft #Forschung #Startups #Unternehmen #Digitalisierung #KI #Energiewende #NeueMaterialien #Diversität #Erfolg #WissenschaftszentrumKiel #CAUKiel #ZfEKiel Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel Zentrum für Entrepreneurship - ZfE Uni Kiel Phi-Stone AG Acquandas thin film solution sonoware GmbH Glowseeker Spielwende MySpirulina IMENSUS® UG Optimar Soilmonitor CAPTN Energy EKSH - Gesellschaft für Energie und Klimaschutz Schleswig-Holstein GmbH KI.SH EDIH.SH Tijen Onaran u.v.m.

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