Erneuerbare Energie & Umwelt

Sonnenbühl, Deutschland 11.979 Follower:innen


SOWITEC is one of the leading companies for developing, financing, building and operating renewable energy projects across Latin America, Germany, Kazakhstan, Thailand, Kenya, Zimbabwe and Zambia. With its head office in Sonnenbühl, Germany and more than 140 employees worldwide, SOWITEC is a truly vertically integrated solution provider covering all areas of wind and solar project realisation and operation: Site assessment, community engagement, planning and design, licensing and interconnection, OEM and EPC contracting, financial structuring, EPC and operations management as well as the complete CDM value chain and corresponding commercialisation of certificates. SOWITEC's success is based upon the combination of long-term experience, technical and commercial excellence, a strong partner network and unique local capacities. These distinct features provide the foundation for previous and future ventures.

Erneuerbare Energie & Umwelt
51–200 Beschäftigte
Sonnenbühl, Deutschland
wind onshore, solar PV, stakeholder engagement, renewable energy regulation, site assessment, new market penetration, Equator Principles, indigenous communities, OEM & EPC contract negatiation, energy auction participation, projcet finance, IFC performance standards und Storage


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    🌬️ Bürgerinfoveranstaltung Windpark Creußen III 🌬️ Das sind Georg, Hans und Fritz – die drei Windkraftanlagen in Creußen-Neuhof, die der Gemeinde seit 20 Jahren dienen. Jetzt sollen sie durch zwei hochmoderne Anlagen mit einer Gesamtkapazität von 14,4 MW ersetzt werden! Durch dieses sogenannte "Repowering" wird die Anzahl der Anlagen reduziert, während die installierte Leistung mehr als verdreifacht wird. ⚡ Vor zwei Wochen fand eine öffentliche Informationsveranstaltung vor Ort statt. Rund 50 interessierte Bürgerinnen und Bürger nahmen daran teil und konnten ihre Fragen an unseren Projektleiter Steffen Mauser und den Leiter der Projektentwicklung, Patrick Hartung, stellen. Unser Ziel ist es, den Genehmigungsantrag noch vor Jahresende einzureichen. Vielen Dank an alle, die dabei waren und Interesse an der Zukunft der erneuerbaren Energien in unserer Gemeinde gezeigt haben! 🌱 #Windenergie #ErneuerbareEnergien #Nachhaltigkeit #Repowering #CreußenIII

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    🌟 Exciting News from Zimbabwe! 🌟 We're happy to share that the 5 MW Gutu Solar Power Project, for which SOWITEC Kenya conducted feasibility studies, has now reached the EPC procurement stage! The Infrastructure Development Bank of Zimbabwe (IDBZ) board has officially approved the project and will finance its development. This marks a major milestone in advancing renewable energy efforts in Zimbabwe. SOWITEC Kenya, in collaboration with Mazedeck Ventures (Z)Ltd, was entrusted with the feasibility and ESIA studies, funded by the French Development Agency (AFD). The project is expected to be completed within the next 12 months. Taking this opportunity SOWITEC wants to acknowledge the dedication and hard work of our SOWITEC Kenya team, who were instrumental in the planning, execution, and handover of the assignment. 👏 Check out the media highlights of this important milestone for the project: 🔗 We're grateful for the support from the IDBZ board and look forward to seeing this project contribute to Zimbabwe’s renewable energy goals. 🌍💡 #RenewableEnergy #SolarPower #SOWITEC #Zimbabwe #SustainableDevelopment #Teamwork

    IDBZ Approves 5 MW Gutu Solar Power Plant To Boost Zimbabwe’s Renewable Energy Efforts

    IDBZ Approves 5 MW Gutu Solar Power Plant To Boost Zimbabwe’s Renewable Energy Efforts

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    "É conversando que a gente se entende." Quem é da Bahia sabe o quanto essa frase é comum por lá. E foi justamente com esse espírito que o #DiálogoBahia, realizado em 13/09/2024, reuniu empresas do setor privado, entre elas a SOWITEC, e representantes do governo para discutir as problemáticas e especificidades das energias eólicas no estado.   Não se trata apenas de transição energética, mas de uma verdadeira transformação econômica e social. O foco é construir o Brasil de hoje, com uma visão de longo prazo para o país.   O evento reuniu importantes atores do setor, abordando temas como corredores de vento, gestão da biodiversidade, licença social para operar, entre outros pontos cruciais para uma abordagem holística do trabalho. Além disso, foram discutidas práticas essenciais para responder às incertezas jurídicas. Sim, a Bahia tem bons ventos, e eles trazem esperança para a sociedade, o meio ambiente e o setor. #ABEEólica #DiálogoBahia

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    🎉 SOWITEC DAY – Um Grande Sucesso! 🎉   Estamos radiantes em compartilhar que o SOWITEC DAY em nosso escritório no Brasil, foi um grande sucesso! Com a presença ilustre da Energizar Consultoria no dia 06.09.2024 inauguramos nossa nova sede da SOWITEC do Brasil com um dia repleto de palestras inspiradoras, painéis de discussão e momentos de integração que reforçaram ainda mais nosso espírito de equipe. Foi uma alegria ver todos unidos para aprender e celebrar nossa nova casa. As diversas atividades ao longo do dia foram essenciais para fortalecer nosso sentimento de família e pertencimento, mostrando como nossas experiências pessoais influenciam positivamente nossa trajetória profissional. Agradecemos imensamente a todos os colaboradores que participaram e fizeram deste evento uma experiência tão especial. Juntos, continuamos a fortalecer os alicerces do futuro da SOWITEC. 🌍💡 #SOWITEC #TeamSpirit #RenewableEnergy #Innovation #NewBeginnings #Sustainability 

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    SOWITEC BRAZIL no FNE 2024! 🤝🏼 A SOWITEC BRAZIL tem o prazer de compartilhar que participou do Fórum Nacional Eólico, um dos eventos mais importantes do setor energético no Brasil.  Representada pelo time técnico Alysson Guimaraes, PMP® e Victória Bello Negrão, e com a ilustre participação do Diretor Rafael Valverde, moderando o painel Socioambiental do 2° dia de evento, a equipe participou das discussões sobre os principais desafios e oportunidades que moldam o futuro da energia no Brasil.  Nós reforçamos nosso compromisso contínuo com a excelência e a inovação. #Sowitec #Brazil #FórumNacionalEólico #Renewable #WindEnergy

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    Bei SOWITEC geht's hoch hinaus. 🪁   Unsere Praktikant*innen haben diese Woche ein besonderes Highlight erlebt - die Begehung einer Windenergieanlage unseres ältesten Windparks Himmelberg auf der Schwäbischen Alb. 🌄   Elena H., Jonas Schmid und Marise Hummel unterstützen aktuell die Projektentwicklung in Deutschland und konnten viel über die Geschichte der Firma SOWITEC sowie den Aufbau und die Technik der verschiedenen Windkraftanlagen lernen. Die Technik der Windenergieanlagen hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten rasant weiterentwickelt. Die Anlagen auf dem Himmelberg waren 1995 die größten auf dem Markt. Moderne Windkraftanlagen haben heute eine beeindruckende Gesamthöhe von über 200 Metern.   Elena Haberzettl merkt an: "Die Besichtigung der Windenergieanlage war eine unvergessliche Erfahrung. Sie hat in mir erneut die Faszination dafür geweckt, wie wir mit nachhaltigen Technologien die Energiewende in Deutschland erfolgreich vorantreiben können."    Auch unser neuer Projektleiter Dominik Vieren erlebte hautnah, wie beeindruckend eine Windkraftanlage aus nächster Nähe wirkt und genoss den weiten Blick über das Ländle.   Unser CEO, Frank Hummel, betont: "Es ist uns wichtig, dass unsere neuen Mitarbeiter*innen und Praktikant*innen nicht nur die Theorie im Büro mitbekommen, sondern auch wertvolle technische Einblicke erlangen. Und wo könnte das besser geschehen als direkt vor Ort im Windpark?“   Allen Teilnehmer*innen wird dieser Tag sicherlich in positiver Erinnerung bleiben. 🌱 #SOWITEC #WindEnergy #RenewableEnergy #Sustainability #Germany

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    Great partnership between SOWITEC & ELECNOR in a new cutting-edge solar project!   We are proud to announce our collaboration with ELECNOR in co-developing a solar energy project in the north of Peru.    As we expand our Peruvian portfolio, we are set to pioneer solar technology in the developing region.   Ronald Marinovich, Country Director of SOWITEC Perú, shared: "We are deeply committed to this collaboration and anticipate that, throughout the various stages of this important project, we will be able to make a valuable contribution to the region and the country's development."   Stay tuned for more updates as we work together to bring sustainable energy solutions to Peru! ☀🌱 #SOWITEC #ELECNOR #SolarEnergy #RenewableEnergy #Peru #Sustainability #Partnership #Innovation

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    Rafael Valverde Appointed as New Managing Director of SOWITEC Brazil. 🌟 Exciting Leadership Announcement at SOWITEC Brazil 🌟 We are pleased to announce that Rafael Valverde has been appointed as the new Managing Director of SOWITEC do Brazil. With over 20 years of solid experience in the renewable energy sector, Rafael joins us at a strategic moment. SOWITEC Brazil, with the largest operation within the SOWITEC group globally, is one of the major developers of renewable energy projects in the country. Rafael's leadership aims to drive innovation and strengthen our market position. Frank Hummel, CEO of SOWITEC group, shares, "Rafael’s management will be fundamental for sustainable growth and the consolidation of the company as a reference in the development of projects in Brazil." Rafael, hailing from Bahia, holds a degree in Electrical Engineering and a master's in energy regulation. He currently serves as a Board Member of ABEEólica - Associação Brasileira de Energia Eólica Onshore e Offshore e Novas Tecnologias (Brazilian Association of Wind Energy and New Technologies) and the Infrastructure Council of Federação das Indústrias do Estado da Bahia -FIEB (Federation of Industries of the State of Bahia). With a rich background spanning academia, government, energy companies, and consultancies, Rafael brings invaluable expertise from Eolus, a company he founded over a decade ago. Rafael Valverde emphasizes, “It will be a privilege to lead SOWITEC Brazil in this new phase. I am convinced that we will achieve great results and significantly contribute to the expansion of renewable energy sources in the country.” Welcome aboard, Rafael! We're excited to have your leadership and vision guiding us to new heights. #RenewableEnergy #Leadership #SOWITEC #Sustainability #WindEnergy #SolarEnergy #EnergyTransition #Brazil

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    Rafael Valverde assume a diretoria da SOWITEC no Brasil, visando a liderança no setor de energias renováveis 🌟 A SOWITEC do Brasil, pioneira em projetos de energias renováveis, tem o prazer de anunciar Rafael Valverde como seu novo Diretor Executivo. Com mais de 20 anos de experiência no setor, Rafael assume a posição em um momento estratégico para a empresa. A SOWITEC do Brasil, sendo a maior operação do grupo SOWITEC no mundo, é uma das principais desenvolvedoras de projetos de energia renovável no país. Frank Hummel, CEO da SOWITEC group, afirma: "A gestão do Rafael será fundamental para o crescimento sustentável e a consolidação da empresa como referência no desenvolvimento de projetos no Brasil." Rafael Valverde, baiano, é formado em Engenharia Elétrica e mestre em regulação energética. Atualmente, ele é membro do Conselho de Administração da ABEEólica - Associação Brasileira de Energia Eólica Onshore e Offshore e Novas Tecnologias e do Conselho de Infraestrutura da Federação das Indústrias do Estado da Bahia -FIEB. Com uma carreira que abrange academia, governos, empresas de energia e consultorias, Rafael traz sua experiência da Eolus, empresa que fundou há mais de 10 anos. Rafael Valverde destaca: “Será um privilégio liderar a Sowitec Brasil neste novo momento. Tenho convicção que alcançaremos resultados grandiosos e contribuiremos significativamente para a expansão das fontes renováveis no país.” Bem-vindo a bordo, Rafael! Estamos entusiasmados por ter a sua liderança e visão a guiar-nos para novos patamares. #EnergiasRenováveis #Liderança #SOWITEC #Sustentabilidade #EnergiaEólica #EnergiaSolar

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