Wir danken Renata Jungo Brüngger und ihrem Team für den Besuch unserer Neupräsentation "This ist tomorrow" in der #StaatsgalerieStuttgart 🤩
Art has always been a vital part of my life, providing me with a much-needed balance. That's why my team and I just recently visited a fantastic exhibition at the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart. The exhibition “This is tomorrow” beautifully showcases, that themes like ecological crises, war, violence, identity, and societal coexistence have been central to artistic creation for at least a century. A highlight for me was Clément Cogitore's video installation "Les Indes Galantes", which is part of the Mercedes-Benz Art Collection. It merges baroque opera ballet with modern rhythm and dance styles. The longer you watch it, the more captivated you become by the multitude of influences he seamlessly blends together. If you have the chance, I highly recommend visiting "This is tomorrow" which runs until the end of the year. It’s a source of inspiration and thought-provoking insights. Clément Cogitore, Les Indes Galantes, 2017, Leihgabe der Mercedes-Benz Art Collection © Clement Cogitore / Production: 3° Scène - Opéra national de Paris - Les Films Pelléas / Choreography: Bintou Dembele, Igor Carouge, Brahim Rachiki