Ströer CORE

Ströer CORE


Leverkusen, North Rhine-Westphalia 555 Follower:innen

Corporate Strategy & Innovation


Ströer Core is the company in which the Ströer Group's core product is defined and developed.

11–50 Beschäftigte
Leverkusen, North Rhine-Westphalia
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Strategie, Innovation und Research


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    Werkstättenstraße 31


    Leverkusen, North Rhine-Westphalia 51379, DE


Beschäftigte von Ströer CORE


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    555 Follower:innen

    Today we're telling you the inside story. 🤫   Because: As a brand, you can't avoid outdoor advertising. And neither can individuals. We see it every day on our way to work, when we go shopping or when we visit our favourite bar.   But have you ever asked yourself...   ... How exactly does the perception of outdoor advertising work? And what makes it successful? 🤔   There are a number of insights and design tips that are an important building block for successful communication. We didn't want to keep them from you, so we've prepared them for you in the form of a blog series.   We start the series today with the lead article by Georg Schotten, who takes you to the city and explains the importance of creation in advertising communication. 🏙️   Click on the link in the comments to continue reading 👇   Stay tuned! 🚀

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    Profil von Nataliia S. anzeigen, Grafik

    Corporate Strategy & Innovation (Market research | Data analysis)

    Artificial Intelligence – More Than Just a Trend! 🤖 💡 AI is now a big part of our everyday lives, but there are still a lot of questions that need answers. One of the big questions I focused on in my master’s thesis was: Is human-machine interaction capable of fostering a bond between humans and machines? I’m really happy I chose this interesting topic for my research: studying rapport in human-machine interaction via psychophysiological measurements. It was definitely more challenging than I expected, but I’m proud of the outcome. This new approach gave us some valuable insights that could help push research in this area forward. Big thanks to my advisors, Prof. Dr. Ivonne Preusser, Vanessa Mai and Gernot Heisenberg, for their constant support and expertise. 🔗 You can check out the article here – enjoy reading!

    Relationship building in human-machine interaction: A proof of concept on the influence of self-disclosure on rapport in chatbot coaching using psychophysiological measurements

    Relationship building in human-machine interaction: A proof of concept on the influence of self-disclosure on rapport in chatbot coaching using psychophysiological measurements

  • Unternehmensseite von Ströer CORE anzeigen, Grafik

    555 Follower:innen

    We heard rumors about the development of a friendly everyday helper? Is it you Baymax? 🤖 The rumor mill is churning again, and we have a few statements for you this week. Truth or lies? Well, find out! With our 10 things newsletter, we collect the hottest trends and news from the tech and media industry every week and deliver the gems straight to your inbox on Mondays. Take a guess and find out if you're up to date 💯

  • Unternehmensseite von Ströer CORE anzeigen, Grafik

    555 Follower:innen

    The powerful triad of hindsight, insight and foresight 💡 This was the motto of this year's edition of The Conference in Malmö. Ströer was represented by Christian von den Brincken and Tim Bardon. Over two days, the focus was on looking back to understand how certain undesirable developments in the areas of the environment, society and technology came about. On the second day, the focus was on looking forward in order to identify possible solutions. Speakers came from Google, IBM, MIT MediaLabs, Ikea and the Rockefeller Foundation, among others.  All keynotes and presentations are also available online as videos. On the following slides you will find impressions of the conference as well as Tim's top 3 keynotes. We have linked the detailed report by Christian von den Brincken on both conference days as well as Tim's top 3 keynotes in the comments. 👇 The Conference will return in 2025.

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    555 Follower:innen

    Should we be thinking about utopias? Really? In times like these? We don't have time for that! Or do we?   We were out-of-home again. To be more precise, our colleague Bianca Maria Reithmeier was at the Utopia Conference at Leuphana Universität Lüneburg last week. 💬   What was particularly exciting was the mixture of formats between impulses on diagnoses of the times and utopian designs and the direct exchange in the workshops and thinking spaces.   So should we think in utopias? Yes! As Florence Gaub said so well: ‘Utopias are born in crisis, not when we are already unwinding on the beach.’   This conference was packed with smart input, especially for those who are doubting right now. But since we're on LinkedIn, let's keep it short and to the point. On the following slides you can see which 3 insights particularly drove Bianca. 🧠   Thank you to the fantastic speakers and organisers for this inspiring event. We are already looking forward to the next Utopia Conference 👏

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    **The Conference Malmö, Day 2: A Glimmer of Salvation, But Only at the Last Minute.** Day 2 at The Conference was...well, let's just say it was an experience. Most sessions were a mix of retrospectives on how we ended up in this "mess," or conveniently sidestepping the main issues. And then there were the blatant sales pitches—IBM, I'm looking at you. What started as a "workshop" for 200 eager attendees quickly devolved into a dull sales parade for Watson and IBM's consulting services. Even Google felt the need to defend Search against AI, in what can only be described as a masterclass in missing the point. Kickstarter tried to present itself as something… new? ;-) The day itself felt like chewing an old piece of gum—flavorless, uncomfortable, and each chew just made it worse. Long breaks were rebranded as "networking opportunities," while uninspired installations were hyped as "experiences." But then, in the eleventh hour, Nipun Mehta from ServiceSpace took the stage and single-handedly salvaged the day. His keynote was a breath of fresh air, with gems like, "Men want systems to be so good that they do not have to be," and the closing thought: "Change yourself, don’t blame the system." Mehta delivered actionable insights—from Karma Kitchens to Service Spaces—wrapped in genuine warmth and generosity and brought in some flavor of history telling us about his close relationship with the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu. In short, Nipun Mehta, you saved the show. But aside from his stellar keynote, there wasn't much else worth my time. After a decade of consistently great conferences, maybe it's time to finally acknowledge that my love affair with The Conference is nearing its end. #TheConference #StrategicForesight

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    🌍 **Reflections from The Conference in Malmö, Sweden** 🌍 Another year, another gathering of 1,000 bright minds from the Nordics, with a few Americans and Germans thrown in for good measure, all converging in Malmö for what’s become one of Northern Europe’s most ambitious contemporary conferences. The mission? Save the world, of course. The reality? Well, that’s still up for debate. Day one kicked off with the motto, “Fix it instead of watering it with tears,” which sounds great in theory. Yet, if we’re being honest, the unspoken mantra felt more like, “Oh shit. How did we get here?” Promising? Definitely. Delivered? Not quite…at least, not yet. Jemma Foster got us started by urging us to listen to plants. Yes, you read that right. After a bit of meditation, she suggested we consider plants as members of our management boards. Apparently, one company has already done this. 🌱 The idea? Look differently, see differently, and maybe—just maybe—figure out how we ended up here in the first place. On a more analytical note, John de la Parra from the Rockefeller Foundation proposed a granular approach to decoding food ingredients, pushing for mathematical optimization to better feed the world. Katlyn Turner from MIT Media Labs introduced us to the Twin Framework (Ecology & Digital), leaving us pondering the digital-ecological dance. Then came Dan Shefet, the lawyer, who brought up the Right to be Forgotten—an increasingly hot topic in our digital age. Georgina Voss threw us into the world of Jurassic Park, not as a movie, but as a lesson in algorithmic choreography gone wrong. Who knew dinosaurs could teach us so much about system failures? Tony Olsson’s talk on doors—yes, doors—challenged us to think about barriers in ways we hadn’t considered. Are we using, building, or removing them wisely? Meanwhile, Matt Jones took on energy consumption, suggesting that a decentralized mesh network of solar collection and smart storage could be the key to our energy woes. Andie Nordgreen from Unity Software waxed philosophical about old code, describing it as a navigational map to understand system construction. And just when you thought it couldn’t get more diverse, Sean Ronaine, an ornithologist, stepped up to talk about listening to bird speech. Yes, birds might just hold the answers. By the end of the day, we had a lot of different keys jangling around, but none of them quite seemed to unlock the door. Promising beginnings devolved into legacy pitches, with not enough light to truly see our way out of the darkness. The biggest takeaway? Maybe we need to look back more carefully to understand how we got here. But hey, there’s always day two. Tomorrow’s focus? What we can actually *do* to create a better future. This conference teeters on the edge of art, technology, and sociology, boldly seeking new paths beyond the usual “AI plus Quantum will solve everything” mantra. #TheConference #Innovation #Sustainability #TechMeetsArt

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    Wir gehen in die nächste Quiz-Runde: Neue Woche, neues Glück! 🍀 Wisst ihr, welche der folgenden Statements gelogen sind oder nicht? Mit unserem 10 things-Newsletter tragen wir jede Woche die heißesten Trends und News aus der Tech- und Medienbranche zusammen und servieren euch die Perlen montags direkt in eure Postfächer. Ratet mit und findet heraus, ob ihr auf dem Laufenden seid 💯 Neugierig geworden? Wir haben euch den Newsletter in den Kommentaren verlinkt 👇

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    555 Follower:innen

    Achtung, in diesem Post wird gelogen! Oder doch nicht? 🤔 Mit unserem 10 things-Newsletter tragen wir jede Woche die heißesten Trends und News aus der Tech- und Medienbranche zusammen und servieren euch die Perlen montags direkt in eure Postfächer. Die Woche neigt sich dem Ende zu und jetzt seid ihr gefragt: Welches Statement stimmt und welches ist gelogen? Ratet mit und findet heraus, ob ihr auf dem Laufenden seid 💯 Neugierig geworden? Wir haben euch den Newsletter in den Kommentaren verlinkt 👇

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