Research in cloudy layers of water 🌊 MARUM researchers spent two weeks investigating material flows off northwest Africa. Read more about their findings ▶️ Universität Bremen MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg Universität Bayreuth Max Planck Society
MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen
MARUM – The Ocean in Depth!
MARUM produces fundamental scientific knowledge about the role of the ocean and the ocean floor in the total Earth system. The dynamics of the ocean and the ocean floor significantly impact the entire Earth system through the interaction of geological, physical, biological and chemical processes. These influence both the climate and the global carbon cycle, and create unique biological systems. MARUM is committed to fundamental and unbiased research in the interests of society and the marine environment, and in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. It publishes its quality-assured scientific data and makes it publicly available. MARUM informs the public about new discoveries in the marine environment and provides practical knowledge through its dialogue with society. MARUM cooperates with commercial and industrial partners in accordance with its goal of protecting the marine environment. MARUM maintains a fleet of modern underwater vehicles and instruments for deployment in the deep sea. This capability has helped to make it a center for marine research technology and a highly desired partner in international cooperative projects. In addition, MARUM operates the largest of the three world-wide core repositories of the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP). Training of early career scientists is a major goal of MARUM. The Graduate School GLOMAR hosts PhD students from MARUM and associated institutions and serves as an umbrella for other doctoral programmes such as the Integrated Research Training Groups (IRTG) INTERCOAST and ArcTrain. With its services and programmes, MARUM also aims to address important career planning needs of PhD students and Postdocs.
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MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen hat dies direkt geteilt
Thanks U Bremen Research Alliance for an exiting article. Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen
The formation of the Antarctic Ice Sheet occurred differently than was previously assumed. An international team led by U Bremen Research Alliance researchers made a surprising discovery using a unique drill core and elaborate modeling methods. The drill core was obtained during a 2017 expedition to West Antarctica with the Polarstern research vessel by the Alfred Wegener-Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI). The innovative approach that enabled the drill core retrieval is the MeBo70 seabed drill rig which was developed by the MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen. For the sedimentologist Dr. Johann Philipp Klages (AWI), MARUM’s MeBo70 is a good example of how the individual members of the U Bremen Research Alliance complement and strengthen each other’s work. Read more: ------------ Der antarktische Eisschild ist anders entstanden als bisher gedacht. Diese überraschende Entdeckung hat ein internationales Team unter Leitung von Forschenden der U Bremen Research Alliance mithilfe eines einzigartigen Bohrkerns und aufwendiger Modellierungen gemacht. Der Bohrkern wurde bei einer Expedition mit dem Forschungsschiff „Polarstern“ in die Westantarktis im Jahr 2017 vom Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung (AWI) gewonnen. Das Konzept für eine technische Innovation, ohne die der Bohrkern gar nicht hätte gehoben werden können, stammt vom MARUM der Universität Bremen: das Meeresboden-Bohrgerät MeBo70. Für den Sedimentologen Dr. Johann Philipp Klages (AWI) ist das MARUM MeBo70 ein gutes Beispiel dafür, wie sich die einzelnen #UBRA Mitgliedseinrichtungen in ihrer Arbeit ergänzen und stärken. Mehr dazu: 📸 Polarstern von AWI/Johann Klages; weitere von Jens Lehmkühler / U Bremen Research Alliance
We are happy to announce the next MARUM #ResearchSeminar with Dr. Kryss Waldschläger, Wageningen University 🗓️ When: 06.02.2025, 13:15 CET 🗺️ Where: MARUM, room 2070 More Info ➡️
MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen hat dies direkt geteilt
Eine weitere erfolgreiche Woche liegt hinter dem Team auf dem Forschungsschiff SONNE bei ihrer Expedition zu den Kaltwasserkorallen vor Neuseeland! 🪸⛴️ Mehrere Tauchgänge mit dem Tauchroboter MARUM SQUID des MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen haben faszinierende Einblicke und neue Erkenntnisse zu diesen außergewöhnlichen Ökosystemen ermöglicht. Das Team entdeckte unter anderem eine bislang unbekannte Gruppe von 100 Meter hohen, derzeit inaktiven Vulkanen, die ein dicht besiedeltes Substrat für Schwämme und Korallen bieten. 🤿 In mehreren hundert Metern Meerestiefe ist vor Neuseeland eine unglaubliche Vielfalt an farbenfrohen Lebewesen zu beobachten. Die Kaltwasserkorallen bieten einer großen Zahl von Organismen Lebensraum – auf einer einzigen Koralle können sich hunderte von winzigen Flohkrebsen (Amphipoda) tummeln. Seht ihr den kleinen Krebs mit den roten Augen? 😀 Das Team führte auch einen UV-Lichttest an einer biolumineszierenden Anemone durch, die mit ihrem Leuchten vermutlich Nahrung anlockt und beprobte die wunderschöne Einzelkoralle Flabellum knoxi, die mit ihren ausgestreckten Tentakeln am Meeresboden Nahrung fängt. 🪸 Und dann wurde mit dem Kernborer noch die bisher längste Sedimentprobe aus dem Meeresboden im Süden Neuseelands entnommen – stolze 8,56 Meter lang und reich an fossilen Kaltwasserkorallen! 💪 In dem Sedimentkern sind wichtige Informationen über die Umweltbedingungen der Vergangenheit gespeichert. Mehr Belohnung braucht es für den anstrengenden Einsatz an Bort eigentlich gar nicht – aber die Sonnenuntergänge sind herrlich! 🌅 Weiterhin gute Fahrt! Und wer live dabei sein möchte: Die Tauchgänge werden regelmäßig gestreamed 👉 📷 Tom Leymann; Lydia Beuck; MARUM – Zentrum für Marine Umweltwissenschaften, Universität Bremen; Severin Korfhage; Claudia Wienberg NIWA
Successful #SampleParty of #IODP Expedition 403 'Eastern Fram Strait Paleo-Archive': During the last two weeks, we had up to 38 scientists visiting the #BCR. All ∼22,500 sediment & rock samples have been taken and are ready to be shipped. Good job everyone! #ECORD Universität Bremen #JoidesResolution
Off into the deep sea: Follow the remotely operated diving vehicle #MARUM-SQUID on a dive off the coast of New Zealand live ➡ #SO309 #RVSONNE Senckenberg Nature Research Universität Bremen
Jetzt live: Unser ferngesteuerter Tauchroboter MARUM-SQUID taucht gerade vor der Küste Neuseelands ab. Während der Expedition #SO309 mit der FS #SONNE möchten Forschende mehr über Vorkommen von Kaltwasserkorallen rund um Neuseeland erfahren. Taucht mit hinab ➡️ Senckenberg Nature Research Universität Bremen
MARUM LiveDive - Expedition Livestream
Also – check out the expedition’s pictures of the day: ➡️
Follow live dives off the coast of New Zealand Cold-water coral ecosystems around New Zealand are being studied on the expedition SO309 with the research vessel SONNE. The aim of the research expedition is to gain insights into the development, occurrence and condition of these fascinating habitats. The CoralNewZ expedition, led by Prof. Dr. André Freiwald from Senckenberg Nature Research, combines state-of-the-art technologies – including multibeam echosounders, ROVs and molecular genetic methods – to study the coral habitats in detail and understand their interactions with environmental factors. Together with the MARUM and the NIWA (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research) from New Zealand, the team on board the SONNE is pursuing the goal of recording the diversity and functionality of these ecosystems and analyzing the long-term influences of climate changes. Also on board is the remotely operated vehicle MARUM-SQUID, which dives into the deep-sea ecosystems. Weather permitting, the dives can be followed live on the internet (via marumTV on YouTube). Find out more about scheduled dives and click here to follow live dives: ➡️
MARUM LiveDive - Expedition Livestream
Follow live dives off the coast of New Zealand Cold-water coral ecosystems around New Zealand are being studied on the expedition SO309 with the research vessel SONNE. The aim of the research expedition is to gain insights into the development, occurrence and condition of these fascinating habitats. The CoralNewZ expedition, led by Prof. Dr. André Freiwald from Senckenberg Nature Research, combines state-of-the-art technologies – including multibeam echosounders, ROVs and molecular genetic methods – to study the coral habitats in detail and understand their interactions with environmental factors. Together with the MARUM and the NIWA (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research) from New Zealand, the team on board the SONNE is pursuing the goal of recording the diversity and functionality of these ecosystems and analyzing the long-term influences of climate changes. Also on board is the remotely operated vehicle MARUM-SQUID, which dives into the deep-sea ecosystems. Weather permitting, the dives can be followed live on the internet (via marumTV on YouTube). Find out more about scheduled dives and click here to follow live dives: ➡️
MARUM LiveDive - Expedition Livestream
MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen hat dies direkt geteilt
Are you passionate about hydrothermal systems? Join us at Goldschmidt 2025 to delve into the evolution of these dynamic environments, from sunlit shallows to the dark ocean depths. Submit your abstract by February 26, 2025, and be part of the conversation!